“The clerk told me that it was very pitiful and no one liked it, but I thought it was cute, so I bought it.”Hermione whispered, as if she was afraid that Harry would be dissatisfied.

“Then you’ve made a great deal.” After Harry finished his inspection, he patted Crookshanks’ head. Crookshanks lay there expressionless, not moving at all.

“It is a mixed-blood catkin, and the price is not cheap. It may be because it does not have the most conspicuous spots, so it was mistaken for an ordinary cat by the clerk. It must have inherited the ability of a catkin, which is smarter than ordinary cats, and has the magical ability to identify danger and malice.”

Hermione opened her schoolbag and found a bound book with teeth in it. Originally, the book wanted to bite something after it came out of the schoolbag, but she ran her finger across the spine of the book, and the book softened immediately.

“Is this how the book is organized?” Harry asked in confusion.

“Yes, this is the method I finally found, isn’t it amazing?”Hermione raised her head slightly and said proudly, wanting to get Harry’s expression.

“Really? Mine is different from yours. It is very obedient now. Harry also took out an identical book from his bag.

But after Harry took it out, the book did not make any movement to bite it. It just lay there very quietly.

“”Oh, how did you do it?” Hermione was amazed. She tried many methods, and only the last method made the book quiet down.

But it couldn’t stop it from biting things at the beginning. Harry made the book quiet down completely, which made Hermione curious.

“Just punch it twice and point your wand at it, it’s easy.”Harry waved his hand and said, indicating that he was very relaxed.

Hermione was silent after hearing this. Violent threat? It’s really easy. Why didn’t she think of it at the beginning?

Hermione opened the book and looked through the contents. She soon found the record about the cat-nives. She read it carefully and liked it more and more. She hugged Crookshanks back. After Crookshanks returned to Hermione’s arms, he stretched out his claws and grabbed Hermione’s clothes, fearing that he would leave her.

Hermione felt Crookshanks’ attachment and patted his head gently.

At this time, Ron and the others also came over.

“”Harry, Hermione!” Ron greeted the two of them, but as he approached, he saw a pool of turmeric in Hermione’s arms, and his face suddenly became horrified:”What is this?”

“It’s called Crookshanks, and it’s a pet that Hermione bought.” Harry introduced Hermione’s new pet to Ron. He looked at Ron suspiciously and said,”Have you seen it?”

Ron shook his head and said,”No, how could I have seen it?”

“”Then why are you so worried? Aren’t you only afraid of big spiders? Have you ever been beaten by a cat?” Harry asked doubtfully.

Ron was angry. He felt that Harry looked down on him:”How could a cat beat me!”

Crookshanks stared at him expressionlessly in Hermione’s arms, grunting in dissatisfaction.

Ron couldn’t help but take a half step back:”It’s not that I’m afraid of cats, but Scabbers. It’s just a mouse after all!”

“It’s been in a bad state lately, and it might be dying soon.”Ron took out a big rat from his pocket. It looked listless, with dry and falling fur, and it looked like it was about to die.

But just as he took out Scabbers, Crookshanks in Hermione’s arms started to get angry again, his eyes turned vertical, and he stared at Scabbers intently, making a hissing roar from his mouth, as if he was going to pounce on him the next moment.

“Hey, hey, hey, watch your cat, Scabbers can’t help but be scared like this.” Ron quickly put Scabbers back into his pocket, lest this mouse that had been with him for two years not die of old age, but die under the cat’s claws before dying.

All his things were second-hand, and Scabbers was also given to him by Percy, but living things are different from dead things. Living things are easy to have emotions. Although Scabbers is a mouse, ugly, old, and missing a toe, it does not prevent Ron from letting this poor little mouse die peacefully.

Hermione hurriedly hugged Crookshanks tighter to prevent him from really jumping over to catch the mouse.

Originally, cats and mice are natural enemies, and cats catching mice is their nature, but she had just seen the introduction of the cat-kneazle, and she felt something was wrong in her heart, and he couldn’t help but look at Harry.

Harry didn’t seem to see Crookshanks’ reaction. He was very concerned about Scabbers:”How old is Scabbers?”

Ron was stunned, frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head and said,”I don’t know, it was originally Bill’s pet, and then he gave it to Percy. When Percy became a prefect, his mother bought him an owl, and then gave it to me when I started school!”

Harry nodded, and said with emotion,”That’s at least 13 years. This mouse is long-lived enough, comparable to our wizard Nick Flamel.”

Ron nodded, and said to Hermione,”It’s very old, let it die quietly, I don’t want it to die in the cat’s mouth when it is dying.”

Hermione opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Harry touched Crookshanks in her arms first:”Did you hear me, don’t bully Scabbers anymore.”

Crookshanks was held by Hermione. He glanced at Harry and purred as if responding to Harry’s words, then lay quietly and comfortably in Hermione’s arms.

This human was too dangerous, so whatever he said was what it was.

What could the kitten do?

Harry and Hermione hadn’t bought the books yet, so Harry suggested that Ron and the others go back first. There were still a few days left, so he could just stay at his aunt’s house and didn’t need to go back to the Weasleys.

Molly hugged him and left with Ginny and Ron.

Harry, Hermione, and Mrs. Granger were left behind.

The three of them walked towards Flourish and Blotts.

But���Mrs. Ranger walked slowly, leaving enough room for the two children.

“Scabbers may not be an ordinary mouse!” Seeing Ron leave, Hermione finally said what was in her heart

“I know.” Harry nodded.”It lived for 13 years or even longer. The average lifespan of a mouse is 1-2 years, which is almost ten times longer. If it were a human, it would be at least a thousand years old. It is definitely not an ordinary mouse.”

“” What do you think it is?” Harry looked at her and asked.

Hermione frowned and flipped through the monster book again.

But after flipping through it for a long time, Hermione still didn’t find any similar creature.

She looked up disappointedly and said,”I can’t find it. Scabbers looks no different from an ordinary mouse. He doesn’t have any characteristics of a magical animal.”

“Is it so? There is no magical creature like it?”Harry said as he walked, his tone flat.

“”Yes.” Hermione nodded firmly.

“Then don’t think about magical creatures, change your mindset!” Harry said with a smile.

Hermione lowered her head and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised her head, her tone full of surprise:”You mean, Animagus?”

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