Professor McGonagall’s approach was useful.

Harry really didn’t have much time to go to the Forbidden Forest every night.

But it didn’t matter. After all, his purpose of going to the Forbidden Forest was not to play, but to improve his strength.

Now that Professor McGonagall could teach him advanced knowledge in advance, wouldn’t it also improve his strength?

It was just that he would improve that part first.

Quirrell asked for a week’s leave and asked Snape to help take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Harry guessed that it was because he blew a big hole in his abdomen when he was in the Forbidden Forest last time, and he didn’t dare to go to a regular hospital for treatment.

The final exam is something that all students don’t want to face.

But what is coming will always come.

The little wizards of Gryffindor were surprised to find that they more or less remembered some answers to the questions in the theoretical exam, but they were not complete.

But it didn’t matter. They just put together some answers here and there, and added some nonsense and water text, and the thesis was written. Gryffindor students also performed very well in practical classes.

Even Neville barely succeeded in making a bottle of potion in the potion exam.

The little wizard from Gryffindor applauded and congratulated him.

Then Snape mercilessly deducted 3 points for flouting the exam rules.

In the hall, Harry was eating, and Hermione kept going over the answers to the Transfiguration exam with Harry.

“Oh, no. Hermione, the exam is over. Even if you know the correct answer now, what can you do? Let me and Harry go. I really don’t want to recall the exam.”Ron covered his face in pain, and the aura of a poor student was obvious.

Because he was also listening to the answers of the two people next to him, which seemed to be very different from his.

This made him feel very bad, and he felt that he couldn’t rest in peace during the holidays.

“No, this is very important. I have to catch up on these unfamiliar knowledge points during the holidays, so as not to affect my studies in the next semester. Hermione put her hands on her hips, and the aura of a top student filled the air.

At this time, Salier flew over and placed an envelope in front of Harry, then flew to his shoulder and rubbed Harry’s hair affectionately.

Harry looked at the envelope, which was unsigned. He opened it and read the contents. A few words were written in a beautiful handwriting:

“Harry, there is a meeting at the Wizengamot that I need to attend. I will be back in the evening.”

The letter only said this

“Wizengamot? Who wrote this letter to you? Hermione saw it and asked curiously.

Harry folded the letter with both hands, and when he opened it again, it had turned into a ball of powder.

“Dumbledore. Harry replied and continued eating.

“Professor Dumbledore? What does he mean by that? Hermione frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Harry was always mysterious, and it seemed that there were many things he hadn’t told her.

“I have an agreement with him.” Harry glanced at Hermione and Ron.

After hesitating for a moment, he said,”Because if Dumbledore is in the castle, Quirrell will not dare to steal the Philosopher’s Stone.”

“Only after he left, Quirrell would dare to take action! I need to stop him.”Harry said.

Ron and Hermione were stunned for a few seconds.

Ron’s face showed fear and anger.

Hermione gritted her teeth and shouted involuntarily:”Is he crazy?”

This made the little lions next to them immediately look over.

Seeing this, Harry waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

The little lions continued to eat.

Hermione lowered her voice, her tone anxious:”Harry, you are just a first-grade wizard!”

“Harry has finished his exams and is likely to be the top student in the grade. Ron interrupted.

Hermione glared at him and told him to shut up.

Ron was very afraid of Professor McGonagall. When he saw Hermione’s expression, he immediately became emasculated and dared not speak.

“Even if you are a second-year student, you should not be asked to stop this matter.”Hermione turned her head and spoke to Harry very quickly.

“Even if he leaves, there is still Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, we can look for them.” Hermione suggested

“Of course.” Harry nodded.

His answer made Hermione feel relieved.

“But you go tell them after I go in.” Harry continued.

Hermione almost gasped. Is this what she meant?

“Then let me go with you!”Ron never denied Harry’s wishes. He drew out his wand and said expectantly.

Hermione also looked at Harry, meaning that she would go with him.

“No, don’t follow me this time……… “Harry shook his head to reject Ron’s request, and at the same time rejected Hermione’s idea.

“Why, Harry, I can too……”Ron was obviously disappointed and tried to find an excuse for himself.

But Harry interrupted him:”This time I’m not only going to face Quirrell, but also Voldemort.”

He lowered his voice. Most people couldn’t accept the name Voldemort.

Ron and Hermione looked horrified.

“Voldemort has possessed Quirrell. It’s too dangerous for you to be together. I have to protect you.” At the end, Harry added:

“He’s crazy, he’s really crazy.” Hermione’s admiration for Dumbledore instantly vanished. Now she even doubted whether Dumbledore had a brain.

“He actually asked you to deal with the Dark Lord, Harry, you can’t listen to a crazy old man.”Hermione grabbed Harry’s sleeve and said to him nervously.

Harry put down the tableware and wiped his mouth with a tissue. 70% full was just right and would not affect exercise.

Harry patted Hermione’s smooth little hand to signal her to let go.

“There are some things I need to face, and I will explain them to you when I come back.” Harry stood up and

“Hermione, go find Professor Snape, Ron, go find Professor McGonagall. Harry left the hall alone, like a warrior about to set out to slay a dragon.

“Hermione, why don’t we follow them secretly? 1.6” Ron suggested

“If we follow them, won’t that mean we’re going to die?” Hermione scratched her hair frantically.

“Listen to Harry’s arrangement, I’ll go find Professor Snape.” Hermione left in a hurry.

The college had already started the holiday, and the students were either eating in the hall or packing their bags in the dormitory.

The corridor on the 4th floor was a forbidden area, and no one would pass through here.

But the door had been opened.

Apparently someone had already rushed in impatiently.

Harry walked to the door quietly and carefully looked inside to see what was going on.

There was a harp on the ground, playing beautiful vocal music automatically.

The three-headed dog, Fluffy as Hagrid called it, was sleeping soundly to the music, snoring constantly.

The trap door on the ground in front of it had been opened, revealing a passage leading down.

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