“”See through the atmosphere.” A map suddenly appeared in Harry’s mind, with all the people in Hogwarts on it.

Quirrell was standing on the ground, motionless.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Quirrell was hiding somewhere and would suddenly attack him.

He tiptoed to the trapdoor and looked out. It was pitch black.

If he went down like this, he didn’t know what he would encounter.

“”Fireflies flickering”

A ball of light appeared at the front of the magic wand, illuminating the dark space below.

Below was a thick vine that was constantly wriggling, densely packed, like a…mat

“Devil’s Snare? Is this simply to slow down the speed of descent?”Harry let out a breath.

He was about to go down, but then he looked at the huge three-headed dog.

If he killed it, he might get more experience than the giant troll.

And it fell asleep again, so it died without any pain.

Harry pondered whether to do it or not, and when Hagrid asked, he directly blamed Quirrell.

Fluffy, who was in a sweet dream, suddenly trembled, and his three heads shrank together, as if he had a nightmare.

Forget it, after all, he was raised by Hagrid, and there are so many eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest anyway, so one more won’t make a difference.

Harry patted Fluffy’s head in the middle.

Then he jumped down with confidence.

The expressions on Fluffy’s three heads returned to normal, and they continued to sleep with thunderous snoring.

His body fell on the devil’s web, and the vines immediately extended over, trying to entangle him.

Harry relaxed his body and did not move, and the devil’s web that had entangled him stopped moving. His body slowly sank.

After passing through the Devil’s Snare, Harry fell into an underground tunnel.

He patted his robes and continued to move forward.

His keen insight made him feel that there were a lot of faint magical auras in front of him, and they were constantly moving.

There were a lot of keys that were cast with magic. They fluttered their wings and buzzed in the air.

The door to the next house was tightly locked, and a flying broom was placed in front.

What to do has been clearly reminded.

Harry’s eyes twitched. Dumbledore really likes to coax children!

This level was passed like a level-breaking game in a game console.

Complete the task and then start the next level.

He knew that he had a high talent for flying.

But he didn’t want to play any flying missions as arranged by Dumbledore.

Walking to the locked door, Harry waved his wand:”Open the Allah.”

A light flashed, but the door lock did not move.

“Oh? A protective spell was cast?”Harry smiled.

“Do you think you can make me obey your orders like this?” Harry said disdainfully.

“Exorcism!”A faint blue light instantly enveloped the door and then disappeared.

A first-level magic in the game.

Exorcism: Removes the magical effects on an object, whether it is a positive or negative effect.

“”Alaho!” Harry used the spell again.

The lock of the door was opened instantly.

In the third room, a huge wizard chessboard appeared.

Each chess piece was only slightly smaller than Hagrid.

Harry had a headache. He was not good at chess, but he was okay at cooking. Ron was very good at this thing.

But bringing Ron in would undoubtedly kill him.

Harry went straight around the chessboard, walked to the front door, and turned the door lock.

The door did not move, obviously it was also under a protective spell.

It was connected to the chess pieces on the chessboard.

Obviously, the person who set the question wanted the challenger to finish the game before continuing.

But it doesn’t matter. These ordinary objects that were temporarily enchanted are simply Harry’s natural nemesis.

He raised his wand and said loudly:”Exorcism!”

A faint blue light quickly spread from his body to the entire room.

The magical aura of the stone chess pieces that were cast with magic was eliminated, and they turned into piles of ordinary stones that would not move anymore.

He pushed open the door and entered the next room.

A musty smell immediately penetrated his nostrils, making his breathing stagnate and he covered his nose with his clothes.

On the floor in front of him, a giant monster much larger than the one he had seen in the bathroom before was lying flat.

But at this time, he was lying on the ground, motionless, and no longer breathing.

Harry walked over to check.

There was no scar on his body.

It seemed that he was killed by the killing curse.

“Alas, you are so cruel, it would be better if you left it to me.”Harry sighed and said regretfully as he looked at the corpse of the troll.

Walk to the next room.

There were only seven bottles of wine of different shapes neatly arranged on a table.

Harry knew at a glance that this level was set by Snape.

As soon as he walked over the threshold, a ball of purple flame burned at the entrance behind him.

At the same time, a ball of black fire was ignited at the door leading to the front. He was trapped in the middle!

Harry walked to the table. There was a piece of paper with scribbled handwriting next to the wine bottle. Obviously, Snape was impatient at the time. He might have been forced to do such a childish thing.

Test logical reasoning-a riddle. Harry took a look at it, thought about it in his heart, picked out the correct wine and drank it all.

The wine was like ice water flowing in the blood.

He put down the bottle and walked forward, only to see the flames licking his body, but he didn’t feel that it was from fire at all.

Came to the last room.

Quirrell was standing in front of a mirror, looking at it obsessively, his face flushed, and he didn’t know what appeared in the mirror that intoxicated him.

Suddenly a hoarse voice sounded, interrupting his intoxication:”Idiot, someone is coming!”

Quirrell was awakened, with an angry look on his face. He waved his wand and the lights in the entire basement were instantly lit.

The originally dark space became bright and magnificent.

“”Come out, Potter!” Quirrell said loudly.

Harry walked out from behind a stone wall with a look of regret. As soon as he came down, he saw Quirrell looking at the Mirror of Erised, which would allow people to see what they were thinking.

Harry originally wanted to give him a thunderbolt from behind to let him feel what warmth was. But Voldemort’s perception was too sensitive and he reminded Quirrell in time. Harry greeted Quirrell:”Hello again, Professor Quirrell.” Then he glanced at his abdomen:”It seems that you have recovered well and are able to come here.” Quirrell’s face darkened. The last time the lightning almost took his life, he remembered it very clearly.

“Harry, you’re always so unpleasant.”

“That’s not right, except you, other professors like me, oh, and Snape.” Harry interrupted him

“Humph, you are so sharp-tongued, you are worthy of being a Gryffindor, always violating school rules and appearing in places where you shouldn’t be.” Quirrell responded sharply

“Ravenclaw is smart, but it is also easy for crazy people to appear. Harry was not to be outdone.

“You are the backup plan Dumbledore has left? Hahahaha, you are just a first-year wizard, you look down on me too much.” Quirrell looked down on me.

“This is normal. To be honest, if Voldemort hadn’t possessed your body, I wouldn’t look down on you either.” Harry shrugged and continued,”I’ve given you some time, but you’re useless. You still haven’t got the Philosopher’s Stone, right?”

“Potter!” Quirrell’s face was full of anger, he gritted his teeth, raised the wand in his hand and said:”It seems that the lesson I taught you that night was not profound enough!”

“Think it over, if you don’t run away one day, you will be the one to die.” Harry held the wand and never put it down.

Quirrell’s wand flashed green and was about to cast a spell, when the hoarse voice sounded again:”Let me see him!”

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