Qi Luo’s expression became panic:”No, Master, your strength has not recovered yet.”

“”Quick! Let me see this old friend whom I haven’t seen for a long time!” A hoarse voice sounded.

Quirrell didn’t dare to speak anymore. He untied a sour-smelling turban wrapped around his head, revealing a bald head.

And where the back of Quirrell’s head should have been, there appeared an ugly and twisted face!

It was like a skin as pale as a dead person, with a pair of red eyes and a narrow nose embedded on it, just like a snake!

Quirrell turned his back and let Voldemort face Harry.

“Potter, we finally meet again.”

“Voldemort?”This was the first time Harry saw Voldemort. He secretly put on a shield and stone skin to speed up his attack.

“You look really ugly now.” Harry told the truth. He usually didn’t lie.

“This is all thanks to you, Potter. Now I am just a shadow and vapor, and I can only share a body with others!” Voldemort’s voice was full of resentment and unwillingness.

Harry sneered:”You asked for it, didn’t you? You deserve it.”

Quirrell’s body shuddered, and he tried to cover his ears.

Voldemort’s face twisted:”Potter, can we talk about this?””

“We can definitely cooperate. I can see the growing desire and ambition in your heart. I can teach you all my dark magic. After I am resurrected, among the Death Eaters, you can command everyone except me!”

“Even share the Philosopher’s Stone, which has magical powers and can resurrect the dead. Don’t you want to resurrect your parents?” His words were full of temptation.

“What should I do?”Harry seemed to be bewitched by him.

“Come on, stand in front of this mirror.” Harry’s legs seemed to move of their own accord and he walked to the front of the Mirror of Erised.

“This is a magic mirror that can reflect the most essential desires.”

“I saw in the mirror that I had recovered my body and turned back into the omnipotent Dark Lord.¨~ “Voldemort made no secret of his desires.

“What about you, Potter, what did you see?” he asked hoarsely.

Harry had seen it once before, and that time it was his parents, teacher, and sister who appeared.

But this time it was himself who appeared, and the Harry in the mirror blinked his left eye mischievously, and a red gem appeared in his hand, and then he slowly put it into his trouser pocket.

Harry felt the left pocket of his trousers sink, as if something really appeared in it.

His heart sank, and he knew without thinking that this was obviously Dumbledore’s doing.

But his face still did not show any signs of it:”I saw that I became the president of the male student union, and even the Minister of Magic!”

“Great idea! But you shouldn’t lie to me!”

“”Thunderbolt!” Without waiting for him to finish talking, Harry once again got close to Quirrell’s abdomen with his wand, cast a spell, and then quickly retreated.

He wanted to get rid of Quirrell and Voldemort with just one spell.

Only people whose brains were eaten by zombies would think so.

The silver lightning and the black shield offset each other.

It seemed that Voldemort had learned his lesson.

It seemed that sharing a brain with Quirrell had indeed improved a bit, and he managed to piece together a complete brain.

Voldemort quickly counterattacked, and a dark green spell was instantly fired from his wand.

Harry, who was well prepared, dodged it by speeding up by 50%.

Facing Voldemort’s rogue style of using the Killing Curse like a normal attack, Harry had a way to deal with it.

“Blindness!”A flash of red light flashed in Harry’s eyes, and the debuff magic instantly cast on Voldemort and Quirrell.

In the game, blindness can make the unit unable to move unless attacked.

But in reality, its effect is the same as its name.

The eyes will lose sight for a short time.

Quirrell suddenly couldn’t see anything and couldn’t help but exclaimed, but Voldemort was experienced and didn’t panic because he couldn’t see.

Instead, he waved his wand, and poisonous snakes appeared around him. Venomous snakes don’t use their eyes to see, but find prey by smell.

Those poisonous snakes swam quickly towards Harry.

Harry cast a blazing wall of fire in the direction of the snakes to block their attack, and then didn’t dare to stay and changed his position again.

Sure enough, the next second, a dark green spell hit the previous position.

“”Thunderbolt!” Harry fought back.

But a flash of red light broke the lightning spear into pieces, shattering it in the air.

“”Hellfire!” A hoarse voice sounded.

The room was filled with cursed flames again, spreading in all directions with Quirrell as the center.

Voldemort used a large-scale clearing skill to deal with the inconvenience of being blind.

Harry had no way to deal with this trick, at least for now.

A trace of fierceness flashed in his sharp emerald eyes:”Old man, don’t lie to me.”

I haven’t learned the Swallow Wing Mat yet!

He released a fire control magic to himself, which could eliminate 50% of the damage of fire magic. Harry gritted his teeth, put on the hood of his robe, locked his hands in his robe, covered his face with the robe, and rushed directly into the fire. The blindness effect on Voldemort gradually dissipated. As soon as he regained his sight, he saw a pair of fierce emerald eyes.

“¨ˇ Potter!”

Before he finished speaking, a fist hit his face.

Quirrell’s body staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. Blisters like burns appeared on Voldemort’s face.

“”Ah!!!” Voldemort and Quirrell wailed at the same time.

Harry glanced at his fist. When he hit Voldemort just now, his fist had become very hot.

This punch not only caused physical damage, but also seemed to have caused damage to Voldemort’s soul, hitting his roots.

Harry clearly felt that Voldemort’s breath began to weaken.

Harry’s scar also felt a tingling sensation.

He resisted the dizziness and quickly took off the robe covered with black flames and threw it far away. There were slight burns on his skin.

But it was too late to treat the injury now.

Harry jumped and rode directly on Quirrell’s back, lifting him up. His fists pounded Voldemort’s face quickly.

Last time in the Forbidden Forest, he was wrong. He didn’t have to wait for a few years. Today, he would smash Voldemort’s head and beat the shit out of his head.

The wailing of Voldemort and Quirrell became louder and louder. The severe pain and the damage to his soul made Voldemort unable to use spells.

But the stinging pain from the scar on Harry’s head became more and more severe.

The memory of that night appeared in his mind again, and this time it was clearer.

A dark green killing curse hit a man with the same hair color as him.

The woman with messy red hair kept begging, her voice was sad and weak.

But she couldn’t stop a cry:”Avada eats the big melon.”

She fell to the ground weakly, her eyes staring at the baby in the cradle.

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