Harry’s originally emerald green eyes had turned blood red due to the intense pain and the memories that kept appearing.

He kept hitting the back of Quirrell’s head with both hands.

Quirrell, who was being ridden by him, gradually stopped struggling.

Harry felt the heat on his hands slowly dissipating.

He slowly calmed down, and when he looked again, the back of Quirrell’s head had been deformed by his fist.

Quirrell was no longer breathing.

Is Voldemort dead?

Harry was stunned.

Then a black gas poured out from Quirrell’s head and turned into a thick black smoke, which formed Voldemort’s ugly face.

This is what Voldemort said before, that he was left with only steam and shadow.

Harry raised his left hand, and a bolt of lightning appeared instantly, and he threw it hard at the black smoke.

But it was useless, the lightning passed through the black smoke and hit the wall, making a shallow pit.

“Potter, I will come back to find you.”Voldemort’s voice was full of reluctance, and he quickly flew out.

“”Dumbledore, kill him!” Harry shouted hoarsely.

But no one showed up.

Harry could only watch Voldemort leave.

He stood up, picked up his wand and fired a lightning bolt at the Mirror of Erised.

A white light flashed in the Mirror of Erised, eliminating the lightning bolt.

“”Come out, Dumbledore!” Harry shouted.

Dumbledore stepped out of the magic mirror, and the mirror of Erised seemed to turn into water, rippling in circles.

“How did you know I was here?”Dumbledore asked in surprise.

Harry did not answer this question.

“Why didn’t you take action? The experiment has been successful, and the effect of the spell on me is still very strong. Why didn’t you kill Voldemort just now?” Harry glared at the old man in front of him.

He felt very aggrieved. He was a first-year wizard, fighting for his life here, and the most powerful white wizard in front of him was watching the whole battle in the mirror.

The experiment was obviously successful, but Voldemort was not killed.

After all this time, he just fished in troubled waters and won here, right?

Dumbledore shook his head and said,”He is in a very bad state now, so let him maintain the form of a residual soul. If we kill him now, he will be resurrected somewhere unknown and become more powerful….That would be even more troublesome.”

“With his horrible appearance, even I can’t beat him, and you can’t kill him completely?” Harry frowned and asked

“I can’t do it.” Dumbledore shook his head.

He looked at Harry with a serious look in his eyes:”According to the prophecy, only you can kill him with your own hands.”

“”You believe in something so vague?” Harry obviously couldn’t understand Dumbledore’s thinking.

He suspected that half of Dumbledore’s brain was eaten by zombies.

“You should have let Snape give you that damn forgetfulness potion to clear your mind.” Harry gritted his teeth and said.

Dumbledore said nothing more and looked back at the Mirror of Erised.

His face showed a look of sadness, nostalgia, and loss.

Harry was very familiar with this look because it was exactly the same as his.

“You lost your parents too?” Harry blurted out subconsciously.

But after thinking about it, Dumbledore was already this old, his parents had died long ago.

“Oh, no, is it brothers and sisters who died?” Harry changed the word.

Dumbledore’s face froze, revealing a helpless expression:”The perceptive little wizard is indeed lovable, but it would be better if he could keep silent.”

“Severus has come up to me and scolded me more than once – he thought I told you about your parents.”

“If you explore my past, I have no one to talk to.” Dumbledore sighed.

Harry shrugged:”I’m just telling the truth.”

Dumbledore’s face froze, not wanting Harry to delve deeper into this topic:”Let’s change the subject.”

“That’s fine.” Harry nodded and raised his wand towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was startled:”Harry, what are you doing?”

“You are teasing me, Dumbledore! You never believed me, did you? Harry took out the Philosopher’s Stone from his trouser pocket.

“I have always believed in you, Harry.” Dumbledore looked at Harry and said

“Not necessarily.” Harry began tossing the Philosopher’s Stone back and forth.

“You told me before that you would not give up on Quirrell because he was a student of Hogwarts, but I just smashed his head and you didn’t stop me. You don’t care about his life or death at all, right? You just used him as an excuse before.” Harry had a cold smile on his face.

“”Are you probing me or testing me?” Harry asked calmly.

Dumbledore did not show any expression at all because of what Harry said. Instead, he came closer and said,”This is his own choice. I can’t interfere with him, can I?”

“You used Quirrell as an excuse to refuse my request to kill Voldemort.” Harry ignored him and continued according to his thoughts:”It is true that I want to face Voldemort to see if the spell cast by my mother is still there, but there is more to it.”

“”You want to see what kind of person I am?” Harry said, catching the falling Philosopher’s Stone and throwing it towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not move, but the Philosopher’s Stone stopped automatically beside him and then floated in the air.

“Do you want to see if I will become the next Voldemort?” Harry directly exposed his other purpose.

“How could that be? You are the savior who defeated Voldemort. Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Don’t treat others as fools whose brains have been eaten by zombies.”Harry sneered, he didn’t care about saviors at all

“Has the arrangement been made since I entered school?���Harry raised an eyebrow at Dumbledore and said

“Why do you think so?”Dumbledore put away his smile and said with deep eyes

“Everything is filled with your shadow.” Harry began to explain

“From the moment you were sorted into your house, the hat mentioned you, Hagrid mentioned you all the time, a mirror suddenly appeared in an abandoned classroom, who else could it be but you?”

“If I hadn’t forced you to explain things a few times, Hagrid would have told me about the Philosopher’s Stone.”

“My father’s invisibility cloak will also be returned to me, and I will find a way to know that it is Fluffy in the corridor on the fourth floor, and I will know that the Philosopher’s Stone is hidden inside.”

“Then he will try to let me know that Quirrell is Voldemort’s man, and he wants to steal the Philosopher’s Stone to restore Voldemort’s strength, so that I have to go to you or Professor McGonagall, who will persuade me not to care about such things, and I can only face Quirrell alone to stop him”

“Harry, you are thinking too much. How can the professors ignore a student? Dumbledore smiled.

“Professor McGonagall and the others will certainly not ignore it, but as long as you say you will protect me, that’s all.” Harry said expressionlessly.

“Devil’s snare, flying broom, chessboard, even Snape wrote down the method of finding the potion, one by one, just like playing a game with a child.”

“It’s a headache for you to let Snape do this, right?” Harry sneered.

“Arranging and hiding treasures like the Philosopher’s Stone is all first-year knowledge. Oh, that troll is not one of them, but it’s not a big problem. Quirrell will help solve it.”Harry sneered.

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