But every time I saw Salier send a letter, there was nothing unusual when it came back, as if she had successfully completed the task.

Salier is not a human being, she will not be lazy, or even go on strike because of a bad mood. After all, he now feeds it with his own food every day, and it is in a very good mood.

Harry frowned and thought of a possibility. His envelope was hijacked, so Hermione could not receive the letter, and even the envelopes sent by others were prevented from being sent to him.

There was only this possibility.

Harry couldn’t help but think of Voldemort. Could he have come up with another way to do something to him directly in the Muggle world?

He is a sinister and vicious old coin. All bad things can be pushed onto his head.

Thinking of this, Harry took a piece of white paper and stuffed it into the envelope, then gave it to Salier:”To Hermione.”

And told it to fly slower.

Salier pecked his arm lightly, then spread its wings and flew away.

Harry took out the invisibility cloak, released an attack acceleration for himself, and quietly followed behind it.

He wanted to see what was going on and who intercepted his letter.

As expected, Salier just flew out of Privet Drive and suddenly fell vertically downward.

Harry’s face changed and he quickly ran to the place where Salier fell.

Salier fell in a remote alley.

When Harry rushed over, he saw a goblin nervously taking the envelope from Salier’s feet carefully, as if he didn’t dare to touch Salier at all.

House elf?

Harry frowned. He was very familiar with goblins dressed like this. He had seen them many times in the kitchen.

There was no running away. It was confirmed that this house elf intercepted his envelope. Harry was ready to take action, and then he widened his eyes.

After taking the envelope, the house elf kept hitting the wall next to it with its head.

It wasn’t even smashed, it was more accurate to say hit. It knocked a hole in the wall in a few seconds, and blood was pouring from its head.

Seeing this, Harry subconsciously touched his head. Fortunately, it was still intact.

Harry looked a little confused. Was this a very unique way to express happiness?

He thought of Voldemort’s face and Dumbledore’s cockroach.

Why does it feel that the aesthetic viewpoints and expressions in the wizarding world are different from those of ordinary people?

Maybe this is what wizards are.

Harry took off his invisibility cloak, walked to the house-elf, grabbed his slender neck, and stopped him from banging his head:”Well, it seems that it was you, the house-elf, who intercepted my letter, right?」 ?”

The house elf shuddered when he heard Harry’s words, and turned his head carefully to see that it was Harry.

He screamed and kept hitting his head with his hands:”Dobby was discovered by Harry Potter, bad Poppy, bad Poppy!””

“Stop.” Harry said helplessly. There was no way to ask it questions in this state.

But Dobby kept hitting his head, as if this would make him feel better.

Harry had never seen the house-elves in the academy act like this. Although they were respectful and even humble to every human, this was the first time he saw such a cruel guy who would beat him up crazily when he disagreed with someone.

If he was so cruel to himself, how could he be cruel to others?

Thinking of this, Harry quickly grabbed his hands, then buckled them behind his back, holding his hands with one hand and clasping his neck with the other hand, so that he would feel a little safer.

“Now don’t celebrate yet, answer my question first!!!” Harry raised his voice, interrupting Dobby’s soliloquy.

Hearing Harry’s roar, Dobby finally calmed down, keeping the position pressed by Harry, crying softly.

“”Who arranged for you to come? Voldemort?” Harry said with a grim expression.

He was worried about this problem. Voldemort obviously had no moral bottom line and would do anything to achieve his goal.

Harry would never believe that guy’s talk of chivalry and not letting his family suffer.

If he arrested his aunt’s family and his master and junior brothers to threaten him, it would be very difficult to deal with.

Dobby shuddered. The name Voldemort really scared him and he even stopped sobbing.

“Tell me, is it him?” Harry put a little more strength in his hand. In this situation, most people’s arms would definitely hurt.

But Dobby didn’t seem to have this feeling.

He shook his head frantically and said,”Harry Potter can’t mention that name, Dobby can’t betray his master!”


Harry’s eyes turned cold. It was indeed sent by Voldemort.

“”Why did you intercept my letter?” Harry continued to ask.

Dobby looked terrified:”Dobby must protect Harry Potter. He must keep Harry Potter and cannot let Harry Potter return to Hogwarts!”

Harry simply ignored the previous sentence.

“Keep me here and don’t let me go back to Hogwarts”Harry narrowed his eyes. Is he afraid of Dumbledore?

You want to leave me alone so that I can be dealt with more easily, right?

Harry did not sense any malice from it, but house elves must obey their master’s orders. If Voldemort asked him to come and kill him, he would do it even if he was reluctant.

When doing things, it is the action that counts, not the intention. Killing someone unintentionally is also killing someone. Killing someone intentionally but not killing someone is also not killing someone.

But now that this house elf has been captured by him, he is not in a hurry to kill it. It would be better to ask it more questions.

“¨」 Why don’t you let me go back to Hogwarts?” Harry wanted to understand Voldemort’s thoughts.

“There is a conspiracy, someone wants to harm Harry Potter!” Dobby shouted.

“Hmm?”When Harry heard Dobby say that someone wanted to harm him, he didn’t feel much.

His identity was very special, so it was normal for someone to want to harm him.

For example, Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and even the families that had cooperated with the Potter family before, all had this possibility.

Money was the most attractive thing. For money, even brothers could do something to each other. This was the truth that Peng Yingzong told him. What

‘s more, he was still a little wizard now.

“What is the conspiracy?” Harry continued to ask.

Dobby shook his head and said,”No, I can’t tell you. Dobby can’t betray his master.”

Harry threatened,”If you don’t tell me, I will blow your brains out right now.”

Dobby was not afraid of Harry’s words. His tone became respectful and admiring:”Harry Potter will not do this. He is the savior, so great!””

“”Tsk.” Harry’s face twitched.

This house-elf named Dobby seemed to admire him very much, but he had to listen to Voldemort’s words. This feeling was like being in Cao’s camp but his heart was with Han.

Harry was a little hesitant about how to deal with this house-elf.

But at this time, Dobby suddenly raised his head, as if sensing something and said:”The master is calling Dobby, Dobby has to go.”

Then its body”popped” and disappeared in Harry’s hand.

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