Harry felt that the two were a little puzzled, and he said,”No, I can’t see it, maybe because I don’t have any memories at that time, I can see it because I used other magic.”

The eyes of perspective can see the real existence of various things.

The two were speechless, and the sadness for Harry in their hearts disappeared.

“The Thestrals are cute, but too thin.”

It’s a pity that they are used to pull carriages at Hogwarts, so it’s not easy to move them. The Thestrals pulling the carriage suddenly trembled, and turned to look at the three little wizards behind it with a little confusion.

Why did it feel like a dead nerve just now?

The three got on the carriage, and the carriage moved slowly.

Since Hermione and Ron couldn’t see the Thestrals, they only felt that the carriage was moving by itself, and they were a little excited.

Harry felt that their contract with the castle had deepened a lot.

They entered the castle from another way.

The first-year wizards had not arrived yet, and the sorting ceremony had not begun.

At this time, the students were sitting in the hall, chattering about what had just happened on the platform.

It can be said that they were talking about this matter all the way. Because this was the first time such a thing happened in Hogwarts, even the 7th grade students said that they had never seen the experience of checking students’ belongings on the platform.

This made them curious. After all, some black magic items were not rare, and even Diagon Alley had them for sale.

Most of them were small gadgets used for pranks.

Senior students Students will inevitably come into contact with it. In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they have to fight against dark magic in person, not just by looking at the theory. When taking the test, the practical part is also very important.

Even everyone knows that in the restricted book section of the Hogwarts library, there are dark magic books, even some powerful, profound, and evil books.

Before this, as long as they are not caught on the spot by the professors, there will be no problem. Such things are tacitly understood by everyone.

The Weasley twins have the most say. Although they are often caught because they are too high-profile, they have never given up making pranks.

This is also one of the fun of Hogwarts students.

Everyone speculates that it may be because of Quirrell’s incident last semester.

Dumbledore raised his vigilance.

Letting a dark wizard enter Hogwarts is indeed too dangerous, although he did not cause harm to Hogwarts and the students.

George said to Fred:”Fortunately, I told you not to make it before bringing it in, but to make it after entering, so that it is foolproof.〃ˇ ”

“Indeed, George, you did a great job.”Fred praised without hesitation.

They were very proud that they were not caught this time.

“Are you still going to use the stinky dung bombs to put outside Snape’s office this year?” Harry asked with concern.

Starting this year, he had to go to Snape’s office to learn the Patronus Charm and Occlumency from him. Don’t get caught by accident.

George and Fred are really talented in playing pranks. They are indeed born on April 1st.

“No, no, no, that idea never worked and we gave up on it.” said George

“Now we have a better idea.” Fred said with a smile

“That’s good.”Harry nodded. As long as it didn’t affect his extra classes in Snape’s office, he had no interest in knowing what the twins were up to.

Anyway, he would just wait and watch the fun. Without these two brothers, Hogwarts would be less lively.

Until Professor McGonagall came in and asked everyone to be quiet, she led the first-year students into the hall and started the sorting ceremony.

A large group of people watched the little wizards quietly, making them feel more nervous.

Hearing the Sorting Hat start to sing, Harry blocked his ears without hesitation. This was what he wanted to do during the Sorting Ceremony.

He also saw that most of the senior students used this trick silently.

A small number of wizards had a better taste than the Sorting Hat. It was quite unique. They clapped their hands and swayed their bodies to the beat of the song sung by the Sorting Hat.

All Harry could say was, 6.

Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor as expected.

The Weasleys welcomed her with great joy.

Harry and Hermione also smiled and applauded.

The dinner began.

A large amount of delicious-looking food appeared on the table again.

But it just looked delicious. Harry sighed. It was a pity that he couldn’t come to Hogwarts in advance, otherwise he would definitely cook his own dishes and prepare a small meal for himself.

Ron and Hermione knew why Harry sighed, especially Ron. He had tasted Harry’s cooking himself, and the taste was so different from the food now..

But it didn’t prevent him from stuffing a chicken leg in his mouth now.

Harry’s food was too bad, and the food from the human world was more to his taste.

The second-year students were experienced. They stopped eating when they had some food left, and then watched the first-year students who were still eating with a smile on their faces.

After the first-year students finished eating, all kinds of snacks appeared on the table.

They looked so attractive.

But their stomachs were already full, so they could only watch pitifully as the senior students ate the delicious snacks elegantly.

Some of the unkind second-year students couldn’t help laughing. After all, they had gone through this in their first year.

When everyone had almost finished eating, Dumbledore stood up. He stood up and announced precautions, reminding students not to cast spells in the corridors, not to use prank items, oh, these have all been taken away.

Also, do not enter the Forbidden Forest!

All students listened.

It was Percy who led the first-year students back to the Hogwarts lounge. Those from other grades who wanted to go back to the lounge followed behind, and those who did not want to go back to the lounge ran away to who knows where.

For example, George and Fred, the two disappeared as soon as they went out.

Harry was not interested in using the perspective of the atmosphere to check the whereabouts of the two.

Following the freshmen, he returned to the lounge.

The three found a sofa and sat down.

As soon as they sat down, Ron couldn’t wait to ask:”` 々Harry, what happened? Lockhart said Hogwarts is dangerous?”

Hermione refuted on the spot:”Didn’t Professor McGonagall say that Hogwarts is the safest place?”

Hearing Hermione’s words, Harry rubbed his eyebrows. It seemed that many people had said this to him.

“Let’s not talk about this for now. Just like last year, a giant monster sneaked in first, and then there was Voldemort with a head on his back. It’s better for you to decide whether Hogwarts is safe or not.”Harry said.

Anyway, he wanted to run away when school started last semester.

Although a certain old cockroach wizard used his own series of titles to repeatedly guarantee his safety, he barely stayed.

But he still didn’t feel safe, so he was in a state of extremely crazy study throughout the school year.

There was no way, he didn’t know whether the old cockroach was reliable or not.

He only believed that people must rely on themselves.

Until now, when he has a little strength, he has the confidence to continue to stay here.

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