Harry’s words left Hermione speechless.

After all, the troll almost took her life. If Harry hadn’t appeared in time, she would have become the first little wizard to die in her first year.

“Okay, okay, let’s talk about whether Hogwarts is safe or not later. Harry, what on earth is going on that makes the professors so nervous?” Ron brought the topic back.

“Didn’t I tell you about the house-elf I met during the holidays who took it upon himself to prevent me from returning to Hogwarts for my own good?” Harry said.

Hermione and Ron nodded. Harry had written to explain this to them after Dobby was caught.

“The house elf was brought to Dumbledore by Professor Flitwick, and Dumbledore learned from it that Lucius, Malfoy’s father, would carry out a conspiracy at Hogwarts this semester – bringing a dark magic item given to him by Voldemort to the school.”Harry said everything calmly.

“”What?!” Ron couldn’t help but yelled, and even Hermione covered her mouth, otherwise she might have yelled too.

The Gryffindors who were chatting or resting nearby heard Ron’s sudden yell and looked over.

But after seeing Harry and Hermione, they turned their attention back.

They wouldn’t be too curious about the Lion King’s affairs.

This was a respect for the Lion King.

Ron also realized his own gaffe and quickly lowered his head.

“But Draco might be a little silly, but Lucius is not a fool. Now that the elf in 603’s house is missing, he may not dare to do anything small again.” Harry said.

Seeing the worry on their faces,

Harry comforted them,”You saw it too, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape have both checked, but they didn’t find anything suspicious.”

Ron remained skeptical,”I heard from my father that Lucius is very cunning. He was able to clear his identity as a Death Eater and escape the trial of the Ministry of Magic.”

“Is this still possible?”Hermione was surprised

“After all, they are a pure-blood family.” Harry waved his hand, although he also felt that it was meaningless for such a Ministry of Magic to exist or not.

“Now we can only wait and see what tricks Lucius will play. It would be best if we can get through this school year in peace.”Harry made an expectant sound.

At night, Harry entered the Forbidden Forest.

It has been a long time since he came back, and Harry still missed it a little.

He wondered if that wild eight-eyed spider stronghold was still there. It was a rare and good place.

When he arrived at the wild stronghold with ease, his eyes lit up. It was full of eight-eyed spiders again, and it seemed that the scope of this wild stronghold had expanded a lot.

As a wizard, his favorite place was this kind of place full of wild monsters.

It was so cool to brush it.

Harry smiled amiably, drew out his wand, and prepared to say hello to these old friends.

“”The flames are blazing!”

The next day, when Hermione appeared in the common room, Harry had been reading for half an hour.

Her eyes lit up, and she came to Harry excitedly and asked him for a notebook to read.

Harry thought for a moment and gave her the Transfiguration notebook that Professor McGonagall had given him.

The two read quietly, and when they encountered problems, Hermione would ask Harry for help. It was not until half past eight that Ron ran down from the dormitory in a panic, disheveled clothes.

“It’s over, I’m going to be late for the first day of school and Harry didn’t call me…..”

Before he finished speaking, he saw two people sitting on the sofa leisurely reading.

He stopped suddenly and braked, but due to the high speed, his upper body tilted out. He almost fell, but fortunately, he managed to get back with his strong waist strength.

He looked at Harry and Hermione in amazement:”You, why are you still here, don’t you have classes today?”

Hermione pointed to the time in the lounge:”The first class starts at 9 o’clock, and it’s only 8:30 now, why are you in such a hurry?”

“That’s not right! I was just woken up by the alarm clock, it’s already 9:30! It’s over, you all got the time wrong!”Ron held his head in his hands, looking devastated.

“Huh?” Hermione looked puzzled.

“It’s 8:30 now. I set your alarm clock one hour earlier. Didn’t you say you didn’t get enough sleep in the morning? I let you sleep an extra hour. Are you not sleepy now?”Harry put down the book in his hand and said to him.

“How did I sleep an extra hour?”Ron frowned and turned away.

“You used to get up at 8:30, but now you get up at 9:30, which means you have slept an extra hour.” Harry said with a smile

“Yes, but…”Ron touched his chin and still felt something was wrong.

“Come and have breakfast, I brought it back for you from the hall.” Harry pointed to the bread, sausages and milk on the table.

“Oh, well, I thought I would be late on the first day.” Ron gave up thinking, muttered as he walked over and ate his breakfast.

Hermione looked speechless.

The first class at Hogwarts was Charms.

The second year class was more full-scale than the first year, and the difficulty of learning was much higher.

This was painful for the little lions who had not yet recovered from the holiday.

What was worse was that most of them had forgotten some of the spells they had learned in the first year.

But the professors would not wait for them.

They had to spend time in private to find back what they had forgotten.

Miss Granger was in class again for Granger. Professor Flitwick gave the first extra points of the new school year.

Harry didn’t get any extra points, even if he performed well, he only got applause from Professor Flitwick, but he didn’t mention the extra points at all.

After all, he is not Snape, he has to save face.

After the Charms class, there was a one and a half hour break.

Harry still caught up with Professor Flitwick, and Hermione was left in the classroom.

A large group of hungry little lions looked at her with eager eyes.

They need to make up lessons!

After lunch, they rushed to the Potions classroom.

After experiencing the long-lost and familiar”Potter, because of your mistake, Gryffindor will deduct 2 points!”After hearing this familiar voice, the little lions of Gryffindor suddenly and naturally changed from their holiday state and returned to the rhythm of formal classes.

After class, both the little lions and the little badgers packed their schoolbags very neatly.

Harry followed Snape as usual and asked a few questions before he got angry.

Then he left decisively, leaving

Snape, who had a cold face and gritted his teeth, to return to the office alone.

There was another History of Magic class in the afternoon.

Most students were obviously still in the rhythm of holiday life. They got up too early in the morning and had no energy now.

The most important thing was that Professor Binns never cared about classroom discipline. He would only read the textbook by himself.

This class made most of the students of the little eagle and the little lions catch up on their sleep.

Thumbs up for Professor Binns. At

4 pm, the History of Magic class was over.

A large group of students stretched their bodies and left the classroom in a trembling state. People who didn’t know would think that Professor Binns had just given a wonderful class.

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