This completely broke his values.

He fell into memories.

It seemed that Bill, Charlie, Percy, and even the twin brothers would also learn

“So students are supposed to study during the summer vacation?!” Ron’s tone was full of doubt.

He held his head in his hands, looking devastated. Was he an outlier?.

“Study hard and make progress every day, Ron.” Harry encouraged Ron.

“Study hard and make progress every day, Ron.” Hermione also encouraged Ron, and then said with a smile:”This year we can try to get the top three in the grade, then Professor McGonagall will be very happy.”

Ron showed a pained look on his face:”Forgive me, Hermione, I’m not like you.”

Harry was stunned. Would Professor McGonagall be very happy?

He said:”If you can get into the top three in the grade, I will take you to the Forbidden Forest.”

This pancake made Ron very full.

His eyes shone:”I will definitely work hard!”

His heart was full of motivation.

He was worthy of being a qualified Gryffindor.

Ron followed Harry and Hermione to the library.

After dinner, he took the Transfiguration textbook and tried to complete the Transfiguration paper alone for the first time.

Harry only said that he was going to find the professor for tutoring, and left the lounge. No one knew that he was going to find Snape!

This was the first extracurricular tutoring this semester, and Snape had already made an appointment last semester.

Professor McGonagall has not yet set a tutoring time for this semester. Harry touched his chin as he walked, thinking when he would need a detention.

Otherwise, he would turn himself in after returning from the Forbidden Forest.

It would be such a waste if he didn’t use the evening time to study.

Harry thought of his more than ten years of study. Evening self-study was an important part of learning.

There was no evening self-study in Hogwarts, which made him somewhat uncomfortable!

Knocking on the office door, Harry walked in

“Potter, I thought your troll-like brain would forget what happened last semester~ “Snape stood up, looked at Harry with empty eyes, and sneered.

Harry saw that Snape was still in the office, so he knew that he had been waiting for him.

“I actually feel guilty for not making a plate of giant intestine sashimi for the professor tonight.” Harry said expressionlessly.

Snape looked gloomy.

“Why did Professor Snape give Hermione extra points today?”Harry showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that you are not even as smart as the troll.”Snape waved his wand, and the surrounding decorations retreated, revealing a wide open space.

“Would you rather see me deduct points from Gryffindor?”

“Next time I’ll satisfy your pitiful request!”

“Don’t let me hear your stupid words anymore, let’s start tonight’s lesson”

“Compared to Occlumency, the Patronus Charm is much simpler. Although I don’t want to admit it, you are indeed better than the troll. At least you can turn pages with your hands. You should know what the Patronus Charm is.”

Harry nodded:”It is one of the most powerful and oldest defensive spells in the wizarding world, and it is also the most famous defensive spell. Only a few wizards can summon a complete Patronus.”

“The Patronus Charm can usually only be used by”righteous” wizards. If used by evil dark wizards, it will cause the wand to backfire and summon maggots to devour the user.”

Snape narrowed his eyes:”Don’t be clever and emphasize some words!”

“I don’t have any, Professor.” Harry spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Snape said coldly:”The spell to summon the Patronus is: Expecto Patronus”

“This spell does not require any gestures or anything else. All you need to do is concentrate, think about the happiest thing in your heart, and chant the word”Expecto Patronus”.”

“Now! Think of your happiest moment and start casting this spell!”

Harry didn’t move, just looked at Snape silently.

Snape was uncomfortable being stared at by him, but his face still maintained an indifferent expression.

“Potter, has your brain degenerated to the point where you can’t understand what people say?”

“Do you need me to help you cast the Imperius Curse?”

After hearing this, Harry spoke:”Professor, before I start practicing, won’t you demonstrate one first? Otherwise, how can I know what success is?”

Snape’s expression remained unchanged, his eyes were empty. This was the consequence of using the brain occlusion technique, and no one could read his expression.

But the aura emanating from him gradually became cold and deep.

If Neville was here at this time, Snape would be able to scare Neville to tears without saying a word.

“Oh? Does Potter, who is highly praised by other professors, also need to demonstrate something like this?”

He said in that strange and cold tone.

“` 々Of course.” Harry nodded without hesitation, ignoring the increasingly dangerous atmosphere around him.

He just wanted to see Snape’s Patronus, but he would not be mocked by his words.

“Only once.” Snape raised his wand and chanted the spell,”Expecto Patronus!” A mysterious silver mist poured out from his wand, filling the entire room, almost instantly filling the space.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the mist and quickly circled the room.

Snape waved the spell, and his Patronus disappeared instantly.

“”Potter, did you see it clearly?” Snape’s voice came out from between his teeth.

Harry had already used the Eye of Perspective and was waiting for Snape.

He smiled and nodded:”A very beautiful doe!”

Snape sneered:”Want me to praise your eyesight, Potter!”

“Now, immediately, practice the spell on me”

“If after my demonstration, you still wave your wand foolishly like a troll without any effect, I don’t mind putting a piece of feces in your brain!”

Harry ignored Snape this time. He raised his wand and closed his eyes slightly.

Happy memories!

He still has them.

The first time he met Peng Yingzong and ate the food he cooked.

Peng Yingzong and Peng Qinxuan showed him care and concern.

The first time he was able to put his own dishes on the menu.

The chat with grandpa and grandma at the Potter old house – this was the first time to chat with close relatives.

And family, Dudley, Petunia, Vernon, although the previous memories were not good, but after untying the knot, everyone’s smile is beautiful.

After coming to school, I met Hermione, Ron, and the twin brothers…

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who had always taken good care of him.

Happy memories, he never lacked such things!

Harry recalled, slowly opened his mouth, and chanted the spell.

“Exhortation Patronus!”.

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