Emotional strength, firm will, and strong magic.

Harry already has the basics of using the Patronus Charm!

All he needs is the east wind.

Silver-white mist slowly erupted from the tip of the wand, rising up like a dream, swirling and swirling, as if trying to gather into a ball.

In the thick fog, an illusory figure began to appear vaguely, as ethereal as a phantom in a dream, and the translucent outline seemed to jump in the blur, outlining a mysterious and detached sense of existence.

The body shape could not be seen clearly, but judging from its shape, it seemed to look like a deer.

Snape’s expression became ugly, as if he remembered some bad memories, and even made his brain block a little difficult to maintain.

Harry frowned, trying to continue to maintain his magic and let his Patronus take shape completely!

The mist rolled like waves, and the creatures in it seemed unable to completely condense and take shape, wandering between translucent and transparent, struggling constantly.

When a doubt emerged in his mind, the form of the illusory creature seemed to be more distorted, and then.

With a snap, the half-formed Patronus instantly turned into a silver-white mist, spreading throughout the office.

Because of doubt and lack of firm will, the magic failed.

But this is not the key point. The key is why his own Patronus has not taken shape. Harry frowned, lowered his head, and pondered silently.

He has all the emotions, will, and magic power.

What exactly is missing?

Harry was thinking silently. Surprisingly, Snape did not make any sarcastic remarks. He remained quiet, neither sarcastic nor reminding, but just stood there silently waiting.

“”The Patronus Charm, the Patronus Charm.” Harry muttered to himself.

“Guardian?” Harry’s eyes lit up.

So that’s how it is. Our ancestors have actually put the most important thing in the most conspicuous place.

In its name

“The Patronus Charm actually requires not only pleasant memories, but also the will to protect!” Harry smiled.

Harry took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to recall the scene from Voldemort’s memory.

He tried his best to recall the scene of that night.

This time, his mother’s voice was louder than ever, echoing in his mind.——”Don’t touch Harry! Don’t touch Harry! Please – I’ll do anything for you——”

“Get out of the way—get out of the way, woman—Avada eats the big melon!”


The female voice came from the bottom of his heart.

Harry opened his eyes, with a trace of sadness and determination in his eyes.

“”Expecto Patronus!” He chanted the spell again.

Suddenly, a silver-white mist emerged from Harry’s wand again, but this time the mist did not spread, but quickly formed a stag.

After the stag appeared, it rubbed against Harry affectionately.

Then it took a walk in the room.

The Patronus spell was successful!

“Enough, Potter! Put away your spells.”Snape didn’t even look at the Patronus.

Harry waved his wand and disbanded the Patronus:”Professor, you don’t look very happy.”

“Just be thankful that you have enough brains to spare me the trouble of facing your stupid face all night long.” Snape sneered

“Potter, don’t think you are great just because you cast the Patronus Charm.”

“Any wizard with a normal brain can use it!”

Snape simply regarded those wizards who couldn’t use the Patronus Charm as brainless people.

But Voldemort seemed unable to use it either.

Sure enough, he was brainless.

If Voldemort dared to question him, Harry would tell him that this was confirmed by Professor Snape himself.

Snape waved his wand expressionlessly.

A box flew over.

“The Patronus can take the attack on your behalf or help you do things, and can also be used to resist and expel dark creatures.”

He sneered:”Of course, the ability of each wizard’s Patronus is different. Now let’s test your ability.”

The box opened.

It turned out to be Peeves!

Peeves is very special. Unlike other ghosts, it can touch physical objects.

So it can often play pranks.

Peeves looked unhappy and looked at Snape with fear.

“Ghosts are also dark creatures. They can give you the power of experimenting with the Patronus. Snape said calmly.

“I thought you would get a Dementor, or a Voldemort, Professor.” Harry looked at Peeves and said

“If you can get Dumbledore to let them in, I’ll get them for you!” Snape said with a sneer.

He waved his wand and a Confusion Charm fell on Peeves.

It squeaked and screamed and flew towards Harry.

“Just use the Patronus Charm!”

“If you fail, with Peeves’ strength, Potter, a beating wouldn’t be bad.”Snape crossed his arms over his chest, and spoke with a hint of expectation.

Harry looked at Peeves’ flying figure without any change in his expression, and waved his wand:”Expecto Patronus.”

The stag rushed out, and one of its horns knocked Peeves away, pushing him to the ceiling, and then rubbed its head against Harry’s body affectionately, as if this creature was not worth mentioning to it at all.

“Very good.” Snape nodded. His eyes did not want to see Harry’s Patronus at all. Even if he saw it accidentally, his face showed undisguised disgust.

“Potter, when you go back, write an eight-inch long paper.”

Harry was stunned:”Is today’s tutoring over?””

The evening self-study has just begun now, right?

“It’s still early, professor, can we practice Occlumency?”

Snape waved his hand, and a notebook flew to Harry:”Let’s learn the theory first, and then talk about Occlumency.”

Harry took the notebook and discussed with Snape:”Then practice the Patronus Charm?”

Snape waved his wand, the office door opened, and said through gritted teeth:”Get out!”

“”Wait, Professor, I have some questions about potions.” Harry continued to struggle.

After that, he didn’t wait for Snape to speak, and asked his questions very quickly, for fear that Snape would chase him away.

Snape answered them one by one without patience. He kept asking until the end of the evening study.

Snape finally couldn’t stand it anymore. Seeing the look of the patronus, his mood was already very bad. He waved his wand directly, and Harry flew out quickly.

Then, the door was closed heavily.

It showed that the owner of the office was in a very irritable mood.

Harry pouted, unqualified professor!

Looking at the time, he didn’t go back to the dormitory. He took out the invisible cloak from the cloth bag he carried with him, and then went straight to the forbidden forest.

He had to come back early tonight and surrender to Professor McGonagall.

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