After Harry came back from the Forbidden Forest, he knocked on Professor McGonagall’s door calmly.

Professor McGonagall, who was wearing cat-print pajamas, opened the door and saw Harry appear in front of her door. She was a little surprised and said,”Potter, why are you here? I thought it was Filch who caught another student.”

“It’s curfew time…….”

Before Professor McGonagall finished her words, Harry smiled and said,”Professor, I just came back from the Forbidden Forest. Come here to receive detention.”

Professor McGonagall showed a complicated look on her face.

You are very proud of staying up late at night to go to the Forbidden Forest, right?

Of course, she knew very well how naughty every little lion of Gryffindor was. There are students in Gryffindor who do this every semester, such as wandering around the castle at night, going to the restricted book area, and even going to the Forbidden Forest, bullying Filch, etc.

But according to the unspoken rules that everyone knows, as long as they are not caught on the spot, they are still good children under the sun.

He surrendered to the professor so actively, and he was so happy and looked so impatient.

Harry was still the first in the entire Hogwarts.

This made Professor McGonagall a little confused.

But suddenly she remembered that the last time Harry was in the Forbidden Forest, he met Quirrell and faced Voldemort head-on!

Could it be that this time……

Thinking of this, she looked at Harry nervously and asked,”Harry, have you met Voldemort again, or some dark wizard? Are you injured?”

Harry felt warm in his heart when he heard Professor McGonagall’s concern for him.

But he shook his head and said,”Don’t worry, Professor, although Hogwarts is not completely safe, it is not like a funnel where a dark wizard breaks in every few days.” After a pause, he continued,”After all, Hagrid’s daily patrols are not in vain.”

He had to praise Hagrid, lest the vice-president in front of him think that Hagrid was lazy and deduct his salary.

“Ah, oh, um…I’m glad you’re okay.” Professor McGonagall looked Harry up and down, and after confirming that he was not injured, she nodded slowly.

“Okay, Potter, go back to bed. After all, it’s curfew now.”After confirming that Harry was fine, Professor McGonagall wanted to close the door and send him away.

Cats need to get enough rest.

Huh? Harry was stunned.

“”Professor, I just entered the Forbidden Forest. Shouldn’t you put me in detention?” Harry said hurriedly.

Going back like this was not his purpose.

Eh? Professor McGonagall was stunned.

So, Harry came to her so late and said that he entered the Forbidden Forest to surrender, just for the purpose of confinement?

She remembered what Flitwick had told her, that he would take Harry to Clayfield Forest and train at his house during the summer vacation.

Professor McGonagall was the head of Gryffindor, and it was right for Flitwick to tell her about Harry.

Although Professor McGonagall was worried that Harry would be in danger, she had no objection as long as Flitwick was watching.

But Flitwick told her that Harry was like a madman when he was training.

He only slept for 1 or 2 hours a day, and then got up to train.

The most terrifying thing was that Harry wanted to drag him along. Training.

When he was tired, he would use his self-created healing magic to restore his energy. He didn’t even give people time to rest.

Physically, he was not very tired, but Flitwick was mentally exhausted.

He was already an old man of many years old.

If he hadn’t seen Harry still training when he was resting, he would have thought that Harry was murdering him.

But it looked more like suicide.

Professor McGonagall thought of Flitwick telling her about this, and the fatigue and fear on his face.

Her heart tightened suddenly, and the cat’s sensitivity gave her a bad premonition.

But before she could figure out how to speak.

Harry spoke first,”I have to go to Professor Snape for remedial classes on Wednesday and Sunday, and to Professor Flitwick on Monday and Saturday. If I come to your place on Tuesday and Friday, is that okay? I have to leave one day to give remedial classes to other Gryffindor students.”

He presented a full schedule to Professor McGonagall.

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall felt it was difficult to reject such a diligent and studious student. Besides, it would only take half a month at most to enter the Forbidden Forest and be detained. It wouldn’t take much time, right?

She nodded hesitantly in agreement.

“Okay, see you tomorrow night, Professor. Have a good dream. Harry smiled cutely and bowed slightly to Professor McGonagall.

“”Okay.” Professor McGonagall nodded and watched Harry put on the Invisibility Cloak expertly and disappeared.

Professor McGonagall closed the door and sighed heavily.

0 ···Request flowers··· ······

There was a trace of heartache in her eyes.

She actually didn’t mind Harry asking her to help with his lessons.

Any professor would not mind a student who is strict with himself.

But when she heard Harry’s packed schedule with almost no rest time, she felt distressed. He was just a 12-year-old wizard, the most lively and active.

But Harry chose to give up these things and shoulder the heavy study.

Because he was different from any other student.

Other students just had to pass the fifth grade O.W.L.and N from seventh grade.E.W.T.But what

Harry has to face is Voldemort, the man that no wizard dares to mention his name!

……….. 0

McGonagall gritted her teeth. Snape was really abominable.

He actually stuffed a troll’s brain into Dumbledore’s brain and actually let a 12-year-old little wizard face the stupid decision of the mysterious man!

“Gryffindor will lose 5 points.”Professor McGonagall whispered. Entering the Forbidden Forest not only means detention, but also points will be deducted. However, considering that Harry turned himself in and behaved well, it would be fine to deduct a few points.

After all, deducting points is not the purpose, but to give students a warning and reminder.

When Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room, he found that Ron and Hermione were still in the common room.

They hadn’t gone to bed yet.

Oh, Ron had fallen asleep, but he was still mumbling about the content of the Transfiguration textbook.

Harry misunderstood.

Hermione was still reading.

This little girl was sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

“”Why haven’t you slept yet?” Harry asked as he took off his invisible cloak.

The sudden sound startled Hermione and she almost jumped up from the sofa.

Ron was awakened by her action.

He saw Harry as soon as he opened his eyes.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said in a daze:”Oh, Harry, you’re back”

“Why are you still in the common room? Why don’t you go back to sleep?” Harry asked in confusion.

“Hermione said she would wait for you to come back and not let you fall behind too much.”Ron explained.

Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at Miss Granger.

What kind of weird comparison is this?

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