Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 10 The Iron Triangle Gathers

"Have you heard? It is said that the Weasley twins invented a very magical magic. This magic can build an invisible wall to block people."

"I've heard about it too, but according to them they didn't invent the magic. They were also victims. They also said that if anyone can provide information about that person, they are willing to pay a bounty of two gold galleons. ."

"Two gold galleons? Isn't this too little?"

"Just be content. In the case of the Weasley family, if they can come up with two Galleons, that's a lot of money."

"That's right...it seems to be true."

In just half an hour, the news that the Weasley twins set up a magic at the station entrance spread throughout the train. At this moment, our scapegoat, the Weasley twins, are hiding in a certain carriage and shivering to avoid those tormentors.

But the carriage is only so big, so where can they hide? Therefore, they only hid for less than half an hour before they were caught. In the end, after paying a huge sum of two gold galleons to buy a lot of snacks, his classmates let them go.

At the same time, a boy with flaming red hair was lying on the door panel of Ye Feng's room. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm sorry, can I sit here? Everyone else is full."

Looking at the flaming red hair, Ye Feng smiled, because there was a black mark on the boy's face, and the clothes on his body were a bit dirty, and some traces of being pulled could even be seen vaguely.

"Of course, please sit down."

Ye Feng did not expect that Ronald would still find Harry just like in the play. However, Ronald was much worse than in the play at this moment, and his already shabby clothes were even more torn, and all of this had a lot to do with Ye Feng.

It is precisely because he slightly modified the magic effect of the entrance that Ronald was also troubled after getting on the bus with his brother. It is precisely because of this that he has not found a seat until now, and it is worse than in the play. It's even more miserable going up there.

"Thank you." After receiving the permission, Ronald thanked him and sat down next to Ye Feng. After sitting down, he immediately introduced himself: "By the way, my name is Ronald, Ronald Weasley."

Ronald's arrival gave Harry someone to chat with. As for Ye Feng, Ye Feng didn't have much to talk to Harry about. After all, Harry didn't know as much about magic as he did, and for other topics, you still expected someone to talk to him before. What topic can an eleven-year-old kid from a country where you are not from talk to you?

Of course, although Ye Feng did not join their chat, he did not make the topic deadlocked. He also pretended to be listening, and occasionally nodded in agreement with their topics.

In this cheerful atmosphere, a lot of the snacks Ye Feng took out were eaten. At this time, a figure appeared again at the door of their compartment.

"Hello, have you seen a toad? A man named Neville lost one."

Hearing the sound, Ye Feng and the others turned to look towards the door, and then they saw a cute girl with chestnut curly hair and chestnut eyes.

Although the girl is not as beautiful and stunning as Zhang Qiu, or she looks a bit ordinary at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the girl's bones are actually quite good. As long as they really grow in the future, they can take a little care to nourish the skin. If she is fairer and tenderer, she will definitely be a school belle-level girl, not much worse than Zhang Qiu.

Of course, what really made Ye Feng notice her was not the potential hidden under the ordinary appearance, but if he guessed correctly, this girl should be Hermione, the other protagonist in Harry Potter.

There is such a sentence to describe the three protagonists in Harry Potter, that is Hermione and her two shortcomings.

Although this sentence is not necessarily completely normal, it can also be seen from it that Hermione plays an important role in the trio. Therefore, when Ye Feng saw this girl with chestnut curly hair, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"If this is really Hermione, then the protagonist team has already been assembled. It would be great if there was a camera."

While Ye Feng was thinking, Ronald, who was eating snacks, looked directly at Hermione and replied: "No."

Hermione was a little disappointed after hearing this answer, but just when she was about to turn around and leave, Ye Feng suddenly spoke.

"Perhaps, I can try, for example... like this." Hua Luoyefeng took out his wand and tapped it lightly while chanting softly: "Neville's toad, fly here."

As the word "lai" fell, the top of Ye Feng's wand flashed with light, and then a huge toad fell on the floor of the carriage with a chirp after the light disappeared, and screamed in pain.

Looking at the huge toad that fell directly to the ground and almost rolled his eyes, Ye Feng smiled awkwardly and said: "Sorry, it's a little unfamiliar to use the Flying Curse for the first time. You can ask the man named Neville to come over and take a look. See if it’s his toad.”

"That's incredible! How did you do that? It's not just some simple little spell."

"In fact, I also thought about using this spell, but I searched through the spells textbook for a whole school year and couldn't find it. Are your parents also wizards? Can you teach me this spell?"

"Stop, stop, stop, this beautiful lady, please don't get excited. What we need to do most now is to find the owner of this toad. As for the flying spell, you can come to me when you get to school. If you are still interested, I I will definitely not hide my secrets.”

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Hermione finally calmed down. About three minutes later, Neville was led by Hermione to their carriage. Neville recognized his toad the moment he walked to the door of the compartment. He exclaimed Ye Feng couldn't help but sit up and lean back.

Although he doesn't object to others keeping such a big toad as a pet, he still prefers furry pets, such as... foxes that can change shape, cat ladies, etc., compared to big pimples. (¯﹃¯).

Because there was still space in Ye Feng's compartment and they were almost there, Hermione and Neville simply stayed in Ye Feng's compartment. Of course, she didn't forget to remind Ye Feng and the others to change into robes.

When the snacks Ye Feng took out were completely eaten, and when night fell and the sky became completely dark, the Hogwarts Express also arrived at their destination, the terminal station, Hogwarts.

When the train stopped, a group of young wizards couldn't wait to get out of the carriage and walk down, and Ye Feng followed Hermione and the others out of the train unhurriedly.

When Ye Feng and the others got off the bus, they heard a loud voice at the front of the car shouting for their first-year students to follow him. Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he saw the 'giant' who was almost as tall as two of them.

This is not because Ye Feng recognized who the other party was, but that he 'smelled' the scent of a large number of other animals on the other party, and the scent of these animals was quite powerful. In other words, if he guessed correctly, Those scents should belong to magical animals.

"Hagrid has the aura of such a magical animal in his body. This is Hagrid. This is an invisible rich man. As long as I can have a good relationship with him in the future, all the materials I need will be available."

When Ye Feng stared at Hagrid with burning eyes, Hagrid looked at their position with feeling, but his eyes did not fall on Ye Feng because all his eyes were attracted by Harry next to Ye Feng. .

"It seems that even if you don't want to follow the plot, you still have to have a good relationship with Harry. With Harry here, I will still be afraid of him in the future. How about the materials that Hagrid collected from those magical animals?"

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