Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 9 Ye Feng Likes To Help Others

"This is... platform nine and three-quarters?" Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the station in front of him that was full of historical charm (low EQ: dilapidated) and the retro-style locomotive that was emitting steam.

When Ye Feng sighed, Zhang Qiu turned around and smiled sweetly at Ye Feng, then waved and said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, our carriage is separate from your little wizard who just entered school, so sister will leave first. I wish you well. transport."

After saying this, Zhang Qiu walked towards one of the carriages without looking back. The moment Zhang Qiu turned around and left, Ye Feng clearly saw a look of disappointment flash in Harry's eyes.

Ye Feng: [・_・?]

Seeing the look of disappointment on Harry's face, Ye Feng fell into deep thought.

"By the way, this guy doesn't fall in love with Zhang Qiu now, does he? But he shouldn't. He is only eleven years old. A big kid knows this. It is probably like a familiar and reliable adult who has left and feels hesitant in his heart. Emotions."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said hello to Harry and walked towards the steaming train, but just as he raised his steps, a person rushed out from the entrance behind him with a roar. If they hadn't already moved forward, After taking a few steps, he would definitely bump into them directly.

"I'll go, you're all young...ahem, I guess you can't blame them, because they really couldn't see what was going on inside when they came in."

"By the way, the setting of this entrance is a little unreasonable. How about helping them?" While thinking, Ye Feng instinctively raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

It was also at this time that Harry saw the illusory brick wall at the entrance flicker with light, but the light disappeared in an instant, so although Harry was confused, he could only think that he was dazzled.

As for Ye Feng, he came to his senses only after he used his magical power to modify the magic at the entrance. However, when he found that the effect of the magic was exactly as he wanted, he continued to move forward with satisfaction, and Harry, He saw Ye Feng moving forward and quickly followed.


Ye Feng and the others had walked less than ten meters forward when there was a faint banging sound behind them. This made Harry, who was following Ye Feng, a little confused. However, because the sound was a little quiet, Harry just turned his head and took a look without finding anything. He turned around and continued to follow Ye Feng.

As for Ye Feng who was walking in front, if Harry followed Ye Feng now, he could see the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.

"The modified magic effect is quite good. It will not cause harm to the people who are about to come in, but it can also ensure that they will not hit the people who have already come in. It is perfect."

At the same time, in the train station outside platform nine and three-quarters, a tall man with flaming red hair lay stretched out on the ground.

"Ouch, who did it? They actually turned the entrance into a wall!" Percy, who was knocked off guard and knocked upside down, had a look of pain on his face.

Although the collision did not cause any harm to him, and the 'wall' seemed to be a bit soft, anyone who was suddenly hit by a pushed car would suffer severe pain in the stomach, so Percy Weasley was in pain. I couldn't get up all of a sudden.

On the other side, seeing their brother's miserable state, the twins were stunned for a moment and then laughed.

"Wonderful, why didn't we think of this idea? If we suddenly cast a spell to turn this into a wall when someone wants to go in, the picture will be quite beautiful." As he spoke, George Weasley glanced down at his still My brother lying on the ground.

"No, no, no, I thought of a better way. We can let someone go in first, and then cast a spell to get him stuck in the wall when he is halfway in. Then..."


Before he could finish speaking, Fred received a slap on the head, and at the same time Mrs. Weasley's words rang in his ears.

"You're still smiling, why don't you pull your brother up quickly? If you attract the attention of a lot of Muggles, you'll be in trouble."

After hearing what their mother said, the Weasley twins hurriedly walked over and pulled their brother up. While pulling his brother up, George reached out and touched the wall.

Originally, George just wanted to confirm whether there was really a wall, but when he stretched out his hand, he found that his hand went directly through the wall, which meant that the magic spell had probably disappeared.

Generally speaking, when magic is cast, the caster will be nearby. Now this 'wall' has disappeared, which means that the caster is on the opposite side.

Thinking of this, George stood up and rushed towards the entrance. The next second...



There was a crisp impact, followed by George's cry of pain.

"Who is teasing us?" Seeing this, Mrs. Weasley also saw that something was wrong, and once she could think it was a joke by her son's classmate, but the three after another were a bit too much, so she couldn't help but speak, and she continued to speak. At the same time, he protected his daughter Ginny behind him.

However, after Mrs. Weasley said this, there was no movement in the surrounding area, which made the five of them wonder whether they were too sensitive or whether the other party had really left.

"What's going on?" Seeing that there had been no situation for a long time, Fred became a little bit uneasy. He also walked up and stretched out his hand to touch the non-existent wall.

Just like George, his hand also passed through the non-existent wall, and with the experience of the previous two brothers, Fred learned wisely. He did not rush forward like George, but instead twitched. He turned back and slammed his hand towards the non-existent wall.


A crisp sound sounded, and Fred felt as if he had patted a ball of slightly thin dough, but this was not what shocked him the most. What shocked him most was when his hand patted the 'dough' After stopping, when the hand continues to move forward due to inertia, the "dough" is gone again.

After discovering this, Fred's eyes suddenly lit up. He was pleasantly surprised and told his family about his discovery, and during Gemini's experiments, they also discovered the properties of this 'wall'.

This non-existent wall does not prevent them from entering Station Nine and Three Quarters. What it blocks is the wizard who rushes towards Station Nine and Three Quarters. In other words, as long as you don't run in, then this Magic has no effect on you.

"This magic is so amazing. I must find the person who cast this magic and let him teach us!" After understanding what was going on, George suddenly became extremely excited.

However, although they wanted to find the magician right away, they were not willing to miss out on the fun that was about to follow. Therefore, when one classmate after another was bumped into their heads, the Weasley twins would be 'good-hearted' to remind them how to enter Station Nine and Three Quarters.

On the other side, Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction when he saw through his spiritual mind the underage wizards who no longer ran but entered the nine and three-quarters station through the passage in a disciplined manner.

"It's very dangerous to 'ram around' in such a crowded place, especially when there are so many young wizards who have just entered school. It would be quite dangerous to bump into them. Alas, I still can't change my love of helping others. Habit, if Dumbledore finds out, he will definitely give me a helpful award."

Next to him, looking at Ye Feng who was laughing inexplicably, Harry didn't know why he always felt a little cold on his back.

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