At Hogwarts, perhaps what everyone looks forward to most is the first day of every new school year, because although today is a day off, it is also a day when they can see their juniors and juniors.

Of course, strictly speaking, they didn't really want to meet these juniors, but they wanted to see which house they would be assigned to and... tease the new juniors.

Ye Feng doesn't have such bad taste, but he is still looking forward to this class of students, because this class has another Hogwarts school beauty, that is, Ginny.

Speaking of this, Ye Feng can't help but want to complain. The casting of Harry Potter's movie is a bit unsuitable for Harry Potter fans. To be precise, it is what the original Harry Potter fans, or domestic Harry Potter fans, want, because in the original work, School beauties Qiu Zhang and Ginny are actually not as good as the 'plain-looking' Hermione in the original book in terms of appearance in the play.

Fortunately, this is a real world, and the power of correction in the world allows the two of them to still show amazing beauty even at a young age, so when Ginny was called by name and walked onto the stage, many people's eyes lit up.

Of course, it was just a flash in the eye. After all, Ginny was only eleven years old. If she had any ideas, she would be sent to Azkaban to pick up soap with the dementors, and Ginny's surname was Weasley.

Although in the show, Harry seems to be a celebrity in Hogwarts or even the entire wizarding world. No matter where he goes, people know him. But if you randomly pull two people out and ask them to recognize Harry and Ronald, Ronald will be recognized first. The probability is very high because they have very noticeable flame orange-red hair.

Of course, besides Ginny, there was another girl who also attracted Ye Feng's attention, to be precise, because that girl had a pair of silver eyes.

However, this is not what caught Ye Feng's attention the most. What caught Ye Feng's attention the most was actually her voice. It was obviously just a normal speech but it was as gentle as a lark's cry, and that kind of instinctive The charm that creates a sense of trust and confidance.

"Is this Luna, who is called crazy? I didn't expect her mental power to be so powerful. It's a pity that she doesn't know how to guide and use it. If someone guides her, if this naturally powerful mental power is thrown into the world of high demons, she will at least be a demigod."

While Ye Feng was observing Luna, Luna on the stage seemed to be aware of it and turned to look at Ye Feng's position.

"This mental power is really strong. He actually felt my gaze. Although there are reasons why I didn't hide it, it's really a bit outrageous."

While Ye Feng was feeling emotional, the Sorting Hat also revealed the college that Luna would be assigned to.


Ye Feng:!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ

"No...shouldn't it be Ravenclaw?"

"Congratulations, little one, you will be studying in Gryffindor next. I hope you will get what you want." When saying this, the Sorting Hat glanced at Ye Feng's position, and his words were full of light. gloat.

"Hello, can I sit here?" When Luna walked to Ye Feng's side and said this, almost everyone showed a meaningful smile.

"I know you. Although the Daily Prophet has no record of your deeds, my father is the editor-in-chief of the Naysayer, so I know something about you. I think we should be very good friends."

Although he didn't know why Luna was assigned to Gryffindor, and although he didn't know why Luna paid attention to him, Ye Feng still nodded like a gentleman and asked Luna to sit down. When Luna sat down, he realized that they were here. The food seems a little different from others.

"Is this the legendary Chinese food? I've only heard of it before but haven't eaten it yet, but I think it will taste very good." As she spoke, Luna magically pulled out a pair of chopsticks from her magic robe.

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Seeing Luna's actions, others including Ye Feng were shocked. It was at this time that they understood what Luna meant just now. Maybe they could really become good friends.

Although Luna was an accident, as students were assigned to various houses, the feeling was quickly diluted and forgotten, and because of her trustworthy charm, Harry and Hermione also quickly became friends. She became familiar with Luna, and as Ginny was in the same grade as her, she quickly became her good sister.

But they quickly retreated, because more and more people gathered around Ye Feng, and by the end of the day, the crowd had even surrounded them. If Ginny and Hermione hadn't left early, I'm afraid that now They were squeezed in and couldn't get out.

Ye Feng actually wanted to run away, but unfortunately he couldn't because the people who came around were all looking for him, and the reason was very simple, they were looking for him to buy a broomstick.

Although Ye Fenghe was also very happy to have money in his account, after all, the free money should not be wasted, but when the number of people who signed up reached a certain level, it would not be a good thing but a disaster, so he looked at it with help. Dumbledore on stage.

Dumbledore had noticed the movement here a long time ago, but he did not move in a hurry. Instead, he slowly finished the egg tart in his hand, then put down his knife and fork and looked at Ye Feng, and then stretched out four fingers.

Ye Feng:  ̄へ ̄

"You are taking advantage of the situation!"

"You are begging me to save you, not me."

"Two, the most I can give you is two broomsticks."

"make a deal!"


"Did I ask too high a price?" Seeing Dumbledore agreeing so simply, Ye Feng became suspicious. However, with two flying broomsticks, this was just a matter of writing a letter to him, so Ye Feng Didn't care.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, did not slack off after getting the broomstick he wanted. He immediately picked up a spoon and tapped the cup in front of him to attract everyone's attention.

"Okay gentlemen, it's dinner time now. Can we wait until tomorrow to talk about anything? Don't scare our little wizards who just arrived."

Dumbledore had already spoken. Even if those who wanted to order the broomstick had no choice but to disperse, Ye Feng also took the opportunity to get away from the crowd and leave quickly. After Ye Feng left, the dinner party also dispersed quickly, and Dumbledore also Returned to his office.


After returning to his office, Dumbledore always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he teased Fawkes for a while, then grabbed a handful of fish food on the table and sprinkled it into the fish tank.


"Wait, fish tank!!!"

"Ye Feng! It must be this guy's fault again, but this fish tank is quite..."

Before he finished speaking, Dumbledore noticed that there was something slightly wrong with the fish tank, because the size of the fish in the fish tank was slightly wrong. Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, there was a strong sense of disobedience until Dumbledore looked at it. A mermaid as big as a little finger and a line of small words on the fish tank.

"Dear Principal Dumbledore, with the beautiful fish-man lady accompanying you every day, you will never be lonely again for the rest of your life, your most lovely student."


"My dear classmate Ye Feng, you really gave me a quite unexpected 'opening gift'."

"Professor McGonagall, if you can help...forget it, I'll go in person. He's such a troublesome guy!"

"However, the use of this infinite extension spell is really amazing. It scared me. Maybe I can 'ask' how this little guy did it." Even Dumbledore felt a little gritted when he asked. .

At the same time, Ye Feng, who was about to return to the dormitory, suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back. He sensed a strong sense of 'malice', so he decided not to return to the dormitory for the time being.

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