Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 79 Voldemort: Ah, Yes, Yes, I Am A Cartoon

The broomstick competition made the entire wizarding world excited. On the day after the Hogwarts competition, someone approached Ye Feng and wanted him to be the track producer of the broomstick competition, but Ye Feng refused because These guys actually refused his offer to help.

If the track produced by the producer does not have his characteristics, then what is the point of him being a producer? So Ye Feng refused without hesitation.

The broomstick competition was over, and Hogwarts returned to its former peace. It was at this time that Ye Feng finally remembered one thing. Voldemort's diary was still thrown in the room by him.

( ̄ー ̄)

When Ye Feng finally remembered that the diary containing Voldemort's spiritual power was still left in his master's dormitory and went back to read it, he was immediately silenced by the scene in front of him. Ye Feng's diary was standing up at this moment and he was constantly turning the pages. pages, and he has different patterns on each page.

[・_・?] “Chirp?”

Seeing Ye Feng coming back, Xiao Huihui tilted his head and glanced at Ye Feng. When Xiao Huihui turned back, the diary stopped turning pages.

"It's okay, you take a look first and we'll talk about my business later."


With Ye Feng's permission, Xiao Huihui turned his head back again. At this time, the diary started to flip through quickly again, but the diary was not thick, so it ended after only a few seconds.

"Xiao Huihui, did you come up with this way of looking at paintings?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Xiao Huihui nodded happily and put on an expression of "please praise me". This made Ye Feng's eyes full of pity when he looked at the diary. This was because Xiao Hui was How long did it take to "train" to achieve the ability to present a complete picture on paper almost instantly?

But what does this have to do with him? So Ye Feng fondly touched Xiao Huihui's little head, took out an orange-flavored elixir and fed it to him.

"By the way, Xiao Huihui, the way you look at the paintings, these paintings seem to be moving. Why don't we just call him - cartoon!"


As soon as Ye Feng said this, Xiao Huihui immediately became extremely excited, because it felt that Ye Feng's name was so appropriate, and the diary where the 'cartoon' self was Voldemort was about to smoke.

Although Voldemort basically lives in the magical world, he still knows about cartoons. After all, this stuff was born in the 19th century. It's the end of the 20th century now, how could he not know about it?

In other words, the child in front of him directly regarded him as a toy to coax pets!

Although he had no memory of becoming Voldemort, even in the academy, Tom, who was Voldemort, was quite arrogant, so he was so angry that his diary began to smoke.

Ye Feng: [・_・?]Hmm~

Voldemort: 0ДQ

"Yes, yes, you are right, I am a cartoon, a cartoon used to coax little pets!"

With just one glance, the anger in Voldemort's heart was extinguished in an instant as if being hit by several fire extinguishers at the same time. When Ye Feng saw that the smoke was clearly thinning, he felt that leaving him here all day long was not the same thing, so he changed his mind. I thought, "Is there smoke? Is this going to catch fire? Throw it away, but don't burn it down."

While talking, Ye Feng casually grabbed the diary and threw it out of the window, as if he was throwing away an insignificant piece of garbage.


Ye Feng:…

Although Ye Feng, the owner of Painheng, didn't see it, the voice was quite familiar. It seemed like... the Weasley twins?

Ye Feng, who had probably guessed who the diary had hit, silently gave Voldemort a second of silence. He just hoped that the two guys wouldn't come up with too many bizarre ideas after discovering the 'magic' of the diary. As for the temptation, Control both of them…

It's not that Ye Feng looks down on the fragment of mental power that Voldemort put in his diary. The mental power of the Weasley twins may not be the strongest among the people Ye Feng knows, but the resistance of these two pairs of bewitchment magic is definitely the strongest, because The two of them are completely Lezi people, and if you use Lezi people to bewitch them, then they may let you know what Lezi is in the next second.

What the Weasley twins like to do most is all kinds of pranks, so if this mental fragment of Voldemort really wants to bewitch and control them, the result will most likely be regarded as a prank by these two guys, and they usually have two minds when it comes to pranks. kind of reaction.

One is to scare them directly, in which case they will be very happy to study the matter or props, because it allows them to gain more prank experience; the other is to not scare them at all, in which case they will probably directly Tossing it behind their backs, that is to say, they most likely studied the diary for a while and then threw it away.

next morning

"Dong dong dong..."

"Headmaster Dumbledore, get up soon! If you don't get up, the sun will show you your butt!"

Dumbledore: (╬ ̄俣)

Although Ye Feng knocked on the door every day to wake him up, he was used to it. Anyone who was urged to get up early in the morning by the knock on the door would be a little angry. However, when Ye Feng opened the door and walked in, he put a tray of things on the door. The anger in Dumbledore's heart disappeared instantly when he reached the table.

"Sniff sniff~"

"What is it? It smells so good!"

Without Ye Feng yelling, Dumbledore got up from the bed after smelling the smell. When he saw Ye Feng opened the window and looked in the direction of the sun, Dumbledore sat down at the table naturally and opened the covered tray.

When the tray was covered, Dumbledore only smelled a faint fragrance. As soon as the lid was opened, Dumbledore's saliva immediately gushed out, because the aroma that was not strong but filled people with appetite poured into him. between the nose.

Look at the greasy meat porridge in the tray, then look at the fluffy 'bread' that is white but exudes the natural fragrance of wheat, and then look at the white...

"Wait, what is this?"

Ye Feng turned around and saw Dumbledore pointing at the bowl of snow-white and juicy sweet tofu.

"Oh, that's tofu curd. It's handmade. It's basically impossible for you to eat it anywhere else except here."

"Of course, if you don't like sweet food, I can also make salted tofu. If your taste is stronger, I can also try spicy, stinky tofu, snail noodle, durian or even canned herring flavors. ."

"Stop, stop, just the sweet ones." Although Dumbledore had never heard of the various flavors of 'tofu curd' behind, but judging from Ye Feng's solemn introduction, these 'flavors' of tofu curd must be They are all very complicated, so just choose the sweet ones, at least they don’t look scary.

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