Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 84 Ye Feng: I’M Just A Ruthless Repotting Machine

Although the sound of the scream of the banshee refined by Ye Feng is a bit harsh, and as long as the mental power does not reach a certain level, even the holder will be attacked indiscriminately, but you can tell whether the effect is strong or not. , how fast does it work?

Excluding its indiscriminate attack effect, the Banshee's Scream is indeed a pretty good potion, and there is no way to avoid the attack. As long as you plug in earplugs when using this thing to reduce its sound. It can slow down the effect to a certain extent.

But it was obvious that Professor Sprout did not think so, because she found that all the second-year students except Ye Feng had collapsed. In other words, she had no students to teach except Ye Feng in this class, but Ye Feng …

It’s not that Professor Sprout is belittling, but Ye Feng has a unique understanding of various herbs or various things that can be used to refine potions. She even needs to ask Ye Feng for advice on many things, and she is better than Ye Feng. He only knows a little more about herbal medicine, so if Ye Feng is the only one left, it’s really unclear who will teach whom.

So, faced with the situation where all the students except Ye Feng were knocked down by a bottle of Banshee Scream, Professor Sprout could only go to the school's medical staff to check on the students' condition and repot the mandrake. Leave the task to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Professor Sprout entrusting him with the task of repotting the mandrake. When Professor Sprout went to find someone, he quickly cut down the pots of lettuce that were growing well and ready for harvest.

Of course, the lettuce should not be wasted after harvesting the lettuce in the pot, so he pulled out the roots and sowed two or three seeds into the pit formed by pulling out the roots, covered it with a thin layer of soil, and then watered the soil thoroughly. .

When Professor Sprout called people back, Ye Feng had already moved the flower pots to a location near the window with better ventilation and sunlight and started to repot the mandrakes. Therefore, the people led by Professor Sprout had not yet entered. The unique cry and scream of the mandrake could be heard in the distance in the herb garden.

"Wow wow wow, wow wow..."

Hearing the familiar cry, Professor Sprout was suddenly startled because she thought of a terrible thing.

"If I remember correctly, none of the students who fainted when I came out were wearing earplugs..."


As soon as Professor Sprout said this, all the second-year students were knocked down by Ye Feng's bottle of potion. Dumbledore hurried over to check and gave Professor McGonagall a swallow.

"Perhaps we can come up with a research topic next, called "On whether wizards who are knocked unconscious by potions made from mandrake are still affected by the cry of mandrake." Dumbledore, what do you think?"

Grindelwald, who came along to join in the fun, was also a person who was afraid of chaos in the world, so he would pick up whatever pot was not boiled.

Dumbledore's face darkened instantly when he heard Greenwald's words, while Snape, who was pulled over because it involved potions, looked thoughtful after hearing this, and his expression clearly showed that he was a little moved.

"Don't make trouble for me, go check on the little guys quickly, and ask Ye Feng to stop."

When Dumbledore and the others arrived in a hurry, Ye Feng, who was wearing earplugs, was already repotting the second pot of mandrake. This pot of mandrake successfully verified Greenwald's conjecture. Then That is, a person knocked down by the Banshee's scream is not affected by the Mandrake's cry while unconscious.

why would you say so? the reason is simple.

Almost at the same time that Dumbledore and the others rushed to the door, Harry, who had stronger mental strength, just regained consciousness. But by chance, Ye Feng pulled out a mandrake with a click at this time. So...


Harry, who had just stood up before he could get up, rolled his eyes when he heard the sound, and fell back to the ground with a thud. This scene happened to be seen by Dumbledore and the others, but because Ye Feng's speed was too fast, As a result, they had no time to stop him and could only watch Harry fall back to the ground.

"Mr. Ye, please stop for a moment!"


Professor McGonagall picked up a mandrake before the leaves fell in the wind, and he pulled out another mandrake neatly. The cry of the mandrake completely covered up Professor McGonagall's voice. Professor McGonagall couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Mr. Ye! Please stop what you are doing!" Although she was a little annoyed, Professor McGonagall patiently shouted again, and this time she shouted louder, but it was still Mander who responded to her The cry of pulling weeds, and Ye Feng was like an emotionless weed-pulling machine.

"嚓~(Pull out)"


"Puff puff puff~ (buried in soil)"

"嚓~(Pull out)"[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


The whole process of pulling weeds, changing pots, and covering with soil was without any sloppiness. The movements were smooth and natural. If you ignore the loud cry of the mandrake, then this picture must be quite pleasing to the eye, and the protagonist Ye Feng in the picture is like a ghost. The emotionless repotting machine, its tone-deaf attitude made him even more cold, until...


Ye Feng:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Ye Feng, who was concentrating on repotting the mandrake, was suddenly patted on the shoulder, which made him tremble suddenly. He threw the mandrake that he had pulled out from his hand away, and ran away two or three meters with a scrape. Far.

Dumbledore: ( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)

Dumbledore: ε=(´ο`*)))Alas

Dumbledore sighed slightly and looked at the frightened Ye Feng and said helplessly: "Mr. Ye Feng, you need to wear earplugs to block the crying of the mandrake when you repot it. I think you should do this. Didn’t you forget?”

Seeing Dumbledore's mouth moving, he felt the wind and picked up the mandrake on the ground, patted it clean of the dirt, and then stuffed the mandrake that the baby was crying into into a larger basin and placed it Quickly cover it with soil and then take off the earplugs.

Mandrake: Listen to me, thank you, because of you...

"It's Headmaster Dumbledore. You surprised me. You don't even make a sound when you walk?"

McGonagall: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm not angry at all! (╬◣д◢)"

"Mr. Ye Feng, it's not that there was no sound when we walked, but you were wearing earplugs just now. Also, when repotting the mandrake, you need to wear earplugs to block the cry of the mandrake. I don't think you should have that. Forgot?" Seeing that Ye Feng really didn't hear what they said just now, Dumbledore had to repeat what he just said.

"I remember, didn't you just take off the earplugs?"

"Oh? Then since you remember, why don't you put earplugs on other students and repot the mandrake?"

Ye Feng: [・_・?] Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"I... just... started to repot the mandrake without putting earplugs on others?" Ye Feng swallowed in surprise and slowly turned his head to look at Harry and the others who were lying on the ground. When he saw Harry's body froze when his heads were empty and there were no earplugs at all.

"It's over...Barbie is Qing..."

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