"It's over...Barbie is Qing..."

Ye Fengren felt numb when he saw his classmate Ye Fengren lying on the floor without earplugs. He was only focusing on harvesting and planting vegetables just now, but he forgot to put earplugs on for his dear classmates and started working. Now He just hoped that no one would wake up halfway, otherwise...

"Wait a minute, these mandrakes are not adults. Even if you hear their cries directly, they will only sleep for seven hours at most. In other words, they will wake up around dinner time. Doesn't that mean... Don’t you have any classes today?”

"Damn it! This is simply a weapon for skipping class!"

While thinking, Ye Feng glanced at Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall, whose hands on the mandrake were about to move.

"Classmate Ye Feng, if I remember correctly, Professor Sprout just said that you didn't wear earplugs when using Banshee Scream, right?"

Ye Feng: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Yes...yeah, what's wrong?"

"According to Professor Sprout's description, the power of the banshee scream is stronger than the mandrake, so classmate Ye Feng, do you understand what I mean?"


Hearing Dumbledore's words, Ye Feng swallowed, took his hand away from the mandrake and nodded, saying: "I understand, I understand." As he spoke, Ye Feng hurriedly helped Hermione up. As for For others, the medical staff and Dumbledore will help.

After a few minutes, everyone except Harry who was knocked unconscious by the banshee's scream regained consciousness. When Hermione and the others heard the whole story, they were silent and felt that it was normal, because Ye Feng was such a person. .

It was the safest to stay by Ye Feng's side when there was danger. They often had the illusion that even if Voldemort returned to his full strength and came to kill him, they wouldn't have to be afraid as long as they were by Ye Feng's side.

But, here comes the but.

Ye Feng is the safest when there is danger, but if there is no danger, then Ye Feng is often the biggest danger, because who knows if he will suddenly come up with a brilliant idea and try it out in the next second.

Although many of Ye Feng's brilliant ideas later proved to be very brilliant and valuable, they may not have been so wonderful to the people at the time, because Ye Feng thought it was fun and did not put any dangerous things into their hands. They may not be able to bear it.

For example, Ye Feng once felt that it was very exciting and interesting to race on a broomstick sled on the frozen black lake in winter. In fact, this sport was indeed very interesting and not dangerous for him, but Not at all when others imitate.

Even a very good Quidditch seeker like Harry took off several times when skating on the lake because he was too fast to avoid all the bumps on the ice, not to mention those with poor eyesight and reaction speed. There were no people as good as Harry, so many people on the train returning from Christmas break that year had band-aids on their faces.

Of course, there were some unlucky ones who had to go back with their arms in a plaster because of more serious injuries, but no one complained about Ye Feng, because this sport is really fun and exciting, and it even became a test of courage because of this unpredictability The benchmark until Dumbledore was informed by the medical staff that there were too many injuries and a new school rule was made to ban the sport.

Precisely because of their rich experience, when Hermione and the others heard how they fainted and why Harry hadn't woken up yet, they were just slightly surprised and then forgot about it, because This seems too normal to them.

Seeing Hermione and the others being so calm, Dumbledore was a little speechless, but when he thought about it, these little guys could follow Ye Feng and still live alive and unscathed until now. If there wasn't something special about it, there would be nothing special about it. Not too possible.

However, it was a sigh of relief. The punishment should still be punished, but when Dumbledore and the others were about to punish Ye Feng, they were stunned, because although Ye Feng did knock down everyone in the first class, he really didn't seem to have violated anything. The school rules and even the bottle of Banshee's Scream were all Professor Sprout asked him to take out.

As for not putting earplugs on other students when repotting the mandrake, this was only a fault on his part and not really a fault, because neither Ye Feng nor Professor Sprout, who was in class, had any obligation to put earplugs on the students. For earplugs, at most they only have the obligation to remind but not to help wear them.

In other words, Ye Feng was not wrong at all in the whole process and even had merit because he had been helping Professor Sprout repot the mandrake...

Dumbledore: (´-ι_-`)

After realizing this, Dumbledore was quite speechless, and the results of Ye Feng's treatment came out quickly. This time he was just helping Professor Sprout repot the mandrake without telling him, so this time it was considered a fault and not a fault. The faults eventually outweighed the merits of changing the basin, and there was no reward or punishment.

Because of Ye Feng's incident, there was basically no need to attend morning classes. However, the morning class included a history of the magical world. This class was a bit boring and the professor only read directly from the book, so many students were unsure whether they could attend it. This class is still very enjoyable. As for the afternoon, the afternoon is the transfiguration class.

The Transfiguration class is a very interesting class for wizards who like it, but for some people who don't like it, this class is a kind of torture, because it is a little bit like mathematics.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there will be some animals that he can know what the teacher said, he can also know what the teacher has never said, and he can even learn it even if he doesn’t listen to it in class, but it means that if you drop the pen during class, If you bend down to pick up a pen, you may not understand what the teacher is saying later.

Ye Feng certainly does not belong to the tortured category. He belongs to the category of people who prefer transfiguration classes, because if it were not for the fact that he was young and had not graduated yet and could not register as an Animagus, he would have been a certified Animagus by now. The Animagus.

Of course, although there is no proof, there is no problem with Ye Feng's transformation technique, but his Animagus may be different from what McGonagall taught him, because after he transforms, he will not be affected by the biological habits of the animal he transformed into. , and...he can change into slightly more than 100 million animals.

In addition to the more common cats, dogs, mice and owls, he can change mosquitoes, tigers, unicorns and even trees. As for Kunpeng, dragon, phoenix and unicorn, he can't change them with Animagus yet, but with Animagus It would be possible if the Tiangang Earth Demon could transform into one hundred and eighty-eight, but since he had never seen the real one, he only had its shape but not its spirit.

Of course, the main reason why Ye Feng is still willing to take the Transfiguration class is that his Transfiguration Technique, which allows a person to transform into only half of his body, is only half completed, so he still needs to 'recharge' with Professor McGonagall.

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