Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 217 Resurrection [Fifth update]

"Flitwick, take Luna with you and let's go."

Seeing that all the students had left, Professor McGonagall held the dead child and said.

"Wait a minute."

Before Flitwick could take action, the Crown spoke first, "Let her wake up. Maybe, she doesn't want to go with you."

"What do you mean?" Mag looked at the crown, his eyes full of resentment.

If she hadn't been afraid of Voldemort's reputation, if she hadn't been afraid of hurting the students, she would have exploded long ago.

Of course, more importantly, she was waiting for Dumbledore's support.

"She's awake, you will know the answer." Guan Mian did not answer her question.

Several people looked at Voldemort. Obviously, he was still in control of the situation here.

"Lucius, let her wake up." Voldemort said solemnly.


Lucius cast a spell, and Luna woke up with a soft whisper.

"Are you resurrected?"

The first thing she saw was the crown.

"As you can see." Crown said with open arms.

"Then my mother..."

"It's not that easy. I told you a long time ago, didn't I?" Guan Mian responded with a smile.

"Luna, are you okay?" Flitwick took a few steps forward and squatted next to Luna and asked.

Luna turned to look at him in confusion, then shook her head.

"Want to come with me, Luna?" Crown asked.

Flitwick glared at him angrily, but before he could turn around, he heard Luna's answer.


Voldemort raised his eyebrows. He was also very good at persuading others.

"Luna, what are you talking about?" Flitwick asked loudly over his shoulder.

"He can resurrect my mother. I don't think I want to study at Hogwarts anymore." Luna's tone was still calm.

This little girl who is always dull and silly is not as forward-thinking as Neville.


"Dean Flitwick," Voldemort said, "Respect her choice. I think Neville is leaving the school too."

Voldemort's words made McGonagall frown.

"Don't be fooled by him, Luna." Flitwick ignored Voldemort and said to Luna, "Are you going to join the Death Eaters? Or..."

"No one lied to me, Headmaster," Luna said, standing up. "And I didn't have to join the Death Eaters, he promised me."

"His words cannot be trusted," Flitwick said flatly.

"I can guarantee that Neville will not join the Death Eaters." Voldemort said immediately.

Luna looked at her dean with an emotionless smile on her lips.

"You know he's killing people, Luna, right?"

Professor McGonagall suddenly asked, which caused everyone to look at Luna, including Voldemort.

In memory, Luna is stupid and silly, but she is indeed a kind and brave child. Does she really know all this?

"I know." Luna said calmly.

When she speaks, she always gives people a sense of detachment.

It was like the words came from her mouth, but they had nothing to do with her.


Flitwick swallowed and widened his goblin-like eyes.

"How could you do this, I mean..."

"Professor Flitwick." Voldemort stopped him from continuing, "Everyone has their own pursuits, and resurrecting one's mother is not a bad idea."

"Isn't it a bad idea to sacrifice other people's lives?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Voldemort shrugged and did not answer her question.

The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise see wisdom.

If we have different ways, we just don't want to work together. Arguing can't solve the problem.

What's more, Mag and he are not equal.

If anyone wanted to argue, it would have to be Dumbledore.

"Tom, you let me down."

Dumbledore's loud voice suddenly came from the corridor.

Voldemort's eyes narrowed. As soon as he thought of Dumbledore, he actually came.

"It's time to give your body to me."

Before Dumbledore appeared, Voldemort said to the diadem.

Guan Mian glanced at him dissatisfied, but said nothing more.

Obviously, he knows how to assess the situation better than Riddle in the diary.

Voldemort put his hand on the diadem's shoulder. Judging from the touch, the body was still a little hollow.

But he couldn't wait any longer, because Dumbledore was coming.


Guan Guan's body shook, and his eyes gradually lost their will.

It is the soul in the body that is not yet fully formed, in the crown of retreat.

Voldemort immediately controlled his soul, left Neville's body, and entered the body created by the crown as quickly as possible.


The soul left Neville's body and made a sound that broke through the air.

He had no choice but to speed up. The soul had no body, so it was the most vulnerable time.

He didn't dare to bet that McGonagall and Flitwick wouldn't take action, let alone that Lucius and Snape would help.


Dumbledore stepped into the Chamber of Secrets, just in time to see Voldemort's soul enter the body that looked familiar to him.

He was slightly stunned, but then he looked at the student held by Professor McGonagall.

"Tom, have you killed someone again?"

Dumbledore strode towards McGonagall and asked angrily.

Voldemort did not answer him, but closed his eyes and quietly felt his new body.

Fits well, is comfortable, and feels transparent all over.

This is the first time he has felt like this in more than ten years.


Dumbledore's hand reached towards the child's breath, his blue eyes filled with anger.


Voldemort let out a long breath, closed his eyes and touched his cheek, then moved his hands along his cheek to his chest.

This perfect fit between soul and body made him trapped and unable to extricate himself.


The Elder Wand was raised, and a curse was directed at Voldemort.


Voldemort turned his head flexibly and instantly avoided Dumbledore's magic.

Controlling your own body is completely different.

Coupled with the released mental power, his combat ability improved again.

Voldemort raised his hand.


Ginny's wand shot out, and he caught it in his hand.

"I didn't kill the man, Albus."

Voldemort spoke slowly, not rushing to attack.

He needs time, this body is still perfecting.

"What's going on?" Dumbledore asked McGonagall.

McGonagall immediately explained, and as she spoke, the anger on Dumbledore's face grew.

"You did it, Tom..."

"Call me Voldemort, or the Dark Lord, Albus."

"Didn't this child die because of you?"

"That was his honor."

"You're evil again."

Voldemort shrugged, played with his wand and said nothing.

Although this is also a yew wand, it is still not as comfortable to use.

"I know you still need time, Tom."

Dumbledore waved and motioned for the two professors to take Luna and Neville away, "But do you think I will wait for you to go down?"

As he spoke, he turned to look at Lucius and Snape.

Lucius responded with a kind smile, which seemed to say: I will not participate.

Snape was more direct. He simply took a step back and said that he would leave with Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore was very satisfied with this. He looked at Voldemort as if he was sure of victory.

Voldemort looked at him too, and then opened his mouth.


Additional update at the beginning of the month: fifth update

Thanks to the monthly supporters represented by [Zhang Zidong], [Lonely and Helpless Haha], and [Happy*Angel]. The above three are all old friends.

I only have more than 7,000 collections, but this month I have been ranking over 700 in the monthly vote list for a long time. It’s all thanks to you, thank you.

Thank you all for your votes. The list is as follows (typing purely by hand·please give me a name, it hurts my eyes to type the numbers):

Mei Panpan, t545569, Netherworld Siqi, Ice Emperor, Ming Ming Wu Huai, Book Friends 20171214115728450, Starry Night, Wang Xiaobing, White Stars, sfghetuhjery, Margin,,, Mo Bei (I don’t know) Ran, Gale of the Wind Sword Control Man of the Wind (I thought you were gone), Watch and Possess (haha), Reader 1532488663504214, Lich King Clown, Snow Monster V-Tool, Five Fireball Mage, Escape and Leave a Late Photo among the Flowers (What is your relationship with Escape? ), yam,, blond idiot (you have voted for me before), prince water demon, truth (four points of water) eternity, juegenjin, loneliness and helplessness (I can’t type traditional Chinese characters...), white stars companion, (vertical) those years, quiet, DingWANG, travel de lodge, book friend 20190805080129278,

My eyes are dazzled. Let me figure out the names of my friends in the next day~~~~I’m dizzy~~~·

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