Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 218 Albus·The Golden Flame·Dumbledore【Sixth update】


The mouth of the Slytherin statue opened, and a hissing snake sound came from inside.

"If a basilisk appears, remember to close your eyes in advance."

Dumbledore reminded loudly, and at the same time, he waved his wand.


A ball of flame ignited in the air, and Phoenix Fox flew out of it.

Voldemort waved his wand and cast two spells towards the two professors who wanted to take Ginny and Neville away.

"They don't want to leave, you can go on your own." Voldemort said to them.

The two looked at Dumbledore at the same time.

"You go out first and let the students return to the lounge." Dumbledore ordered.

The two left, and Snape followed them.

Lucius looked at Voldemort, waiting for his instructions.

Voldemort gave him a look and told him to leave too.

Soon, only Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the two children were left in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Close your eyes, Luna, the basilisk is dangerous." Voldemort said to Luna.

Luna nodded obediently and then closed her eyes.

"Is she going to be your Death Eater?"

The basilisk hadn't appeared yet, so Dumbledore asked Voldemort while waiting.

"No, Albus, the Death Eaters are an organization with beliefs, and Luna's beliefs are different from those of the Death Eaters." Voldemort said slowly.

"Faith, Tom, are you talking about the glory of pure blood?" Dumbledore said while pointing to the hole.

Fox flew up to the dome, condescendingly monitoring the slowly awakening basilisk.

"You can say that, Albus." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "Perhaps the definition of pure blood should be broadened, and someone like you should also be included."

"After all, Dumbledore is also a powerful family."

"I don't need that kind of glory." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Tom, those three children, you have to give me an explanation."

"I can't control my Horcruxes, you know, they have minds of their own."

While Voldemort was speaking, there was a sound of fighting above his head. It should be Forbes and the Basilisk.

He didn't dare to raise his head. The basilisk's eyes attacked indiscriminately. Being able to control the basilisk did not mean that he would not be hurt by the basilisk.

"Your excuse is lame," said Dumbledore, sliding the Elder Wand.

A light film slowly appeared, and then began to expand outwards, passing through Voldemort's body and hitting the wall behind.

"Are you locating the basilisk?"

Voldemort was very curious about Dumbledore's magic, but he didn't know this magic.

An old guy who has lived for more than a hundred years really has many tricks up his sleeve.

"Otherwise?" Dumbledore looked at Voldemort, but the Elder Wand pointed at the top of his head and issued a curse, "Do we need to use our eyes to determine his location?"

"Indeed, it's not easy for me to look at it."

Voldemort said with a smile, and then his right eye slowly turned red.

"What are those?" Dumbledore asked, apparently referring to Voldemort's eyes.

"Little Eye of Thutmose, I think you can ask Trelawney what it represents." A smile appeared on Voldemort's face.

But when his right eye turned completely red, his smile suddenly froze.

In his eyes, the white light on Dumbledore was undoubtedly dazzling.

But what made him freeze was not the dazzling white light, but the golden flame that burned his red eyes.

Albus Dumbledore.

Voldemort felt that he should use this name to call the old guy in front of him.

Even though the golden flame was mixed with a hint of red, it still could not stop the overwhelming power of the golden flame.

In the red eyes, the flame filled the entire secret room.

The outer flame of the golden flame even penetrated deep into the invisible dome of the secret room, and it was impossible to see how high it was.

Sure enough, Harry Potter is not a child of destiny at all.

The real child of destiny is the over one hundred year old guy in front of him.


Somewhat, but not particularly surprising.

After all, Dumbledore's life was indeed more like Destiny's Child.

The young man lost his father and had a bad fate, but he came out of the darkness with the help of "love".

Becoming famous at a young age, with extraordinary talents, plus defeating the first generation of the Dark Lord, plotting to kill the second generation of the Dark Lord...

Such a character is not the son of destiny, what is that?

As for Harry Potter, he was just a pawn in Dumbledore's scheme.

At most, he could be regarded as the Little Destiny Son, or the Destiny Son No. 2.

"The Eye of Moses?" Dumbledore also said in surprise while Voldemort was in a daze.

"You actually know?" After the shock, Voldemort was surprised again.

Is there anything else this old guy doesn't know?

"Trelawney showed me when she was interviewing her," Dumbledore said. "You know, she really wanted this job and she gave it her all."

Voldemort nodded, he could understand it.

That book is of course Trelawney's most important thing, but if it's for this job, it's not impossible to share it.

After all, she was at a low point in her life.

"It really surprises me, Tom, that I don't have any talent in divination." Dumbledore asked curiously, "What do you see in me?"

"A lot, Albus."

Voldemort said as if thinking, "Your love has made you confused, and the world's incomprehension has made you fall into darkness. Of course, you may have seen through this, but you may have gone astray."

Dumbledore frowned and was about to open his mouth to say something when the phoenix chirped.


The snake's tail swung towards him with a sound that broke through the air. He quickly retreated, but seemed to be unable to avoid it.


The snake's tail passed by, Dumbledore screamed in pain, and his body flew back a long way.

When he stood up again, there were blood beads on his white beard.

"Confusing my mind, Tom, I won't believe a word you say."

Dumbledore raised his wand and cast a spell on it again.

"To each other, Albus, although you rarely lie, you are full of conspiracies and tricks that can deceive others but not me." Voldemort said with a shrug.

Of course he didn't think he could deceive Old Bee.

But he was hurt anyway, wasn't he?

"I'm curious, Tom, how did you get this eye." Dumbledore said, looking into Voldemort's red eyes.

Voldemort twisted his body, and he felt that this body was almost perfect.

"Gift, Albus, I told you about my talent when we first met." Voldemort said, and also cast a spell into the sky.

He was following the figure of Fox based on the sound.

"That's another lie. You didn't have such a talent at that time."

Dumbledore said, pointing the Elder Wand at the Slytherin statue, "Are you still going to run away this time?"

"I would like to stay, but will you give me a second employment contract?"

"If I knew it was you, I wouldn't give it the first portion."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the Elder Wand lit up with a sparkling magical light.

The curse was cast on the Slytherin statue in an instant, while the magic power was still flowing continuously.

It looks like he's going to use a powerful transformation spell.

Additional update at the beginning of the month: sixth update

Thank you all for giving me recommendation votes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an old Qidian player, but I prefer recommendation votes, but sometimes it’s more and sometimes less, which makes me feel sad.

When I was writing my speech, the top vote-getter had not yet come out, I will add it later.

Also, classmate Qing Fufu hasn’t left yet~~~

I bow and thank you all for your recommendation votes and support.

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