Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 219 The Sorrow of the Basilisk [Seventh Update]


Amidst the loud noise, the huge Slytherin statue stepped out from the wall.

The entire secret room was shaking, and stones were falling from the dome.

"Hiss, hiss~~~"

The giant snake hissed, completely detached from the Slytherin statue, swung its tail, and drove away Fawkes, the phoenix that had made it angry.

Voldemort used magic to make Neville come to him, and called Luna to stand behind him.

"Be careful children, Albus, you are too rough with your Transfiguration."

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and Voldemort couldn't see Dumbledore clearly, but he had to remind him to handle it with care.

"This statue has been cast with complex magic, making it difficult to control."

Dumbledore's voice was loud, but you could hear the apology in his words.

Of course, Voldemort would not feel that the apology was for himself, but for his two children.

"I heard that you went to invite Nico Flamel. Is he here?" Voldemort asked loudly.

"Wait until I kill the basilisk."

Dumbledore stopped talking, and just kept waving his wand, creating magical barriers one after another to determine the location of the basilisk.

The huge basilisk twisted its emerald green body, avoided the peck of Phoenix Fawkes, and then bit Dumbledore fiercely.

Voldemort closed his left eye and only used his red right eye to observe the secret room after the dust splashed.

This time he saw the basilisk rushing towards Dumbledore.

But before the teeth, which were as thin and long as sharp swords, could reach Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort stretched out a stone arm.


The muffled sound echoed in the secret room several times, and the green basilisk's body flipped at least three times in the air.


The basilisk's body slid along the ground and didn't stop until it hit the wall.

Voldemort glanced at the Slytherin statue that stepped over him. He felt that the power of this statue was far beyond ordinary.

"Wake up, Neville."

He knelt down and slapped Neville on the cheek.

When he left Neville's body before, he felt that Neville was about to wake up.

Sure enough, after slapping himself a few times, Neville slowly woke up from his coma.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered to the two of them.

Neville was a little confused, he still couldn't figure out where he was.

"Don't look around, Neville, the basilisk is here." Voldemort said quickly, "Follow me, this way."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards the place where the bookcase had been placed, and then said a snake language to the empty wall: "Open it."

A corridor appeared, and Voldemort asked the two of them to walk inside.

Dumbledore discovered that they were about to leave, but before he could do anything, Voldemort issued an order to attack the basilisk with all his strength.

Then, he followed into the pipe.


The stone wall closed again, as if there had never been a secret door there.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and then his Patronus flew out and quickly flew out along the previous pipe.


The basilisk raised its head high, shook its snake letter, and plunged towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not dodge, but swung the Elder Wand and cast a powerful eye-curse.


The charging basilisk stopped in pain, and its huge body twisted and fell to the ground.

"Peck its eyes, Fawkes," Dumbledore ordered.

The phoenix roared loudly and leaned towards the basilisk. It opened its eyes as if it was not afraid of the basilisk's gaze.

"Boom, boom..."

The Slytherin sculpture took two steps forward, bent down, and grabbed the giant basilisk.

The twisted basilisk felt the danger coming and slid on the floor, avoiding the pecks of the phoenix and the huge stone arms of the Slytherin statue.


His arm hit the floor, making a big crater.

The power caused by this statue is much greater than that of ordinary statues.


Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand twice in succession, and two spells flew out, all of which hit the basilisk accurately.

This caused the basilisk to twist and hiss, and was frozen in place for a moment.


This time, the Slytherin statue finally caught it, but before it could exert any force, the basilisk crawled along its arm and into its mouth.

The phoenix screamed and charged, pecking at the basilisk crawling out from the back of the statue.


There was a crisp sound, and black liquid spilled from the basilisk's right eye.

Fox took his chance and it caused the Basilisk's right eye to explode.


The basilisk hissed and quickly climbed down the Slytherin statue.

This made the statue's attempt to grab it miss again.

Dumbledore raised the Elder Wand again, but before he could take action, a silver cat jumped out of the corridor.

"The castle portraits are watching him, Headmaster, but no one has seen him."

Said the silver kitten with glasses patterns around its eyes, its voice was exactly the same as Professor McGonagall.

"Okay, remember to protect Master Flamel." Dumbledore stopped and said.

"I know."

After the silver cat finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the corridor, disappearing from Dumbledore's sight.

"You didn't have to kill it."

A green figure suddenly appeared and said to Dumbledore.

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked confused.

"It's not important, the basilisk is used to cleanse the Muggle bloodline..."

"Clean, I think you used the wrong word."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, before the green figure could speak again, he cast a few more spells.

The first spell was the Eye Spell. The basilisk immediately screamed in pain, but then it was frozen again.

This time, the Slytherin statue didn't give the basilisk another chance. Its huge fist slammed into the basilisk's head.


There was a muffled sound, as if the entire secret room was shaking.

The basilisk's tail swung twice, but it was obviously dying. Its entire head was smashed, and its intact left eye rolled out and was covered in blood.

"Gryffindors are indeed brainless idiots."

The green figure murmured and then slowly disappeared into the void.

Dumbledore no longer looked at the basilisk. He stared at the place where the green figure disappeared in confusion, and did not move for a long time.


He picked up his wand and pointed it in the air, and the barrier appeared again, sweeping across the entire secret room.

Dumbledore frowned as his magic found nothing.

What on earth is that green figure?

Dumbledore was filled with doubts, but he waved his wand and returned the Slytherin statue to its original position.

Then, he cast a repair spell and restored the secret room briefly.

As for the basilisk's body, he didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't the time to deal with it yet.


The wand was waved, and a silver phoenix appeared and left along the corridor.

He himself clasped his hands upward, and then Fox flew over and grabbed his hand.


A flame ignited in the secret room. When the flame went out, Dumbledore's figure disappeared here.

Additional update at the beginning of the month: seventh update

Thanks to those represented by [Peach Blossom Fairy Lord] and [Floating Life as a Sword]. I have responded to everyone’s comments after reading them. When I am busy, I will reply later (referring to the comment area, it is difficult for Zhang Ping to reply to everyone) , sorry).

By the way, please give me some recommendations and monthly votes. After all, it’s a new month.

I hope I can write better and better, so as not to deceive everyone.

Finally, bow and thank you.

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