Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 221 Reading for the Rise of Pure-blood Wizards

Snape stood behind and to the right of Voldemort, his face expressionless and his eyes empty.

But if someone could break through his tightly sealed heart, they would be able to see the fire in his heart.

Yes, he is the most fanatical follower of Voldemort.

If it weren't for that person, that thing, everything would be different.

Sadness lingered in his heart, but his eyes looked at Luna.

"The Dark Lord promised you to help you resurrect your mother, right?" He asked in the voice of only two people.

Luna nodded but said nothing.

Snape didn't ask any more questions, but his heart became more restless.

"Tell me how powerful it is, Vincent. You can do it."

After Voldemort asked everyone to stand up, he spoke to little Crabbe again.

"Fire Fire is the most powerful fire magic. It carries a curse. It will not be extinguished until all the combustibles around it are burned out." Crabbe said proudly.

The students raised their heads in surprise and looked at the python made of black flames above their heads, with both envy and fear in their eyes.

"Burn all combustibles..."

Voldemort said softly, and raised the wand with two fingers. As the wand was stirred, the fiery python whizzed past the heads of the students.

"But it can't burn me."

Voldemort's words surprised the children, who didn't understand what they meant.

But what happened next was something they would never forget.

The circling and flying python, composed of powerful and fierce fire, suddenly whipped up the whistling wind and rushed straight towards Voldemort.

The python opened its mouth, revealing its black fangs, and with a "boom" sound, it bit their Dark Lord.



A steady stream of fierce fire entered Voldemort's body along his breath.

The next moment, Voldemort's whole body seemed to be on fire.

The black flame became translucent and burned out of his body, but it could not hurt him at all.

"Control it, no matter how powerful he is."

Voldemort said, reaching out to touch a skull ornament on the seat next to him.

"Zi La~~"

The flames instantly devoured the skeleton, but did not damage the gorgeous seat next to the skull.

“Wizards master magic, not magic master wizards.”

Voldemort said, swinging his wide sleeves, and the translucent black fire retreated from him as if he had received some order.


The flames made a wave in the air, rolled into a ball, and burned in Voldemort's hand.

This miraculous operation opened the eyes of the little snakes. They didn't care that the Dark Lord was right in front of them and screamed with excitement.

"Good job, Riddle."

A mural on the wall directly calls out Voldemort's name.

That is a portrait of Phineas Black, who left a portrait here because of his status as an elite Slytherin student.

"Thank you, Principal Black."

Voldemort bowed to him, not angry at him for saying his other name.

"Slytherin recruits purebloods. Purebloods represent power, and power is not about falling unconscious and getting rid of weapons. Those spells can be learned and mastered, but there is no need to delve into them."

Voldemort said eloquently, "Don't make your enemy unconscious, let alone disarm your enemy, give him a killing curse, or let him dance in the fire. That is the right choice."

"The Dark Lord." One student raised his hand bravely.

"Please speak." As Voldemort spoke, he glanced at the portrait on the wall.

Those were portraits of Slytherin's elite students, who were all watching this with interest.

None of the portraits disappeared from the frame. Voldemort could guarantee that they must have been notified to find him, but no one chose to obey that order.

Slytherin united, Voldemort was happy about it.

"Are you encouraging us to learn black magic?" the student asked.


Voldemort's eyes widened with surprise on his face, and then he said with a straight face, "No, you are wrong. I am not encouraging you, but telling you that you must learn."


The students exclaimed.

"Muggles have a saying that is right. The truth is only within range. This sentence is also true in the wizarding world."

Voldemort said, "swish, swish, swish" and cast several powerful spells in succession, and the entire Slytherin dungeon was completely destroyed by his spell.

"I stand here to represent strength, justice, and pure blood. If Dumbledore comes, do you think my justice will still exist?"

The students were speechless. They didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

It's no secret that the Dark Lord is afraid of Dumbledore, but they don't dare say it.

"Draco, tell me." Voldemort called.

"The truth is only within range. Dumbledore is more powerful, so..." Draco didn't dare to say anything.

"So his justice is stronger than mine." Voldemort said without hesitation, "But I am changing everything. This is what I have to do, and you..."

Voldemort's eyes swept across the small snakes, his expression full of eager anticipation.

"You are the future of Slytherin, so you must understand that the truth is within range, and be prepared to study for the rise of pure-blood wizards."

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, the place below became chaotic.

"Reading for The Rise of the Pureblood Wizards?"

"Oh my god, I'm so excited to hear that. I want to learn black magic."

"The most important thing is control. Be as powerful as the Dark Lord."

The students talked a lot, and Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

He cannot teach here, he cannot gather strength here.

However, he can leave a seed in the hearts of these students.

If pure blood is his basic stock, then Slytherin Academy is his high-quality stock.

Only by mastering this place can the Death Eaters be continuously enriched.

"The glory of pure blood has declined. Decades ago, there was even a scandal where a Muggle wizard became the Minister of Magic."

Voldemort's words silenced the entire dungeon.

"Are pure-blood wizards extinct? Or are pure-blood wizards no longer able to lead the wizarding world forward?"

Many junior students widened their eyes in surprise. They didn't know such a thing existed.

However, some older people, especially those close to the Malfoy family, all knew about Draco's grandfather, Abu, cursing the minister.

"If you want purebloods to regain power, and if you want to reestablish the glory of purebloods, reading, studying, and strengthening yourselves is what you have to do."

Voldemort said, waving his wand, and a text was burned on the wall:

Read for The Rise of the Pureblood Wizards.

"Read it every day and read it every day. Sooner or later, you will be able to lift up the backbone of pure-blood wizards and let the glory bloom again."

As Voldemort said, a powerful repair ripple shot out, and everything he destroyed began to be repaired instantly.

The powerful magic, mind-blowing words, and audio-visual stimulation made the students' blood boil.

"Snape, come with me."

Voldemort said to Snape, and then looked at Draco, "Go give a speech, encourage everyone, and let more people unite around you."

"As you command, Dark Lord."

The fire of desire for power was burning in Draco's eyes.

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