Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 222 They are also under your orders, right?

"Brace Zabini."

Voldemort came to an empty dormitory and said to Snape, who was standing respectfully in front of him, "Is there something wrong with him?"

He asked, tapping his head with his wand as he said this.

He couldn't help but ask this. While all the students were excited, this kid was actually snickering.

It felt like being the only sober person who walked into a MLM organization.

If he hadn't been worried about the reactions of the little snakes, and if his passionate speech wasn't suitable for being interrupted, Voldemort would have given him a big melon to taste.

"Well, he is a bit withdrawn. You have been in contact with him." Snape said cautiously.

"Yes, but at that time I just thought he was too pure blood. I didn't expect that he didn't want to integrate into the pure blood group." Voldemort's words were still full of dissatisfaction, "Which family is he from? Why do I have nothing to do with his family?" impression?"

"His mother was a widow, six or seven times, I don't remember." Snape said thoughtfully, "He has always been conceited and very self-centered."

"There are no Death Eaters in his family?" Voldemort asked.

"Not one," Snape replied quickly.

"I cannot accept the existence of such a person in Slytherin. He will reduce my sense of existence. You have a way to deal with him...forget it, I will do it myself."

After waving his hands in disgust and temporarily expelling this annoying student from his mind, he said to Snape, "I need your help."

Snape was stunned. He didn't understand what Voldemort meant.

"I will try my best to complete it." Snape said immediately after being stunned.

"Help me send those two kids out to...the Three Broomsticks Bar. I'll be there later."

Voldemort said while observing Snape's expression.

He is not sure that this person will do what he wants, and there is indeed some risk for him.

But apart from using Snape's power, he was alone at Hogwarts.


He couldn't do anything in Hogwarts, and it was no longer easy for him to walk out of here intact.

"As you command, Dark Lord."

Unexpectedly, Snape agreed without any hesitation.

"I'm a little surprised. Can you tell me the reason?" Voldemort asked.

"I think..." Snape hesitated, which was very rare.

Voldemort said nothing, just waited quietly.

"I wonder if it's possible for Lily to be resurrected."

Snape's eyes were finally no longer empty, and Voldemort was a little stunned.

Resurrecting someone who has been dead for a long time?

"I am not sure."

As soon as Voldemort's words came out, Snape showed disappointment on his face, "But the Crown may have other ideas, because he promised something to Luna, but that requires me to leave Hogwarts..."

"I beg you."

Snape suddenly knelt in front of him, which made Voldemort retreat in discomfort.

"Get up, Snape, you know how much I prefer you."

Voldemort stepped forward, pulled him up from the ground and said, "If there is anything I can do..."

"I want to resurrect Lily." Snape lowered his head, as if he didn't want Voldemort to see his expression.

"If I could, you know I would do that." Voldemort said firmly.

Snape's body relaxed a bit, looking like he was weak after a stressful period.

He wanted to say something, but before he could speak, the door was pushed open.

It was Draco. He hurriedly ran in and said, "Zabini went out while we were not paying attention. He may go and inform the principal..."

"Damn it," Snape roared, looking even more dissatisfied than Voldemort.

"It's nothing, Severus, you go and do your business, I do have to go see Albus."

Voldemort said, spreading his hands and saying, "I need a bag with the Traceless Telescopic Charm cast on it. Do you have any extra?"

"Yes, Dark Lord."

Snape said as he took out a cloth bag from his pocket.

Voldemort took the bag and put it in his arms, rubbed Malfoy's head again, got up and left the dormitory.

"Grow up hard, children, the future is yours."

When passing through the dungeon, he shouted to the Slytherin children before leaving.

"Wait a moment, Riddle, I have a request." Principal Black's portrait suddenly stopped Voldemort.

"What's the matter? Principal Black?" Voldemort asked knowingly.

"You know, my family only has one child. If you can..."

"He will be fine, Headmaster. The blood of every pure-blood family is precious, isn't it?" Voldemort said with a smile.

The old principal was extremely happy in the portrait. He narrowed his slender eyes and nodded fiercely.

"Then, please allow me to leave, Albus is still waiting for me." Voldemort said politely.

"Okay, Dark Lord, okay." The old guy changed his name happily.

Voldemort nodded to him, and then strode out quickly. When passing by Neville and Luna, he told them to follow Snape's arrangements.


The door of the Slytherin lounge moved open, and as soon as Voldemort walked out, he saw Dumbledore coming towards him, and the fool who ran out to report for some unknown reason.

"Heart-piercing and bone-cutting."

Voldemort flicked his wand, and a green spell rushed towards Zabini.

"Armor protection."

Dumbledore pointed his wand and raised a line of armor in front of Zabini.

"Are you going to stop me from punishing him?" Voldemort looked at Dumbledore and asked.

"You are not a professor here, Tom, and you have no such rights." Dumbledore said.

"I've taken great care of your reputation at Hogwarts, Albus, are you sure you want to stop me?"

The fingers of Voldemort's right hand kept swinging the wand, making the wand make a "swish, swish" sound.

"Tom, he is still a child." Dumbledore said solemnly.

"A kid who's a snitch."

After Voldemort finished speaking, his figure suddenly turned into a purple-gold light.

Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise. He had not sensed Voldemort's intention to activate the curse just now.

This spell was used by Voldemort as if instinctively.


Behind Zabini, Voldemort took form.

"Atharva Kedavra~"

A green curse shot out. Dumbledore pushed Zabini away and blocked the curse with his wand.

"Are you going to kill him?" Dumbledore asked angrily.

"This is his own choice." Voldemort said, casting another spell.

Zabini was completely frightened, his previous arrogance disappeared, and there was only terror in his eyes.


Dumbledore stepped in front of him again to block the magic, but Voldemort came just short of killing the child.

"He did nothing wrong. He was ordered to..."


Voldemort waved his hand and started the fire, directly burning all the few portraits on this floor.

"They are also under your orders, right?"

Voldemort asked with satisfaction.

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