Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 229 Unbreakable Vow

A tabby cat nimbly climbed up the wall and jumped onto the window sill with graceful steps.


On the cat's face with square frame lines, a pair of cat eyes suddenly widened.

Its pupils reflected red lines.

In the room, Voldemort and Neville stood looking at each other, their hands tightly held together.

Mrs. Longbottom's wand was pointed directly on the clasped hands.

A thin, dazzling tongue of fire spurted out from the wand, like a red and hot metal wire, wrapped around the two clasped hands.

"Without violating your subjective will, are you willing to obey my instructions and protect my life? Of course, not at the cost of your own life."

This last sentence was obtained by Mrs. Longbottom's hard work.

She didn't want her precious grandson to die for Voldemort.

Voldemort also accepted this opinion.

After all, he didn't think there was any point in Neville giving up his life when he was in that kind of predicament.

"I do."

There was a rare firmness in Neville's voice.


A thin line of red flame spurted out from the wand and wrapped around their hands.

"Dark Lord, you are willing to devote everything to training me to become a powerful wizard..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound from the window.

It was the tabby cat that broke through the window and jumped in. The moment it landed, it transformed into Professor McGonagall.

"Minerva?" Mrs. Longbottom called in surprise.

She has a very good relationship with Mag, which is why Mag teaches Neville strictly.

However, Mrs. Longbottom obviously did not want to see McGonagall at this time.

"Augusta, do you know what you're doing?"

She did not step forward rashly, but kept a distance.

The unbreakable oath cannot be broken easily, otherwise several people present will be counterattacked.

If that happens, as the host of this ceremony, Mrs. Longbottom will be hurt the most.

"I know, Minerva, I think I know the pros and cons," Mrs. Longbottom said forcefully.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows in satisfaction.

This old lady's stubbornness had made him uncomfortable before, but now, it was Mag's turn to suffer.

"Does Algie know about this?"

Professor McGonagall obviously knew Mrs. Longbottom better. She knew that she could not change the situation, so she tried to attack from another direction.


Mrs. Longbottom murmured, looking a little hesitant.

Algie Longbottom is Neville's great-uncle, and his opinions can indeed influence Mrs. Longbottom.

For example, the first person who felt that Neville had no talent was his great uncle.

For this reason, the great-uncle once threw Neville from a building.

"I can make my own decisions about my life, Professor McGonagall. I am no longer a student at Hogwarts."

Unexpectedly, Neville interrupted his grandmother's thoughts.

"He is your father and your mother's enemy. Even when they were injured, it was because..."

McGonagall seemed quite excited, but before he could finish his words, Neville interrupted her with a louder voice.

"But none of you thought about saving them, not one of you."

Neville's eyes were a little red with excitement, and Mag was stunned by his words.

Voldemort nodded to him with satisfaction. He felt that the child was beginning to understand.

"Maybe it would be much better to let him enter the magic book and integrate his spiritual power faster..." Voldemort thought in his mind.

"We've been working hard, Neville, the hospital..."

"They can't count on it, Professor." Neville interrupted McGonagall again, "It's been twelve years and you have nothing to do. You can't stop me from finding a way, right?"

Neville's words were like a needle piercing into Mrs. Longbottom's heart.

"Yes, we have to find a way."

As she thought this, she looked from Neville to Voldemort.

Emotions of disgust and hatred still lingered in her mind.

But she suddenly felt that if this person could save his son and daughter-in-law, it would not be unacceptable.

The old lady who had been tough for more than ten years finally bowed her head to fate.

"Professor McGonagall."

Voldemort spoke, "Can you let us complete the magic and you can continue to discuss it?"

Mag's eyes twitched. If this magic is completed, what else can be discussed.

But she really had no reason to refuse. At least for now, Voldemort did not threaten anyone present.

And if he really wants to intimidate...

McGonagall felt that there was nothing she could do except calling Dumbledore.

"You continue." Mag said, turning towards Luna.

She felt that Neville was irredeemable. With the Unbreakable Vow, there was really not much she could do.

But Luna was okay. This eleven-year-old little guy must have been deceived by Voldemort.

Voldemort turned to look at her and said nothing.

In fact, he felt Luna was somewhat useless compared to Neville.

As a pragmatist, it would be a good thing if Mag could persuade Luna to leave.

But apart from the fact that it was of no practical use, Voldemort felt that he and Luna could get along very well.

It feels like two people looking at each other and knowing each other's thoughts.

To put it more simply, the G-spots are together.

"Dark Lord, are you willing to devote everything you have to training me to become a powerful wizard, and will you not use this to lure me into the darkness?"

Neville's words attracted Professor McGonagall's attention, and she looked towards the group of people.

"I do."

Voldemort said without hesitation.


The wand once again spurted out a thin and long line of fire, entwining their hands and slowly sinking into it.

"When I become your disciple, will you do your best to help my parents wake up from their deep sleep?"

"I do."

The third red line spurted out, which meant that three oaths had been locked.

"Dark Lord, will you promise not to lead me into darkness?"

In the distance, Professor McGonagall frowned. She felt that these oaths were too beneficial to Voldemort.

There is neither a time limit nor a framework for laying out some content, which gives the Dark Lord a lot of maneuverability.

But she didn't say anything in the end, because the people who took the oath seemed satisfied.

"I do."

As Voldemort's words fell, the fourth oath was fulfilled, and the red flame spurted out again.

Immediately afterwards, came the completion of the ceremony. After Mrs. Longbottom recited the closing spell, the oath was officially established.

"Mrs. Longbottom, please make it into two cutting swords."

Voldemort directly took out four fangs from the pocket on his waist and said, "The remaining material can be made into weapons such as boomerangs. Neville will write to you to confirm the specific style."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he waved his hand to Luna from a distance.

"Don't go with him?"

McGonagall grabbed Luna and glared at Voldemort.

"Mag, since when did you think I was a good-tempered person?"

Voldemort asked, taking out the wand from his waist.

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