Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 230 Become my throat

A bad reputation can have good effects.

For example, when faced with McGonagall's entanglement, she obediently let go of Luna after Voldemort said a word.

"Mrs. Longbottom."

Voldemort put his wand back on his waist and bowed slightly to her, "Please allow me to take them and leave."

"Leaving now?"

Mrs. Longbottom was obviously not used to Voldemort's style of dealing with him, and there was almost no emotional communication.

Do things, just do things, leave as soon as you finish doing things, and don't stay for a minute longer.

"Time is precious. When I find a way to revive your son and daughter-in-law, I will give Neville a period of leave, but before that, please allow us to say goodbye."

Voldemort said, crossing his arms.

Neville looked at Voldemort stupidly, while Luna grabbed one of his arms.

Voldemort had to wink at Neville, spinning his body after the latter caught him.


The three figures twisted into three black shadows and disappeared instantly.

"Augusta, you shouldn't have let Neville leave."

Almost immediately after the three disappeared, McGonagall said to Mrs. Longbottom.

"Minerva, you don't have children, you don't understand."

Mrs. Longbottom sighed and sat on the sofa, then said slowly.

Professor McGonagall: ...

In the forest, three figures suddenly appeared.

"I don't know where your home is, Luna. We need to see your father first." Voldemort lowered his head and said to Luna.

"Do you also want to make an unbreakable vow with him?" Luna asked.

"This will make him feel more at ease. You know, my reputation in the past was not very good." Voldemort shrugged helplessly.

Just now I thought a bad reputation was useful, but then I thought it was a drag again.

It must be said that Voldemort is very fickle.

"I don't think it's necessary. I believe you...that you."

Luna looked at the bag on Voldemort's waist, where the crown was stored.

"I don't even think he is trustworthy." Voldemort curled his lips and said, "First tell me where your home is. I think it is next to this village."

As he spoke, he climbed up and pointed in the distance.

"Ah, that's close."

Luna said in surprise, then looked around for a while, and then began to lead the two of them halfway up the mountain.

"Are we going to be running around all the time?"

While walking, Neville asked.

"There will be a temporary place to stay, the Malfoy family. You know Draco, don't you?" Voldemort said.

"Yeah, I know him. He was a little annoying before, but he got a lot better after second grade."

Neville became breathless as he spoke.

Obviously, climbing mountains is not what this little fat guy is good at.

"Right there." Luna suddenly said loudly.

The two of them looked at it at the same time, and sure enough, on the hillside in the distance, there was a house with a unique shape standing upright.

"Hold me."

Voldemort said, and then after the two of them did as he said, they turned around and disappeared.


When he stopped, he was already standing in the small courtyard with two people.


An afro stuck out, he looked at Luna, blinked, and let out a scream.

"Ah, Luna."

Luna's father, Xenophilius Lovegood, quickly climbed out of the window, and then suddenly froze while running towards Luna.

"You...you are..."

He was obviously not as calm as Mrs. Longbottom, who was already trembling and unable to speak.

"Yes, I am." Voldemort said with a smile, "Come inside and chat."

After he finished speaking, he winked at Luna.

There was no way, Mr. Lovegood was about to sit on the ground, and Voldemort could only let Luna solve this problem.

In the process of entering the house, Voldemort also found things about this person in Lin Zuo's memory.

Lovegood is clearly righteous, at least most of the time.

He also gave an interview to Harry Potter during his second rise, and it was a positive interview.

Obviously, he had his own position, but he quickly changed it.

When he imprisoned Luna, he was even willing to betray the trio for it.

This certainly does not mean that Lovegood is evil, it only proves that his moral bottom line is not that high.

"It could be put to good use. I remember [The Quibbler] seemed to be very popular."

After thinking about this, Voldemort had a different view of Lovegood.

After waiting for a while, Luna helped his father walk in, but no matter how you looked at it, Lovegood was not in good condition.

"Can we communicate?"

Voldemort did not ask Lovegood, but looked at Luna and asked.

"No problem, my dad is very flexible." Luna nodded.

Voldemort nodded in response to her, and then looked at Lovegood - which caused the latter to tremble, as if he had been struck by a spell.


Voldemort had to cough twice to relieve his embarrassment.

"How are the sales of Quibbler? I heard it's better than [The Daily Prophet]."

These words finally cheered up Lovegood. He came out of his fear and nodded vigorously.

"Much better... volt... I mean..."

"Just call me the Dark Lord." Voldemort said.

"Okay, Dark Lord."

Lovegood nodded, and then shook his head vigorously, as if to wake himself up.

"I heard Luna say that you have a way to resurrect my wife, uh... is this true?"

"You may not believe my answer." Voldemort said with a fake smile, "In fact, I don't know yet."


Not to mention Lovegood, even Neville's eyes widened in surprise.

Luna, on the other hand, seemed the least surprised.

"That's another one of my ideas. I need to communicate with him to determine whether it's feasible." Voldemort said with a smile.

He himself didn't think that the crown had a way to resurrect Luna's mother, but he had to ask first.

"If that's the case." Lovegood looked at his daughter and then at Voldemort, "I think it's better to forget it. After all, Luna..."

"He has a way." Luna suddenly interrupted, interrupting Lovegood's words.

Voldemort also looked at her curiously.

"He said that the ring is most likely the Resurrection Stone." Luna said again.


Voldemort frowned. He thought of his ring, and then suddenly realized.

"The Resurrection Stone, yes, but the life resurrected by it can hardly be called a true resurrection." Voldemort looked at Luna and said.

"You were resurrected through that ritual, weren't you?" Luna said excitedly, "He said that you can find the soul through the resurrection stone, and then go through that ritual."

Voldemort thought for a moment, and it seemed to make sense.

But if a person can be resurrected so easily, then why should wizards fear death?

However, even if you think so, it is still a method.

And if Luna is willing to try, he won't be stingy with his time.

After all, this is another way to live forever.

"That being said, you can definitely give it a try."

Voldemort said softly and glanced at Luna.

He always felt that he was at a bit of a loss in this transaction.

So he looked at Lovegood, ready to find some balance from him.

"Then, Mr. Lovegood, are you willing to become my throat in order to resurrect your dead wife?"

Lovegood:? ? ?

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