Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 260 Dumbledore’s invitation

"It's him, I recognize him."

After searching his memory, little Barty turned his head excitedly and said.

Voldemort nodded and said, "Does this werewolf know where Lupin lives in his memory?"

Little Barty shook his head, but he didn't wait for Voldemort to be disappointed, and immediately said: "He has met Lupin the few times he passed by the Highland Bar, and last year was the last time."

"Dumbledore came to see you last year?" Voldemort turned to Greyback and said.

"Yes," he replied.

Voldemort nodded, then glanced at the werewolves kneeling together and said, "Delete their memories."

"Which one?" Old Nott asked.


Glengarry Forest is located in Scotland and covers over 40,000 acres.

There are too many secrets hidden in the vast forest:

Tribes of goblins, herds of unicorns, various magical creatures, vampires, werewolves, and even a solitary wizard.

With so many people hiding here, one more magical werewolf is not that noticeable.

Remus Lupin is the werewolf hiding here.

He built a tree house in the forest, which was very secluded. This was his daily residence.

Not far from the tree house, there is a semi-enclosed cave. Whenever the moon is full, he will lock himself there.

It must be said that he is a kind werewolf.

On this day, he woke up early in the morning as usual and went to the stream to fetch water and wash himself.

When he was about to return to the tree house, he saw a tall and familiar figure in the distance.

He wasn't surprised, but he didn't step forward immediately.

After apparating back to the tree house, a set of worn but clean wizard robes emerged from the box and put on, Lupine walked down from the tree house.

"Principal, what do you want from me?" Lu Ping asked the tall figure with his back turned to him.

The white-haired old man who was looking at the rising sun turned his head and showed a big smile.

"Remus, do I have to come to you for something?" Dumbledore's voice was full of his love for Lupin.

Lupine smiled, very restrained, but you could tell he was happy.

"I still recommend that you stay at my home in Godric's Hollow. There is always no one there."

Dumbledore said, waving his wand to conjure a table and chairs, and motioned for Lupine to sit down and talk.

"I don't want to cause trouble to you, Headmaster, or to Godric's Hollow, where wizards are not in the habit of having werewolves as neighbors."

Lupine said as he sat down, his voice gentle and pleasant to the ears.

"I will convince them..."

"This is exactly why I don't want to go, Headmaster. I am already very happy to go to Hogwarts."

Lu Ping showed a rather sunny smile, and his washed white clothes looked so clean.

"You always make me feel bad, child. You know, I am willing to do more for you. You are like my child." Dumbledore said emotionally, and he even rubbed the corners of his eyes.

Lupine just smiled and said nothing, but everything seemed very harmonious.

Dumbledore adjusted his emotions, raised his wand again and asked: "Butterbeer?"

Lu Ping nodded immediately, with a rare hint of excitement on his face.

Dumbledore smiled like a child and waved his wand like a magic trick to conjure two glasses of beer on the table.

"Give this to me."

He put one cup in front of him and pushed the other cup to Lupin, "This cup is for you."

Lupine took the beer, but the excitement disappeared from his face.

"What's wrong with your right hand, principal?"

He asked doubtfully, because during the process of dividing the wine, Dumbledore was using his left hand.

But Lupin's memory told him that the headmaster didn't like using his left hand for other things while holding the wand.

"A little injured." Dumbledore raised his right hand and said, "It's not serious, but he needs to rest for a while."

Lupine frowned. He wanted to ask more, but Dumbledore motioned for him to drink.

The considerate Lupine didn't ask further questions. He picked up the beer and took a sip, but he didn't look as happy as before.

Dumbledore knew that he would not be happy again until he could explain the source of his injuries, and this explanation could truly reassure Lupine.

But he couldn't do that without lying.

So he looked down at his right hand and decided not to say this.

"Remus," Dumbledore said, taking a sip of his beer, "I need your help at Hogwarts."


Lupine was startled.

If Dumbledore asked him for help, he would definitely do it, but Hogwarts...

He really wasn't cut out to be there.

"We have hired several bad Dark Arts professors in a row. Remus, believe me, if firing Lockhart would not cause Hogwarts to be flooded with letters from his fans, I would have fired him long ago."

When Dumbledore spoke, he made an exaggerated movement, which made Lupine laugh.

When Lupine stopped smiling and was about to refuse, Dumbledore stopped him.

"Wolfsbane Potion, Lupin, it can solve your problem."

Dumbledore gave a way to solve the problem, "You only need to hide in the office every full moon night. If this still doesn't make you feel at ease, I am willing to guard you."

Lupine's eyes were filled with gratitude, but there was still a worried expression on his face.

"Help me, Remus, I'm getting further and further away from being one of the greatest Headmasters of Hogwarts simply because there have been so many unreliable Defense Against Darkness professors during my tenure. "

Dumbledore began to act pitiful, which again amused Lupine, but he still had difficulty making up his mind to go there.

"Professor Quirrell, principal, he is a good professor, I have seen it in the newspaper." Lupine gave another solution.

Dumbledore scratched his head, his expression looked a little complicated, and Lupine didn't understand what it meant.

"The curse does not allow him to serve again, and you can only teach for one year, Remus. I don't know who else I can turn to except you."

Dumbledore chose to hide, and Lupine fell silent after hearing this.

Neither of them spoke anymore, only the birds on the trees were chirping, causing Dumbledore to look over.

"I'm here, and I can help you observe the werewolves. If you leave..."

"That's not necessary for now, Remus."

Dumbledore looked away from the bird and said, "It is more important to me that you go to Hogwarts, and besides, there is a child who needs your guidance."

Lu Ping opened his mouth to ask who it was, but he was suddenly stunned.

At this moment, his eyes, which had always been calm, suddenly became complicated.

Memories seemed to have burst a dam, rushing out of my mind crazily, and sadness appeared uncontrollably, visible to the naked eye.

"Oh, Remus, my boy."

Dumbledore stood up, walked around the table to Lupin, and gently rested his head on his waist.

He could understand the child's sadness.

But the sad thing is that the child never expresses his sadness.

Lupine, when will you be happy?

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