Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 268 Where is the diary?

It is not difficult to fabricate a memory, but the difficult thing is to make it real.

Most wizards do not have this ability, and only a few wizards who specialize in forgetting spells have this method.

As far as Voldemort knew, the Memory Logging Command in the Ministry of Magic had a large number of employees who specialized in this field.

But their targets were Muggles, not wizards.

"Who would do such a thing to a wizard?"

Voldemort thought and raised his wand again.

"Wait a minute."

Harold held his head with one hand and made a pause gesture to Voldemort with the other hand.

"I know you want to delete the memory related to Dumbledore just now, and I understand your intention to preserve Dumbledore's reputation, Remus, but your memory spell is so bad, I think..."

"you misunderstood."

Voldemort interrupted him coldly, then waved his wand.

The Legilimency Spell was activated again, but unlike before, this time he tried to explore Lockhart's memories on a large scale.

Voldemort firmly believed that this kind of tampering could not happen just once.

Sure enough, as he kept trying, more and more tampering points were discovered.

Voldemort recorded them carefully and tried to deduce where he should be during that time through the altered memories before and after.

"The changes were very detailed, leaving no clues at all."

Voldemort said with a frown, looking at Lockhart who was weak and unable to resist.

"Who on earth would be watching him?"

"What value can he provide to these people?"

Unable to find the common ground between those memories, Voldemort tried to think from other angles.

But Lockhart's life trajectory was very clear, and there were no big secrets involved in the memory search, which made Voldemort more and more confused.

But he didn't give up, because his intuition told him that there must be some great secret hidden behind these modified memories.

Voldemort decided to use his prophetic eyes to see, but he didn't want little Barty to become half-blind again.

Taking out the silver magic ball from his pocket, his soul left Barty's body and entered the silver magic ball. Voldemort instantly took possession of his body again.

"Who are you……"

Lockhart's eyes widened in surprise, Voldemort waved his hand, and little Barty immediately understood and used magic to silence Lockhart.

Mobilizing the Eye of the Prophet, the right eye immediately glowed with red light.

Lockhart stepped back in fright, while little Barty glanced curiously at Voldemort's red eyes.

Voldemort didn't care about the two people's reactions, but just focused on Lockhart:

Outside the white light, there is a golden flame burning.

The child of destiny, coupled with walking on the path of destiny.

The memory has been changed, but it is adapting to fate...

Voldemort turned his head and looked at the air to the side, where he had written many words with his wand, all related to Lockhart's tampered memory.

He crossed his arms over his chest and frowned as he watched.

Little Barty didn't say a word, waiting quietly, looking at the nervous Harold from time to time, reminding him not to move.


Voldemort suddenly spoke, and then he waved his wand.

The text immediately changed, and the content began to decrease, slowly transforming into timelines in years.

The nodes in the timeline where memories have been tampered with are all concentrated at the end of August.


Voldemort turned sharply and looked at Lockhart. He waved his hand, and little Barty immediately unlocked his magic.

“Where do you go every year at the end of August?”

Faced with Voldemort's inquiry, Lockhart was very confused: "Didn't you look at my memories? Mysterious man, I have no intention of being your enemy."

Voldemort waved his hand to signal him not to say anything other than his own question.

"Do you know that your memory has been tampered with at these points?" Voldemort asked, pointing to the timeline on the side.

Lockhart shook his head in confusion, it was obvious that he knew nothing about this.

"This time when you were twenty-one, your memory has been tampered with for the longest time. It may be the starting point of everything. It was also the end of August. Do you have any special impressions?"

Voldemort pointed at a node in the timeline and then asked Lockhart.

"I have no impression at all, but..." Lockhart frowned, "I have the habit of writing a diary, so..."

"Where is the diary?" Voldemort asked directly.

"If you promise to let me go, I am willing to..."


A Cruciatus Curse flew out, causing Lockhart to wail in pain on the ground.

Voldemort took the opportunity to look at Barty Jr. with his prophetic eyes, and saw a white light on his body, which was not as bright as Lockhart, but the red flame was more dazzling.

Little Barty was panicked by the sight and avoided Voldemort's gaze.

"This is the eye of the prophet, little Barty."

Voldemort ignored Lockhart's plea for mercy, and just said something to Barty Jr., and then said, "The light of the child of destiny in him is brighter than you."

"Really?" Little Barty looked at Lockhart in surprise.

He remembered that Voldemort had told him about the concept of the Destiny Child.

The title "Destiny's Child" is a bit exaggerated for most people with white light.

According to Voldemort, Dumbledore is the true child of destiny.

Although Harry Potter is a little worse, he still barely deserves this title.

As for other people with white light on their bodies, they can at most be regarded as people who have made a difference in the long river of destiny.

As Voldemort's most valued subordinate, it is not surprising that he has made a difference in his destiny, but how can this man in front of him be so virtuous?

"What color is the flame on his body?" Little Barty asked curiously.

"Gold." Voldemort smacked his lips and said.

Is this thing in front of me actually able to make a difference in destiny, or is he just the one who conforms to destiny?

If he hadn't seen all this through the eyes of the prophet, Voldemort would never have guessed this result.

And it wasn't just Voldemort who was surprised, little Barty also had his mouth half open and couldn't say a word.

"This guy has done so many bad things, but he is still golden?" Little Barty couldn't help but ask his soul.

Voldemort shrugged, and at the same time broke the spell and looked at the other party: "Don't make terms with me, do you understand?"

Lockhart wanted to nod, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only hum twice unconsciously.

"But he's not from the principal, right?" After being surprised, Barty Jr. frowned and asked.

Voldemort nodded, a playful smile suddenly appeared on his face and said: "This is the key to the problem, little Barty, maybe someone is watching everything secretly."

"Who could it be?" Little Barty asked puzzled.

"We don't know much at the moment, little Barty." Voldemort looked at Lockhart with a smile and said, "But he will give us the answer."

"I know nothing, Dark Lord, really."

Lockhart finally came to his senses. He collapsed weakly on the ground and cried bitterly, "Please, please spare me. I am willing to join the Death Eaters."

"Look, the reputation of the Death Eaters is so bad that everyone thinks they can join."

Voldemort's joke earned Barty a flattering smile, but Voldemort did not look at him. Instead, he still stared at Harold and asked seriously:

"Where's the diary, Lockhart."

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