Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 269 London in late August

"In my house, Dark Lord, I can take you to see it immediately."

Finally, Lockhart wised up and stopped making terms with Voldemort.

"Location, take us there." Voldemort said coldly.

"Give me the wand and I will phantom you..."


A spell once again caused Lockhart, who had just sat up, to fall to the ground and twitch.

"It seems like he doesn't know anything." Little Barty asked with a strange expression.

"This only shows that the organization is strict enough. They are using the Forgetting Curse to erase all traces."

Voldemort said while using magic, "But what makes me wonder is, after the memory is erased, do they have to re-explain everything every time they meet?"

"Maybe those key memories were stored in the pensieve." Little Barty guessed.

Voldemort nodded, acknowledged this statement, and stopped the spell again.

"London...21 Brook Street...Room 502."

The magic stopped, and Lockhart gave the address intermittently.

"Brook Street..."

Voldemort murmured and looked at Barty Jr., he had no impression of this place at all.

"I've been there, Dark Lord, let me lead the way." Little Barty said immediately.

Voldemort nodded, and finally asked Barty Jr. to pull Lockhart up, and then he took the initiative to grab Lockhart's arm.


The three of them disappeared into the forest and reappeared in a busy street.

"It's rare to live in a Muggle downtown area."

Voldemort looked around to make sure no one noticed them and then said.

"It's very busy here and it looks like it's easy to spot, but it's not."

Lockhart explained weakly, "Besides, I usually apparate in and out of the apartment without being noticed."

Voldemort nodded and motioned for the other party to lead the way.

"Wait a moment, Dark Lord, my body needs some relief," Lockhart said with a grimace.

Voldemort nodded to indicate that there was no problem, and then looked warily at a Muggle walking towards them.

"This gentleman."

The man glanced at Voldemort and Barty Jr. warily, and then asked Lockhart, "Do you need help?"

Little Barty looked at Voldemort and asked him with his eyes whether he wanted to take action.

Voldemort shook his head slightly, glanced at Lockhart, and then looked at the approaching Muggles.

The telepathy was turned on, and after confirming that the Muggles were just out of good intentions and had no other special reasons, they no longer cared much about the other party.

"I'm fine, sir. Thank you for your concern." Lockhart replied with a smile, without the slightest hint of being mean.

The man nodded, looked at Voldemort and Barty Jr. again, and then turned and left.

"No one in the wizarding world dares to talk to you like that." Little Barty said dissatisfiedly as he stared at the Muggles going away.

"So, this is not the wizarding world."

Voldemort said something, and then motioned to Harold, who had almost recovered, to lead the way.

The three walked into an apartment building, went upstairs and entered Lockhart's room.

"This place is really... splendid."

After little Barty walked in, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Find the diary, Lockhart."

Voldemort was not in the mood to observe the environment, so he winked at little Barty to signal him to be careful.

Little Barty nodded and followed Lockhart into the study with Voldemort.

"There are all diaries here." Lockhart pointed to a bookshelf and said, "There are ones from every year, and the time is marked very clearly."

"Your memory will be tampered with once every year at the end of August." Voldemort looked at Lockhart and asked, "Do you have any memory of this situation?"

Lockhart frowned in confusion, indicating that he didn't know.

"Then follow us and look through the diary to see if your original plan for those days is recorded in it."

Voldemort said as he outlined the words in the air again.

There is a specific time on it, as well as what the tampered memory did that day.

The three of them each took out a diary to check, and soon found the corresponding content.

"Meeting fans on August 18, 1989. What is written in the diary is meeting fans, and it is also in my memory."

Harold was the first to find the answer in the diary he chose and spoke to the two.

Voldemort raised his head and said: "On August 21, 1990, I was invited to a big dinner by a Muggle celebrity. The content is the same as the diary."

"On August 19, 1991, I made an appointment to see a Muggle dentist. It's the same as my memory." Harold said immediately.

Voldemort nodded, looked at Lockhart and asked, "Why did you make an appointment with the Muggle dentist?"

"The activity coupons were distributed downstairs. I was curious and made an appointment." Lockhart thought for a moment and said.

Voldemort nodded. The diary matched the memory. The question is why was the memory changed?

Lockhart himself was frowning and puzzled, and he obviously didn't know the reason.

"My diary recorded on the 20th said that I accepted an invitation from a Muggle star a month ago. Where are you?" Voldemort looked at the diary in his hand again, raised his head and asked the two of them.

"My fan meeting was scheduled half a year ago." Lockhart raised the notebook in his hand and said, "I was very busy during that time. There were many fan meetings throughout the year, all of which were scheduled in advance."

Voldemort nodded and looked at Barty.

"It says one week in advance." Little Barty held up the diary and said.

Voldemort nodded and said: "My address here is London, where is yours?"

Before Barty Jr. could speak, Harlot said directly: "It's all London, it's all in my memory."

Voldemort nodded again, looked at Lockhart and said, "Do you have any appointments for August this year?"

Lockhart was stunned for a moment, but then he took out a pamphlet from his pocket.

"There's only one fan meeting, Dark Lord."

Lockhart said as he handed the pamphlet to Voldemort.

"Because I have a busy year at Hogwarts this year, I plan to take a break before working again, so I only prepared one fan meeting. In previous years, there would be many."

"If you want to rest, why do you have to hold a meet-and-greet?"

Voldemort immediately asked, and lowered his head to look at the book. The time and place of the meeting were indeed written on it.

"The location is still in London."

Voldemort raised his head and looked at Lockhart, only to see the latter frowning with a confused expression on his face.

"Remember what?" Voldemort asked.

"I can't remember, but..." Lockhart frowned and said, "I seem to have an instinct that I want to conduct an... scheduled operation in London every August."

"Think of the time, Lockhart, why August? Think of the address, why London? Lockhart, find that answer."

Voldemort said encouragingly, but looking at Lockhart's frown, he didn't have much expectation.

"Perhaps a deeper memory search will be effective."

Little Barty's words shocked Harold out of his thoughts in an instant.

"Dark Lord, I will work hard, I will definitely remember."

Lockhart shouted excitedly, but Voldemort had already raised his wand.

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