Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 270 Broken Memory

Any spell related to thoughts and memories will cause additional damage.

If it is only a slight change, the additional damage may be minimal.

But if you take Barty Jr.'s advice, use a deeper memory search.

In other words, if the output of the Legilimens spell is increased without limit, the additional damage will be too great.

Decreased intelligence, amnesia, and even insanity may occur.

Lockhart certainly didn't want this to be the result, but Voldemort was not stingy with his magic.

"Trust me once, Dark Lord, and I will find the answer."

Seeing Voldemort raise his wand, Lockhart knelt down straight and said.

"Ten minutes, no more."

Voldemort took out his pocket watch and started counting on the spot.

Lockhart didn't dare to argue and immediately started thinking hard.

"I think it's meaningless." Little Barty approached Voldemort and whispered, "All his memories have been modified, and he hasn't discovered any problems himself, so... giving him a year is useless."

"Sometimes, the forgetting spell cannot completely forget the memory."

Voldemort glanced at Lockhart and said, "For those with a strong enough will, those memories may just be hidden."

"But I don't think he is that kind of person." Barty Jr. also glanced at Lockhart and said.

Voldemort shrugged and did not answer his question.

Invisible things like will are difficult to quantify, so he decided to wait ten minutes.

It’s not very long anyway.


Voldemort closed his pocket watch and looked at Lockhart, who shivered in fright.

"The time is up, do you have the answer?"

Lockhart shook his head palely, and then looked at Voldemort with pleading eyes.

But when he raised his head, he was greeted by the silver light of the curse - when he shook his head, Voldemort had already raised his wand.


The curse hit Lockhart's head, and countless memories were instantly read by Voldemort.

Different from the simple viewing before, this time Voldemort used his magic power.

Magic tore at Lockhart's memory wantonly, instantly disrupting his memory.

Regardless of whether Voldemort can see what he wants, Lockhart's brain is not as useful as before.


Voldemort increased the magic output again and again, and Lockhart's body began to shake violently.

In his eyes, countless memories were quickly flipped through, and he murmured words that no one could hear clearly.

Big beads of sweat flowed down from his face, and soon the clothes on his chest were wet.


Lockhart summoned all his strength and will and reluctantly begged Voldemort for mercy, but this only resulted in an even more intense magic output.


There seemed to be a crisp sound in Voldemort's ears, but the sound seemed to come from Lockhart's mind.

The will seemed to be flowing uncontrollably along the silver magic connection, rushing towards Lockhart's memory world.

For an instant, Voldemort was in a dark room.

This is the hidden memory that truly gives Voldemort an immersive feeling.

"There you are, Lockhart."

The figure hidden in the darkness spoke, a female voice with a deep voice.

"Why is this here?" Lockhart's voice came up immediately, "Don't I want to join the book club?"

"Yes, book club, Lockhart, listen to this voice."

After the deep voice finished speaking, the man in the darkness seemed to open something.

"Ding, ding ding ding, ding, ding ding..."

A voice with a unique rhythm sounded, and Lockhart in his memory was struck by lightning.

He trembled for a moment, then seemed to awaken some memory.

It was at this moment that the memory space began to be torn apart, and Voldemort's consciousness followed the other party and entered a new world filled with white light.

"In London at the end of August, you must have an appointment. In London at the end of August, you must have an appointment..."

Lockhart's own voice kept repeating in this world.

The white light is slowly disappearing, as if it is about to reveal its truest appearance.

Voldemort waited quietly, he was about to get everything he wanted to know.

However, at this moment, a crisp sound suddenly came from the white light world.


Like a crack in the mirror, the white light no longer disappears, but becomes brighter and brighter.


The sound of the mirror shattering was heard, and Voldemort's consciousness exited in panic. He felt that the world was breaking.


After Voldemort's consciousness returned to his true form, he saw Lockhart standing in front of him stupidly with drool.

"What's wrong with him?" Little Barty asked doubtfully.

"The sea of ​​consciousness is broken." Voldemort said with lingering fear.

If he had exited a little later, his consciousness would have been shattered along with Lockhart's shattered sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if he didn't belong there, the aftermath would hurt his consciousness.


Little Barty swallowed and asked nervously, "How could this happen?"

Voldemort thought for a while and explained softly: "His memory is divided into layers, and part of it is hidden deeper. It can also be said to be another layer of space. After I entered, that layer of space should have initiated self-destruction."


Little Barty waved his wand directly to explore the memory of Lockhart, who had become stupid, but he soon ended the spell.

"It was such a mess that I couldn't see anything clearly."

Voldemort nodded, this result was not beyond his expectation.

He picked up the book Lockhart had given him before, which recorded the appointment time this year:

August 25, 1993.

"Are you going to attend the appointment on his behalf?" Little Barty asked Voldemort.

Voldemort did not speak, he nodded, and then put the notebook away.

"It's hard to go back to Dumbledore's place. Please follow me back to Malfoy Manor first."

As Voldemort spoke, he came to Harold, cut off some of the ends of his hair, and put it in his bag.

"I think I can still go back." Little Barty thought for a moment and said.

"Then what did you tell him?" Voldemort looked at little Barty and asked.

"I was afraid that Lockhart would ruin his reputation, so I had a long conversation with Lockhart. In order to determine whether he had done those things, I searched his memory."

Little Barty was thinking and giving his own thoughts, "That's what happened to him in the end."

Voldemort looked at Lockhart and said, "It's a reasonable reason, but there are loopholes..."

"Not afraid."

Little Barty smiled at Voldemort and said, "The principal doesn't kill anyone. Even if he is really discovered, he will stay in Azkaban for a few days at most. Your affairs are the most important."

Voldemort was startled and looked at Barty Jr., not knowing what to say for a moment.

It is indeed important to him to let little Barty enter Hogwarts.

But Barty Jr.'s choice still moved him very much.

"If he is really discovered, tell him my discovery."

Voldemort thought for a while and said, "He probably doesn't know about this matter. I think he will be interested in it, and he won't be able to restrain you by then."

Barty Jr. nodded immediately, indicating that he would do so.

Even if he couldn't go to Azkaban, he still didn't want to go.

Only those who have been to that ghost place truly understand the horror of it.

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