Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 280 Perpetual Magic Power

Voldemort had no choice but to fail to make the three-day appointment with the Department of Mysteries.

His physical mobility remained limited for the next three days, resulting in him spending most of his time in bed.

Three days later, most of the power of time disappeared, and he finally regained more mobility.

But dragging such a body out would greatly compromise safety, and Voldemort could only continue to break appointments.

The Department of Mysteries understands this.

"It's the best result not to be trapped in an infinite time loop. I've told him not to do that."

This is a statement passed down from the Department of Mysteries, which is somewhat schadenfreude.

"It's me...too...reckless..."

Voldemort said to Abu with a stiff smile, which caused Abu to laugh in front of him for a while.

The communication ended in laughter. Voldemort was not in a suitable state to chat for a long time, so Abu left in a hurry.

Regarding Voldemort's state, no one thought it was a big problem.

Wizards are accompanied by magical magic every day, and it is common for something to go wrong.

All wizards have long been accustomed to this.

Voldemort's small building became quiet again, and he began to indulge in the study of his body.

This body itself is composed of magic power. According to the magic power reduction rules, it will slowly become weak.

When it becomes too weak to carry the soul, it will instantly collapse and dissipate.

This was its original trajectory, but after the power of time penetrated, Voldemort discovered a strange change:

Part of the magic power became the carrier of the power of time, and the power of time used its own power to bless the magic power with the characteristics of time.

This caused this part of the special magic and the power of time to enter a cycle.

The former carries the latter, and the latter perpetuates the former.

Theoretically, as long as these special magic powers are not destroyed, they will last forever.

Voldemort named these special powers:

Always moving magic.

And when Voldemort deliberately controlled his body and entered a low-consumption state, he discovered a magical phenomenon.

These perpetually moving magic powers actually actively emit more magic energy, adding more magic energy to other magic components in the body that are beginning to weaken.

That is to say.

As long as Voldemort maintains a short low consumption every once in a while.

This body of his will... survive forever without being destroyed by violence.

This really shocked Voldemort.

He began to study those perpetually moving magic powers day and night, and even cut off part of his own body for research.

Due to the long-lasting nature of eternal magic, those bodies are still as fresh as new even if they are put on the test bed.

This resulted in his experiments appearing extremely cruel, and several students began to refuse to set foot in his laboratory.

Only Luna had no fear of raw meat oozing with blood.

Sometimes, she would even participate in experiments, helping Voldemort cut off a piece of meat or put a piece of meat back.

"It really grew back. How did you do it?"

As Luna spoke, she cut off a piece of flesh from Voldemort's body without his permission.


Voldemort gasped in pain, but he did not criticize Luna.

The wizard had to be brave enough to explore, which he thought was a commendable act, as long as Luna didn't cut him to death.

"Essentially, this body is a curse. Of course, it's a little more complicated."

Voldemort was now able to control his body and spoke much more fluently, "You look at it as flesh and blood, but it's actually just a ball of magic, like this."


Voldemort snapped his fingers, and the flesh and blood in Luna's hand instantly turned into silver magic.

"This is its most fundamental form."

As he spoke, he spread his palms.

The group of perpetually moving magic power was immediately sucked into his hand, floating and surging half a foot above his palm.

"Neville can do it too. Teacher, can I learn this ability to control objects?" Luna said with envy as she looked at Voldemort's palm.

"This is talent, Luna. I think your talent is not here."

Voldemort smiled at her, but because his body could not fully control it, the smile froze in place for a while.

"This talent was wasted on Neville. He only knows how to practice swordsmanship and doesn't use it for magic at all." Luna pouted and said.

Voldemort smiled and made no comment.

"Percy's mother came this morning," Luna added.

Voldemort looked away from the eternal magic, looked up at Luna and asked: "Molly Weasley?"

"Yes, and Mr. Weasley, but he looks like he was dragged here by Percy's mother."

Luna thought of some interesting scene and laughed "hehehe" to herself.

"How did Abu cope?"

Because Voldemort used Lucius's identity, Lucius has been hiding in the castle recently.

When something like this happens, only Abu can deal with it.

"He directly told Mrs. Weasley that Percy wasn't here at all, but Mrs. Weasley didn't believe it, but she seemed a little afraid of Grandpa Abu," Luna said.

Voldemort shrugged, looked at the surging magic again, and urged it to keep changing.

"Later, Lucius notified Percy, and Percy wrote a letter to persuade the two people to leave."

Luna looked at the rolling perpetual magic power again and asked, "Are you trying to form a magic text?"

"How did you guess that?" Voldemort asked.

"Form, teacher, it's not difficult to guess." Luna shrugged like Voldemort.

Voldemort smiled, said nothing, and continued to control the eternal magic power to transform into magic words.

But whenever it wants to form a specific shape, it will automatically break apart, as if there is some force blocking it from taking shape.

"Do you know what magic text that should be?" Luna asked.

Voldemort shook his head.

"Then what's the point of doing this?" Luna asked confused.

"I just need to give it an emotion to express, Luna, and it is itself, and it can express itself the way it should."

Voldemort said while trying to influence the perpetually moving magic power.

It's a pity that the silver eternal magic power has been tumbling for a long time, but it has not been able to transform into what it should be.

"Generally speaking, what are the reasons why it is not allowed to appear?" Luna asked again.

Voldemort had given up trying. He thought for a moment and said, "Fire cannot be ignited in water. That's the general concept. Of course, I mean normally."

"What about a change of environment?" Luna asked, eyes widening.

"What ring...you mean it's inside my body?" Voldemort asked in surprise.

Luna nodded vigorously, while Voldemort frowned.

The reason why he cut off the perpetual magic power for experimentation was because he was afraid that messing with it in his body would destroy the balance of magic and cause his body to collapse.

But when Luna said it, he was still a little moved.

The reason is the same as before. He is not afraid if his body breaks down. After all, it is just for transition.

As for its immortality properties…

Eternal life in an unreal body meant nothing to the picky Voldemort.

But even at the cost of this body, as long as he is allowed to have a glimpse of the time magic text, he is willing.

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