Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 281 Time Magic Text

"Help me call Nott and Senior Abu, Luna."

Voldemort said to her disciple, and then began to prepare to try it.

He had to tread carefully because even though the body was temporary, the soul was not.

"I don't think it's the right choice."

When Voldemort expressed his thoughts, Old Nott said without hesitation.

"Just be prepared for your soul to escape, Geraint, you are too cautious."

Abu's attitude is completely opposite to that of Old Nott. He is more enterprising and adventurous.

Voldemort's eyes lingered on the two of them for a while, and finally looked at Abu.

"If there is an accident, just listen to Abu's command on the spot, that's it."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he ignored Old Nott's stop and slowly closed his eyes.

Within his body, a ray of perpetual magic power was withdrawn by him and returned to the form of silver magic power.


Voldemort grunted in pain, enduring the pain caused by the loss of his body, and controlled the eternal magic, hoping that it could return to its own form in its own ocean.

But in fact, the magic text is not the original appearance of the power, it is just the way the wizards want them to appear.

In the ancient times, magic script was just a common text used by wizards.

It's just that some of these words are given special meanings.

What makes them even more special is that when wizards write and engrave them, they will directly display extraordinary magical effects.

Wizards have debated the extraordinary nature of these words.

Some people believe that the ancient magic texts themselves possess extraordinary abilities.

But others disagree.

They believe that just as words were invented by humans, these extraordinary words should also be invented by humans.

The two factions quarreled endlessly and attacked each other.

Because their respective theories were untenable, their ideas were never unified.

But to this day, most top wizards believe that those special magic texts were created by human exploration.

Yes, that's a neat way of merging the two factions.

Magic text.

In other words, the simplest way to express magic is that it has always existed.

It is as special as any magic spell, hidden in a corner that has never been discovered by the wizard.

When a talented wizard discovers it from the dust, a unique magic text is born.

And this is exactly what Voldemort did at this time.

He needs to influence the eternal magic power so that it can show its unique time characteristics in a magical way.

No one knows whether he will succeed in doing so.

The known failure so far was Voldemort's attempt in the air.

There is still great doubt whether another method can be successful.

But this answer, as Voldemort tried again and again in pain, began to slowly appear:

The perpetual magic power began to roll inside his body, slowly forming an "O" shape.

But there are many constantly changing lines that spread out from the edges of the "O" shape.

Voldemort's body began to tremble, and the feeling of powerlessness after the magic power was exhausted began to emerge in his heart.


Voldemort's head shook twitchingly, and his mouth made unconscious sounds. No one knew what he wanted to express.

"We should ask him to stop, right?" Old Nott nervously held the wand and asked Abu.

"It's not the time yet." Abu also tightened the wand in his hand and said.

"He's disappearing," Luna said suddenly.

"What?" Old Nott asked.

"In my perception, he is disappearing, body and soul."

Luna looked directly at Voldemort, as if her eyes were traveling through the other person's body, looking towards the window further back and the scenery outside the window.

"Do you feel this way?" Abu asked Old Nott.

Old Nott shook his head. He didn't feel the state Luna was talking about at all.


Voldemort let out another louder cry, and his eyes became completely confused.

"What's wrong with him?" Old Nott yelled.

"Quiet, Geraint, calm down."

As Abu spoke, his eyes became more and more serious. His wand was pointed straight at Voldemort, ready to cast a stun spell on him at any time.

Just when the three of them were nervous, Voldemort suddenly showed a tough expression.

His eyes seemed to be focused on the empty air in front of him, and he said loudly: "Prove it to me."

The three of them looked at each other and saw the answer they wanted in each other's eyes:

Something is definitely wrong with Voldemort and he can't wait any longer.

"I come."

Abu said, then shook his wand and cast a stun spell on Voldemort.


The spell actually passed through Voldemort's body, shattered the glass like it passed through the air, and rushed out of the room.

"He alternates between two states, and we do it together."

Luna shouted urgently, then picked up her wand and shouted, "Collapse."

But her spell was too slow, and Old Nott was much faster than she was.

Before Luna could finish shouting the curse, Old Nott's curse had already hit Voldemort.


Voldemort felt that his spirit was hit hard by a sledgehammer, and he felt dizzy, but he was quickly suppressed by his strong willpower.


Another curse flew towards Voldemort.

It was Luna. She was more than half a beat too slow. She cast the spell after Voldemort woke up.


Voldemort raised his hand to meet the curse and deflected it.

"I'm all right."

Voldemort gasped and motioned to several people not to attack again.

"How are you?" Abu asked immediately.

"It doesn't feel good, Abu, I think it's a..."

Voldemort was silent for a moment, allowing himself to breathe, and then thought about the feeling before, "I think I was traveling in my own timeline, and I just met the middle-aged Dumbledore."

"Is that what you said to him before?" Abu asked with his eyes widened in surprise, "Are you sure it was a time span and not a reappearance of memories?"

The other two people were also staring at Voldemort, waiting for his answer.

If it's just the reappearance of memories, it doesn't mean anything to wizards. They have too many ways to re-enter their memories.

But if it's about crossing time, even if the wizarding world does have a time turner, Voldemort's ability is too exaggerated.

"I think it is indeed a time travel, even..."

A wry smile suddenly appeared on Voldemort's face, "I think I finally know why Dumbledore is so malicious towards me."

The three of them looked at Voldemort with puzzled faces, but he obviously had no intention of explaining to them.

"The experiment ends here, you three. This experiment will be permanently sealed and I will never try it again."

Voldemort said in an unusually firm tone, which puzzled the three of them.

But looking at Voldemort, he was not prepared to give any explanation to the three of them.

When the Dark Lord was not ready to say anything, no one knew the answer, and the three of them had no choice but to hide their doubts in their hearts.

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