Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 282 In the Name of Time and Destiny

"Prove it to me."

Voldemort was deeply impressed by this statement.

But the eleven-year-old self and the self who died once have completely different personalities.

The former is childish, while the latter is full of majesty and evil.

Voldemort can guarantee that Dumbledore must have noticed this.

Perhaps this is why Dumbledore has always paid attention to Riddle since then.

But Voldemort couldn't guarantee 100% that his idea was correct.

Just like after that day, he reflected that maybe he just fell into a thinking misunderstanding that he didn't even notice.

What he had experienced before was all false and unfounded unless he confirmed it with Dumbledore.

But this doesn't make much sense.

Because if this is true, then how did Voldemort in the original world get noticed by Dumbledore?

You know, he is not just Voldemort now.

"Teacher, you are in a daze again."

Luna's words made Voldemort wake up from his reverie.

"Thank you, Luna, for helping me get out of my head again."

After Voldemort smiled and thanked him, he looked at Neville again.

The little guy was practicing his sword hard, and at the same time there were two boomerangs without blades. He used his mental power to adjust their direction from time to time, and they flew around him.

"If you have any concerns, you can tell me, teacher." Luna came to sit down on the recliner next to Voldemort and said with concern.

Voldemort smiled and said nothing.

"Old Nott wanted to ask Daenerys to come over. He said it would be helpful to you."

Luna's words made Voldemort laugh, but he said nothing, because it was not bad for Old Nott to do this. He had indeed not seen Daenerys for a long time.

"But Grandpa Abu thinks it would be better for Bella to come, so he has sent someone to notify Bella now."

Luna's words made Voldemort's smile freeze. He turned to look at Luna to make sure that the little girl was not joking.

"I think they'll all be here soon." Luna said with a smile on her face.

"Bella is in Azkaban..."

"She has learned the Animagus. It is not difficult for her to get out of Azkaban. It is said that she is just waiting for your call." Luna said with a bright smile.

Voldemort suddenly discovered that although Luna was not very old, she got along very well with these Death Eaters.

No one hates her, and everyone trusts her and is willing to share their secrets with her.

"Whose idea was this?"

Voldemort quickly realized that the arrival of the two women at the same time must have been premeditated.

"Grandpa Abu."

Luna betrayed Abu without hesitation, "He said that your state is very wrong and you must get out of thinking about magic, otherwise problems will easily occur, so... I think the effect is good."

A smile broke out on Voldemort's face.

Of course the effect was good, he was no longer in the mood to think about it.

"I need to conduct a new magic experiment." Voldemort noticed Luna's eyes widening in surprise, and quickly added, "It's different from last time."

"You mean, you need Old Nott and Grandpa Abu?" Luna asked.

"Yes, let them wait for me in the small building."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the small building first.

He ventured all the way to study the time magic text, and what he wanted to solve was the personality conflict caused by the memory of two souls.

If this problem is not resolved, his character will swing from left to right, and eventually there will be irreversible consequences.

The reason why he didn't rush to solve it before was because he was troubled by that thinking dilemma.

But now that the two women are coming, he must solve the character problem before then.

Because at this time, his character is too complicated.

The love that the residual soul lacked was replenished by Lin Zuo, while the former loved Bella, and the latter liked Daenerys more.

Moreover, the latter feels that the love between Remnant Soul and Bella is immoral.

After all, Bella is the wife of his friend's son, and his friend's son and Bella are both his subordinates...

In short, this complicated relationship makes Lin Zuo's soul and personality very resistant to the other party.

Previously, Voldemort's living environment was worrying, and the two characters were able to work independently in order to survive.

But now that the living environment has improved, Dumbledore was seriously injured, and the number of people supporting him is gradually increasing.

This allowed the two less-stressed personalities to collide head-on.

Voldemort must deal with them quickly, before the two women arrive.

"The magic I want to experiment with this time is related to the spirit and has nothing to do with the body, so the same problem as last time should not arise."

Voldemort thought about it and said to the three of them, "But I can't guarantee that there will be no problem, so if an accident occurs, please use a coma spell that is more powerful than last time."

Abu and Old Nott looked at each other and saw tension in each other's eyes.

"Can't we give up this experiment?" Old Nott asked.

Voldemort smiled and said nothing.

Then he sat down, slowly leaned on the back of the leather chair, and slowly closed his eyes.

The sea of ​​consciousness does not really exist. It is empty and boundless, but when people close their eyes, it will appear there.

People can fantasize there and search for memories there.

You can also allow some inspiration to grow spontaneously when you are in a daze.

At this time, Voldemort's entire consciousness was concentrated here.

He used his extremely powerful mental power to awaken all the memories in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, the true natures of Lin Zuo and Remnant Soul were fully awakened, and the fused souls did not make their personalities disappear.

In other words, Voldemort himself is a combination of the two.

When the battle came, Voldemort felt as if his consciousness was being torn apart.

"With time..."

Not paying attention to the pain, Voldemort spoke slowly, raised his hand and drew an "O" in nothingness.

Countless lines extend from the edge of the "O", constantly changing.

When a memory passes by it, it will instantly absorb more memories of the same type as if it is endowed with magnetism.

"With fate..."

Voldemort spoke again, drew an eye in the void, and clicked red on the eye.

Countless torn memories shook, and under the gaze of red eyes, the fight stopped instantly.

Just when the entire memory space fell silent, Voldemort's voice sounded again.

"In the name of time and destiny, create the Möbius strip of the world of memory."

Following Voldemort's voice, the Time Inscription and the Eye of the Prophet were entangled, extending infinitely forward and slowly turning into a Möbius strip.

"Let the memories of Lin Zuo and Riddle be entangled like ouroboros, devouring each other, and the cycle continues endlessly."

The memories of Lin Zuo and Riddle instantly came to the Möbius strip.

The two began to chase endlessly on the Möbius strip.

Voldemort watched quietly, knowing that this was just the beginning, and it would take time to wait for its final changes.

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