Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 300 Destiny is changing

The wand stayed in place, and Voldemort behind the mask opened his mouth in surprise.

One of the three unforgivable curses, it can even be said to be the most powerful of the three black magic spells.

Just like that, passed through the brain visible to the naked eye?

And that green liquid, after being hit by a powerful magic spell, there was no splash at all?


Is there some lack of basic respect for the killing curse and black magic?

“This is the ‘fake’ state, you don’t have to be surprised by this.”

Sir Gamp's voice came, not gloating, but speaking matter-of-factly.

Voldemort frowned and retracted his wand, but still stared at the brain not far away.

This existence somewhat subverted his cognition, making him feel disgusted in his heart.

But before tasting the disgust, he wished he knew why.

"The Brain of Death, is it really the brain of Death?"

Voldemort asked, looking at the dark green water.

There are so many white brains out there that it’s hard to tell the difference between them.

"How could the God of Death have so many brains?" Sir Gamp shook his head and said, "It's just that these brains have memories of the God of Death to some extent, that's why we call them that."

"Memory of Death?" Voldemort's eyes widened in surprise.

He turned to look at the other person to make sure that the other person was not joking with him.

Sir Gamp's look was very serious, at least from the expression, it didn't look like he was joking.

"Yes, most of them are illusory pictures, but no matter what, seeing them will make our understanding of the world grow in a different way." Sir Gamp said.

Voldemort turned his head to look at Snape with curiosity in his eyes.

At this time, he was lying on the edge of the pool, half of his face soaked in water, breathing heavily.

His body rarely twists anymore, but his feet stuck behind him will occasionally twitch, as if to stubbornly prove that he is still alive.

Seeing this scene, most of Voldemort's interest that he had just mentioned disappeared.

There is really no need to put yourself in this situation in order to explore that damn secret.

Anyway, with Snape exploring the way first, Voldemort thought it would be better not to be impulsive.

"Do you think he can survive?" Voldemort pointed at Snape and asked Sir Gamp.

"We don't have to guess, he'll have an answer soon."

As soon as Sir Gamp finished speaking, the thinking tentacles wrapped around Snape's head began to tremble.

After shaking for a while, those silver threads seemed to have completed their mission and began to fade away quickly.

And Snape's body began to twitch rapidly.

This made him look like a fish out of water, struggling wildly on the shore, so that his body made a "pop-pop" sound in the water.


He suddenly yelled. He couldn't tell whether it was more painful or more comfortable. It was always complicated.

Soon after, the brain followed his hand and returned to the pool water, as if it had completed its task.

Snape woke up soon after.

Voldemort noticed that when he stood up, a rare smile appeared on his face.

Relaxed and comfortable, but a smile that made Voldemort feel weird.

"Director, I think I passed the test, right?"

He stood up and walked over with a gentle smile, but there was still enough indifference deep in his eyes.

This made him look very strange, but Voldemort could understand him.

Generally speaking, it means that the spirit has entered a new realm, and I have more ideas about the future and can face it more easily.

Therefore, with a gentle smile on his face, he felt that he could face everything calmly.

However, the body was so heavy that it was difficult to recover for a while, so the traces of indifference in the past had not completely faded away.

"Yes, Snape, you will be one of the Silent Men from now on, and he will give you a badge." Sir Gamp pointed to the man behind the table and said.

Snape nodded with a smile, glanced at Voldemort, and then suddenly froze.

But this process was short, and he then bowed to Voldemort naturally: "Master, I didn't expect you to be here."

His words were still full of respect, but Voldemort heard a different flavor.

Because of this special smell, Voldemort thought for a moment before deciding how to respond to the other party.

"You think that joining the Silent Order means you are breaking away from the Death Eaters, right?"

Voldemort's voice could not be said to be ungentle, but the content of this sentence could not be said to be unimportant.

Snape's original bowing movement changed to kneeling on the ground after a "pop" sound.

"I'm sorry, Master, I just experienced the baptism of the 'Death Brain', and I still can't see myself clearly."

Snape lowered his head and pressed half of his forehead into the water stains on the ground.

This attitude cannot be said to be humility, but Voldemort always felt that his words were thorny.

"Tell me about what you just experienced." Voldemort said calmly.

"Yes Master……"

After these words, there was a long silence.

But it wasn't that Snape didn't move. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but there was no sound at all.

"The rules are restricting him." Sir Gamp pointed to his head and said, "He will not betray the Silent Man organization, because the rules are written in his mind, and it is useless for you to embarrass him."

Voldemort stared at Sir Gamp for a moment, and after confirming that the other party was not lying, he cast a Legilimency spell on Snape without hesitation.

It was very strange. Snape's brain seemed to be empty, but it also gave people the feeling that Occlumency was not used.

"Open your mind." Voldemort said solemnly.

"I'm trying, Master," Snape whispered.

"It makes absolutely no sense for you to do this." Gamp said from the side.

Voldemort tried again, but he couldn't find anything.

He looked at the pool of dark green water, thought for a moment and gave up the idea of ​​trying it himself.

But when he turned his head, he seemed to see Snape smiling evilly.

This feeling didn't feel real, and he wasn't 100% sure that he saw it.

Even after he stared at each other for a long time, Snape didn't show anything unusual.

But there was a feeling in Voldemort's heart - this man had changed.

Sometimes, if you bend one centimeter more or less, your attitude of humility will be different.

Sometimes, the corners of the mouth are pulled upward or downward, which is completely opposite.

All in all, the change was subtle, but Voldemort was sure he noticed it.

He must treat this person more vigilantly.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gamp suddenly spoke.

He signaled to Voldemort that if he wanted to learn more about the Department of Mysteries, he could join the Silent Men.

Voldemort confirmed that Snape looked nervous at that moment.

But after Voldemort thought for a moment, he still rejected Gamp's suggestion.

It wasn't just Snape's previous experiences that affected him, but more importantly, it was Snape's changes after that.

He didn't want his personality to change again, it would be too painful for him.

Moreover, it is very dangerous to add any thought to the thought that does not originally belong to him.

Even, this will change a person's destiny and character.

Therefore, Voldemort finally chose to refuse.

But after saying goodbye to Snape, he still couldn't help but look at Snape's back for a long time.

He had a hunch that the other party's decision might affect his destiny again.

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