Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 301 Falcon Burner

In the first year, he was taken to the island to celebrate his birthday. In the second year, he met a house elf who was drunk.

Every year was rough, and Harry had a feeling this year wouldn't be peaceful either.

Turns out, he was right.

Not long after the break, he blew his Aunt Maggie to the sky.

Fortunately, he is brave enough.

After raising his wand, saluting, and calling for the Knight Bus, Harry decided to hide in Diagon Alley first.

The British wizarding community cannot stay any longer. Last year's experience has told him that this matter will be serious.

Therefore, he planned to write a letter to Snape that night, asking for some help, and then withdraw the money to hide in a foreign country for a while.

It was not easy for him to go to the school Hermione went to, but he should be able to go to the school Draco briefly attended.

He had a good plan in mind, but before he could write to Snape, Fudge found him first.

Things went surprisingly smoothly, and all the troubles were solved the moment he saw Fudge.

After staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a few days, the Weasley family arrived.

Ron wrote a letter to Hermione with him, inviting her to come and stay temporarily, which would help her understand the wizarding world.

But Hermione refused, without specifying why.

"It must be because of Draco, she must have gone to Malfoy Manor again." Ron once said angrily, "She is not a lion."

Harry was helpless about this.

He felt that his two best friends had grown tired of each other.


To be more precise, Ron hated Hermione, and Hermione ignored Ron.

"She must still be in contact with that person. I can guarantee it with my life."

Ron had told Harry this, and Harry objected.

But in fact, he couldn't find a reason to refute Ron.

"So be it."

He said this to Ron, and also to himself.

In fact, his focus was not on Hermione, he cared more about that person and the reasons why he was treated well.

The Boy Who Lived?

He believed that if someone had sat in this position and experienced what happened last year or even the year before in this capacity.

He will understand that this is just a name.

People look up to heroes, but refuse to take the position and are critical of those who hold it for a long time.

Harry had long realized that he was not the one everyone expected him to be.

Maybe Draco could replace him.

His thoughts have been very confused recently, but fortunately there is still Snape who can communicate.

He told himself a lot, and his latest letter contained good news:

You will no longer be used by others or afraid of others hurting you, because you have completely removed yourself from this matter.

Stay away from Fudge, he's not someone to trust.

The previous sentence made him feel quite profound, and the next sentence made him feel that the position of the Minister of Magic was in danger.

But Harry didn't like the minister very much either.

Hypocritical and cowardly, he is far from being as brave as he says, nor does he have the strength to challenge the mysterious man.

Therefore, Harry felt that it would be better for Fudge to step down, and even thought that Crouch might do better.

He thought a lot during this period.

And his situation is not like the one he was entangled with Dumbledore last year.

Therefore, he felt that he gained a lot from these reflections.

for example:

Snape was really kind to him, but Dumbledore was taking advantage of his identity;

Hermione and Ron are his friends, but they treat him differently because of their special identities;

The mysterious man didn't hate himself because his death was related to him. That man still thought highly of himself, and he didn't even bother to lower his head and pay attention to himself.

These principles made him silent and made him look more mature.

But what he never understood was why Fudge ignored the fact that he was using magic outside of school, and what the purpose of this person was.

This problem troubled him for a while, but fortunately, everything was revealed before the start of school.

Sirius Black, the evil Death Eater.

He still firmly believed that he was the one who made Voldemort lose power, so he wanted to run out and kill himself.

But he didn't care, he was protected enough.

Fudge couldn't afford to lose himself.

And Snape also wrote in the letter that it shouldn't be a big problem.

The next day after he solved his doubts, he got into a dark green car and drove to London's King's Cross Station.

Until they stepped onto platform nine and three-quarters, they did not encounter any danger.

But what surprised him was that Mr. Weasley said something that he couldn't understand, and it wasn't until they met Hermione that Mr. Weasley had to shut up.

"Where did you go during the summer vacation?"

As soon as the three of them met, Ron said questioningly.

Harry noticed that Hermione's brows raised inadvertently, but anger did not appear on his friend's face.

She has also become more mature than before.

"You'd better go see your sister. I think she has something to say to you."

After Hermione said this, she ignored Ron and walked side by side to the train with Harry.

Ron was stunned for a moment. During the second half of the holiday, Ginny was indeed not with them, but went to Percy's place.

This was Ginny's own wish, and her family was very opposed to it, but she couldn't get over it.

Especially what Ginny said: Someone has to go see Percy, right?

So, she won that confrontation.

But Ron quickly refused to go to Ginny because he found that Hermione was talking excitedly to Harry.

He quickly moved closer, but only heard three words: "Falcon Burner."

"What Falcon Burner?" he asked loudly in confusion.

"Candle Holder suits you better, Ron, don't mess with me."

Hermione spoke to him quickly, and then said to Harry, "It's true that you come from a wizarding family, but you grew up in your aunt's house, so..."

"You have to tell me clearly, Hermione, what are you doing?" Ron interrupted her dissatisfiedly and asked.

Hermione turned to look at Ron, but he saw persistence in the latter's eyes.

She rolled her eyes, and then explained helplessly: "It's my old Scythe organization, Ron. I invited you, but you're not interested in it, are you?"

Ron also rolled his eyes, and then immediately asked: "Why is it called Falcon Burner and not another name?"

"Because the Burning Falcon is a rare magical creature like a falcon. It can be reborn like a phoenix, but only once in a lifetime."

Hermione explained loudly, "Besides, no one can tell whether he is an ordinary falcon or a special one before he is reborn."

"This is very similar to your organization." Harry interrupted. "I lived in the Muggle world before I was eleven years old. After receiving that letter, I entered the wizarding world as if I was reborn."

"Yes, that's why we gave this name." Hermione hurriedly said, "Harry, I think you are the same as everyone in this organization, so I formally extend an invitation to you."

She said, stopping the cart.

"I hope you will be our leader and lead us Muggle wizards to take root in the wizarding world."

Hermione said solemnly, while Harry stood there in astonishment.

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