Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 302 Three Invitations

The invitation was enough to surprise Harry, but what surprised him even more was the position Hermione gave him.

If the invitation had come from two months ago, he wouldn't have cared.

But after more than a month of thinking, he really felt that he needed to fully unleash the potential of the name "The Boy Who Lived".

And joining the Falcon Burner may be a good choice.

"I need to think about this, Hermione."

As soon as Harry finished speaking, Hermione was about to speak, and he quickly stopped her.

"I need time, Hermione. You mentioned it too suddenly, but I am really moved, but I still want to think about it."

"how long?"

Hermione grabbed him and refused to let go, which made Ron furious because Hermione hadn't invited him at all.

"The longer I think about it, the more seriously I take it, Hermione, you can't rush this kind of thing," Harry said again.

Hermione thought for a moment and nodded without urging.

Ron on the side said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you invite me?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and quickly pushed the cart onto the train.

"Harry, the sooner the better."

She turned around and said something to Harry, then got into the car alone, apparently not wanting to be with them anymore.

"She actually ignored me!" Ron said with wide eyes.

"The Falconers are a Muggle wizarding organization. Ron, you are a pureblood and grew up in the wizarding world, so..."

Harry shrugged, pushed the cart towards the train and said, "Maybe the other two organizations are more suitable for you."

"I want to be with you." Ron hurriedly caught up and said, "If we only distinguish by status, I think it is too narrow. I have a heart for Muggle wizards."

His words stunned Harry.

"You're right, Ron, but I think I still have to think about it, but if I promise Hermione, I also want you to help me." Harry said with a smile.

"Of course I will help you, Harry, we are best friends." Ron was so happy that he seemed to have forgotten his previous troubles.

"Of course, we're best friends."

Harry said the same thing, but it seemed that his mind was clearly not here.

The two got on the bus and started looking for seats, but because they were delayed talking to Hermione before, there were no two empty seats in most carriages.

They had to walk all the way until they came to the back of the car.

There was only one male passenger, and he was fast asleep against the window.

Seeing that there was space, the two sat down here.


As soon as the two sat down, the door was pushed open and Ginny walked in quickly.

"Harry, I thought you were like last year again."

She said something quickly, and then took a breath. It could be seen that she was walking a little hastily.

"No, we're having a good year, Ginny," Harry said with a smile.

"Don't say that, Harry, I'm here to invite you to join the Candle Holders on behalf of Percy." Ginny said immediately, as if she didn't want to waste a minute.

"Join the Candlebearers?" Harry asked in surprise, "The Torch Organization?"

"Yes, Harry, if you agree to join, all the candle holders at Hogwarts will be under your control before you graduate, and when you graduate, Percy is willing to give way to you." Ginny continued.

Harry blinked twice and stood still.

He didn't expect that besides Hermione, there were organizations willing to pay so much for him.

"Ginny, Percy's invitation came late." Ron said mockingly, "Hermione has already been here. She is also the leader, and she is now."

Surprise flashed across Ginny's face, but she quickly scoffed.

"Falconburners? Just a Muggle organization."

Her words made Harry frown, but Ginny didn't notice, she just spoke proudly again.

"The Candlebearers are the most powerful of the three organizations, because we do not reject purebloods or Muggles, and we do not favor anyone. The only thing we have to do is lead the wizarding world forward."

Harry was slightly surprised and said, "You have given up on identity restrictions?"

"Yes, of the three organizations, we are the most tolerant, which also determines that we will be the most powerful." The little girl said proudly.

Harry was tempted again.

Indeed, compared to an organization like the Falcon Burners, whose name points to Muggle wizards, the Candle Bearers are more attractive.

"Harry, of the three organizations now, only the Candlebearer has people in the Ministry of Magic and is developing outside of Hogwarts."

Seeing Harry's heart move, Ginny immediately said impatiently, "The leaders of the other two organizations will have to wait several years to graduate, so the Candle Holders must be the most numerous. Don't hesitate any longer."

Harry was indeed moved, and he really didn't want to hesitate.

But before he could ask anything, the door was pushed open again, and this time it was Malfoy who walked in.

"go out."

Ron roared angrily, causing the person sleeping next to him to shiver.

"This is not your Burrow, Weasley, watch your back."

After Malfoy finished speaking in a deep voice, he looked at Harry and said, "I must admit that the Candle Holder must be the largest among the three, but when an organization becomes too large, it will inevitably become chaotic and disorderly, and then it will not exist. meaning."

"Who said we were in disarray?" Ginny demanded loudly, not looking at all afraid of Malfoy.

Malfoy was not angry because of her questioning. He even touched her head thoughtfully, which made the relationship between them seem a bit intimate.

Ron was so angry that he even wanted to take out his wand, but Harry stopped him.

"When Muggle wizards and pure-blood wizards are mixed together, their interests will make them attack each other, along with their identity differences, and slowly..."

Malfoy didn't say any more, but turned to look at Harry, "Join the Wizarding Council, we are the organization that truly belongs to wizards."


Harry was a little surprised because the name was so common.

"Yes, we only accept pure blood, but our definition of pure blood is not as harsh as that of Death Eaters."

Malfoy smiled and said, "As long as both parents are wizards, we will recognize their pure-blood status and they can join this gathering of elite wizards."

"Come here, we will be the two leaders, you and I will go hand in hand."

Harry frowned. He didn't like this statement, and it was obviously not as sincere as the previous two.

However, he can also see the differences between the three.

The Falcon Burners are actually the weakest. They really have nothing to attract people. They are just a group for the weak to keep warm.

The Candle Holder is relatively better, but as Malfoy said, this organization must be in chaos because the personnel are too mixed.

As for the Wizarding Association, it is conceivable that more than half of the children of pure-blood wizards will join here. They control almost more than half of the resources in the wizarding world.

Harry, who had begun to pay attention to the world, understood what more than half of the resources represented.

Just like, he could understand Dumbledore's powerlessness in the face of the Hogwarts board of directors.

The existence of regulations is to restrict, and those in lower positions must be restrained.

And no matter how you look at these three organizations, it makes people feel that the Wizards are the real ones at the top.

But, should I choose the Wizarding Coven?

Harry thought, lost in thought.

Happy New Year, may everything go well!

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