Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 317 The picture shows the poor dagger

Voldemort in the magic mirror is busy in front of a cauldron with green bubbles.

"Is it just this, Hermione, cough, cough, thank you for telling me this, it won't affect my plan..."

Voldemort choked and coughed due to the green steam escaping from the cauldron. He waved his hand to indicate to Hermione that there was no problem.

"I think she will talk to me again in the future. Teacher, what do you think..."

In the middle of what Hermione was saying, she was suddenly interrupted by an unknown female voice on the other side of the mirror.

"The basilisk is too poisonous, Master. I think we need more neutralizing potions."

"It's difficult to solve the problem by just using the neutralizing potion, Bella." Voldemort turned to look out of the mirror, "We need more hedges."

"More toxic substances can be added, which may affect the balance of other potions..."

"Solve one problem first, Bella. The Dementors behind will also break the balance. That is the last problem we have to solve."

After Voldemort said this, he looked at the mirror again, "Hermione, I'm a little busy here, so..."

"But you always tell me what to do, teacher. I feel like it's a betrayal of you to say too much." Hermione said seriously.

These words made Voldemort stop, and he finally straightened up and looked at Hermione.

"Hermione, I advise you not to consider me, especially when it comes to the Falconer."

As Voldemort spoke, he took off the dragon leather gloves on his hands, "Now you are no longer yourself. As the leader of the Falcon Burners, your rights and obligations are equal."

"But I always have my own life..."

"You have to separate the two, Hermione. Personal relationships do not affect power matters. Confusing the two is a sign of incompetence."

"But I don't know what to say and what not to say. For example, this time in the media..."

"You mean a war of public opinion?" Voldemort interrupted and asked.

"Yes, Teacher." Hermione nodded.

"Unless Dumbledore uses his personal strength to solve the problem, the rhythm of public opinion will still be controlled by the two media."

Voldemort paused briefly and said, "But, Hermione, do you think Dumbledore will stand up and solve the problem?"

"I guess... not?" Hermione said hesitantly.

Voldemort smiled and shook his head: "I hope he does that, because then I will have a reason to discredit him."

Hermione smiled on the other side of the mirror. Sure enough, this was the Dark Lord she was familiar with.

"Whether it's power or conspiracy, if you want to play it well, you have to treat it as an infinite game."

Voldemort spoke again, "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose at the moment. What's important is to keep enough chips so that you can sit at the gambling table at all times. Only in this way can you have a chance to play your cards."

Hermione nodded, roughly understanding what her teacher meant.

To be bold, the Dark Lord has nothing to fear.

"I understand, teacher," Hermione said.

Voldemort nodded and waved to Hermione to close the mirror, while he himself walked back to the crucible and got busy.

Hermione glanced at the cauldron with curiosity, then closed the mirror.

She slept deeply that night, and the worries of the past few days disappeared because of this conversation.

The next day, her roommate brought her early news that the dean invited her to go.

"Okay, Lavender." Hermione replied in a pleasant tone, "Remember to bring me some breakfast. I may have to go to class later."

Lavender agreed with a smile, then picked up the book and left.

Hermione also quickly left the dormitory and came to McGonagall's office.

When she entered the room, she discovered that Mag not only invited herself, but also the new Dark Magic Defense Professor Lupin.

Compared to Professor McGonagall's seriousness, Professor Lupine is much gentler.

He had a gentle smile on his face the whole time as he nodded to Hermione.

"This is today's morning paper, Hermione. I don't think you have seen it yet." Professor McGonagall was much more serious. She nodded and handed the newspaper directly to Hermione.

"Yes, Professor."

Hermione said as she reached for the newspaper.

When his eyes moved down, he happened to see a Muggle book on the table about the war of public opinion.

Hermione glanced from the book cover to the front page of the newspaper in her hand.

In an instant, her eyes were attracted by the content on it and she couldn't move:

Death Eater: We deserved it, but the children are innocent.

Of course this sentence was familiar to her, but to write it in such a straightforward way, was this a mistake?

When the news was initially blocked, the incident didn't attract much attention.

It was the participation of [The Quibbler] that started to attract more wizards' attention to the matter.

But at that time, the wizards just looked at it as a fun and didn't think it was a big problem.

It wasn't until the first flash point - the Ministry of Magic's interference - was exposed that wizards realized that the problem might be more serious than they thought.

And because of the previous layout, when this explosive point came out, the entire wizarding world focused its attention here.

Even many foreign media are rushing to report on it.

The matter did not end here. In the past few days after Hermione met Dean McGonagall, the cause and effect began to be slowly revealed.

Well-known journalist Rita Skeeter, as always, wrote in a creative style and produced a fascinating report on the matter.

She did not write the whole truth at once, but divided the whole story into several articles and published them on several days.

[On a cold rainy night, the wizard apprentice bravely fights the dementors! 】

[The past and present lives of the Wizards, the Falcon Burners, and the Candle Holders! 】

[Azkaban, justice is never absent! 】

[A blow from the back from a Death Eater! 】

Ordinarily, the article should have ended as of yesterday.

Because everything has been explained clearly so far.

But today's headlines are still related to this incident.

Moreover, Rita Skeeter's eyes were completely focused on the Death Eaters.

Hermione suppressed her pounding heart and quickly read the content of the article.

I have to say that for Rita Skeeter to become a well-known journalist, her writing and storytelling skills are quite impressive.

Even Hermione, who witnessed the incident, still found it fascinating when reading this article.

"Did those Death Eaters really say that?" McGonagall asked Hermione as soon as she put down the newspaper.

"Yes, that's what he said." Hermione nodded, "But it's a bit exaggerated."

"She and the Daily Prophet are both trying to protect the Death Eaters." Lupine said with a frown, and it was obvious that she was in a very bad mood.

Mag nodded and said: "Calling the rule of cruelty and terror as a revolution, it seems that that person can't stand the loneliness anymore. It shouldn't be too long before he enters the public eye."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully, she felt the same way.

"Dean, are you here to verify the authenticity of this content?" Hermione asked McGonagall.

"More than that, Hermione." McGonagall hesitated, and finally said: "I want a little bit of your memory, the time in Azkaban, is that okay?"

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