Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 318 Old friends lead the way

"I refuse, Dean."

Hermione said without hesitation, while looking at McGonagall with firm eyes.

The memory of a wizard is very important and private.

If your memory falls into the hands of other wizards, your behavior, habits, and way of thinking will be spied on by the other party.

What's even more terrifying is that if the other party has any bad intentions, he can rely on this memory to cast a very powerful curse on you.

Hermione still remembers the evil smile on Voldemort's face when he talked about using memories as curse materials.

From then on, she made up her mind to fight to the death to prevent others from getting her memory.

"Do you have any concerns, Hermione?"

Lupine didn't frown like McGonagall, he just asked Hermione calmly and in a gentle voice.

Hermione was a little hesitant to tell the truth, or to find a reason to fool him.

But when she rolled her eyes and looked at the two of them again, she found that they were both looking at her playfully - Hermione was obviously a little greener when it came to playing tricks in front of smart people.

"Okay, I'll be honest." Hermione spread her hands, "I heard that memories can be used as a trigger for curses, so..."

"No one would do that, Hermione, I think you should trust the teachers' character." McGonagall frowned and interrupted Hermione's words quickly.

"Don't worry, McGonagall."

Lupine stood up, came to the desk, looked at Hermione and said, "We will use the headmaster's pensieve, Hermione, and we will only look at the memory of Azkaban, and will return it to you immediately after reading it."

Hermione thought for a moment, then finally shook her head and refused.

"Ask other people, I don't want to use my memory." She refused again.

Lupine and McGonagall looked at each other and nodded in agreement with her idea.

"Use Harry's, I think he'll agree."

Lupine said this after Hermione left.

McGonagall nodded and agreed to Lupine's proposal.

Black forest.

"Nagini, Nagini."

Voldemort was floating in the air, pointing his wand at his neck and shouting.

Bella stood not far below him, the tips of her black hair flying lightly as she twisted and looked around.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

A strange sound came from the east, and Voldemort tilted his body to the east, avoiding the branches and flying away.

Bella used Apparition to follow Voldemort on the ground.

After flying more than a hundred meters, Voldemort suddenly stopped and slowly landed on the ground.


Bella shouted loudly and raised her wand to cast a spell.

"Stop, Bella, you're my friend."

Voldemort said eagerly, while opening his arms to a bush.


A green figure rushed into his arms like a lightning bolt and coiled itself slantingly around his body.

"Nagini, hiss~~"

Voldemort began to greet the other party in snake language, and the twelve-foot-long green snake also spit out a snake message to tell something.

"Master, is it Nagini?"

Bella looked at the green viper in surprise and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Bella, I was possessed by her for a long time in this forest."

Voldemort stroked Nagini's forehead and said to Bella with a smile, "She is very gentle, Bella, but I advise you not to touch her, because she is not gentle to everyone."

Bella retracted her outstretched hand nonchalantly, but still couldn't help but glance at Viper.

"What did you name her?" Bella asked.

"No, Nagini was her original name. She was a witch." Voldemort said.

"Witch?" Bella asked in surprise, "Is it because the Animagus failed to transform?"

"No." Voldemort shook his head, "It's because of the blood curse, Bella."

"Blood curse?"

Bella looked at Nagini, fear hidden in her eyes.

The blood curse is a curse of gangrene that attaches to the bones. It is rooted in the blood and passed down from generation to generation.

And everyone who is under the blood curse will be able to transform into an animal like a natural Animagus.

But as the host ages and the curse deepens, the changes will become irreversible.

In other words, wizards who are cursed will eventually turn into animals.

They may even lose their memories of their human days, leaving only some vague impressions.

"Yes, and Nagini's blood curse is completely irreversible. She is now a viper."

Voldemort whispered, leaning closer to Nagini and making a "hissing" sound.

They communicated for a while, Voldemort nodded from time to time, and finally he waved his hand, and Nagini swam away.

"Follow, Bella, she will lead us to find a mandrake that is old enough." Voldemort said, and he took the lead to follow.

"She will leave here with you, right?" Bella asked, following Voldemort's footsteps.

"Yes." Voldemort nodded, "Although Nagini has lost her human memory, she still maintains some habits. She longs for human life, but without me, no one will accept her."

"Is she the poison you are talking about?" Bella asked, looking at Nagini's teeth.

"Yes, her venom is very toxic and has the ability to slow down recovery, which is exactly the same as the venom of the basilisk." Voldemort said.

Bella nodded and said, "Is there really a mandrake here that is old enough?"

"I saw it five years ago, when I was possessed by Nagini." Voldemort said, "When I asked her just now, she still remembered that location."

"You don't remember?" Bella asked doubtfully.

Voldemort smiled and said nothing.

The two of them followed Nagini in silence. She was obviously familiar with this place and followed a specific route without encountering any danger along the way.

"Origino Mountain is here, isn't it, Master?" Bella suddenly broke the silence and asked.

Voldemort looked at her strangely, but remained silent and said nothing.

Bella's psychological progress is visible to the naked eye, which is completely beyond Voldemort's expectations.

He once thought that Bella had used magic on Professor George Fenn of the University of London, so he went to check it out himself.

It didn't.

"She figured it out."

Professor George Fenn pointed to his head and said to Voldemort, "Most people can't do this, but she did it, so she recovered very quickly."

Voldemort didn't ask Bella what she had figured out. He felt that excessive concern might cause unnecessary trouble.

But he was curious about this.

"Master, I heard you say, 'Those who are not of my kind will have different hearts.' Are vampires considered wizards?" Bella asked again.

"Daenerys must be a wizard, and although vampires are special, they are also part of the human race, Bella."

Voldemort heard the alienation in Bella's words, which forced him to speak.

"But as far as I know, Count Nosferatu's lineage is a very ancient vampire. They even reject human wizards." Bella said with a frown.

Voldemort laughed and said, "Rules are meant to be broken, Bella, I have the strength."

"Let them be used by you?" Bella turned to look at Voldemort and asked with her long hair hanging down her shoulders.

"Of course." Voldemort replied firmly.

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