Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 331 Memory Corridor

Holding the copper bell given by Rajdev I, Voldemort and Bella, led by Rajdev II, entered the Pyramid of Khufu through the secret passage.

"I can only send you here."

In front of a fork in the road, Rajdev II stopped and said, "We are prohibited from entering the rest of the journey according to the ancestral teachings of the Rajdev family."

"Guarded for generations, but not allowed to step in?" Voldemort asked, "Why?"

"I don't know, sir, but maybe when I become Rajdev I, I will know the answer." Rajdev II said.

Voldemort nodded and looked towards the tunnel leading to the pyramid.

"Then come here, Rajdev II. If I get the Veil of Faith, I will fulfill my promise."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he walked into the corridor without looking back.

Bella nodded goodbye and followed Voldemort's footsteps.

Rajdev II, on the other hand, looked at Voldemort with complicated eyes before retreating to the secret passage.


The secret passage is closed and the three forks disappear.

The tight stone walls make it impossible to see the existence of the secret passage.

At this time, Voldemort and Bella had entered the Pyramid of Khufu along the corridor.

The endless corridor walls were lined with torches.

"Be alert, but don't act rashly."

Voldemort reminded Bella softly, silently counting the number of torches in his mind.

"Okay, Master."

Bella's voice came from behind him, but Voldemort did not look back.

Arriving in front of the seventh pair of torches, Voldemort stopped and lit the two torches on the left and right with his wand.


There was a vibrating sound from the corridor, and the floor in front of me rolled, revealing a black basalt floor.

"Don't be anxious, just wait for a while."

Voldemort stretched out his hand to stop Bella, who wanted to surpass him to find the way, "How to face the magic of the Memory Corridor, do you remember?"

"Remember, Master." Bella licked her lips and said, "It will ignite my most fearful memory, forcing me to look back, and prompting me to be swallowed by the unknown darkness."

Voldemort nodded and said: "I'm in front. If you can't resist the fear in your memory, don't look back and look forward. I'm in front."

"Master, let me..."

"I'm in front."

Voldemort interrupted her, and after confirming that the floor was within sight, he stepped into the location of the eighth pair of torches.


The floor beneath his feet sank, and the breeze blew out from inside, blowing out all the torches in the corridor from near to far.


Voldemort waved his wand and attempted an illuminating spell.

But something strange happened, and magic seemed to have lost its effect here.

"As expected, magic cannot be used here, Bella, follow me."

Voldemort said, walking deeper into the corridor in the darkness.

"Okay, Master."

Bella responded, quickly following Voldemort.

The two of them walked not far away, and the smell of decay appeared in the darkness, and the breeze began to echo in the corridor.

Voldemort held his breath. He wanted to try to get rid of this smell to avoid the magical damage in the memory corridor.

But this obviously didn't work, and soon his memories came flooding back.


Horrible laughter rang in my ears.

In the darkness, Voldemort's eyes suddenly became strange.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll stop him -"

The familiar voice filled Voldemort's heart with not only no fear, but a sense of absurdity.

Is this my most terrifying memory?

"Is it because of death?"

Voldemort guessed, but there was no trace of fear in his heart.

Light began to appear in the darkness, and Voldemort seemed to fall into the memory of the past.

He decisively mobilized the power of the memory world and swallowed his own memory in an instant.

For a moment, Voldemort's head was empty, but then he placed his consciousness in the world of memory and controlled his body through this world.

The light that just came on disappeared instantly, and there was no more sound in my ears.

"That's it?"

Voldemort waited for a moment, but when he saw no more auditory or visual hallucinations, he couldn't help but question.

He walked forward slowly, but deliberately made his footsteps louder to make it easier for Bella to follow behind.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, I didn't see anything strange anymore.

"The Memory World completely defeated the Memory Corridor. It seems I was too cautious."

While Voldemort was thinking, a cry suddenly sounded from behind him.


Voldemort thought warily, but then realized that was not the case.

The crying sound came from Bella.

"No, it's impossible. How could the master be dead? The master must have been hidden by you. It must be..."

Bella's voice got louder and louder, and finally she even took out her wand and waved it.

Voldemort could hear the wand being waved behind him, but he couldn't look back.

The Memory Corridor plunges people into horrific memories, but this is not its only method of killing.

In fact, this method is just to force people to turn back.

Once he looks back, the unique magic in this corridor will devour this person's soul.

According to the records in the information given by the Silent Man, this magic is unbreakable.

This kind of magic effect is just like the magic mechanism I designed in the cave. It is a rule magic that must be followed.


Bella yelled behind him, waving her wand wildly, "Alice, tell me where my master is, tell me."

Voldemort frowned, feeling that he could no longer let Bella sink deeper.

"Bella, wake up, Bella..."

He called repeatedly, but to no avail.

Voldemort began to retreat until he was behind Bella, firmly controlling her body and preventing her from turning back.

"Oh, Master, my Master, you have not kept your promise, what you said, what you said..."

Bella suddenly fell to her knees limply, looking like she was stuck in a different memory.

Voldemort held the back of her head with one hand, and pulled her collar with the other hand, trying to drag her out.

"Daenerys, you must die, you must die...Avada Kedavra..."

Bella's roar suddenly made Voldemort pinned to the spot.

This memory feels like Bella used a killing curse on Daenerys.

However, he knew nothing about it.

"Master, don't pull me, I can persist, I can do it..."

Bella suddenly woke up, but before Voldemort could ask her anything, she fell into horrific memories again and started shouting randomly.

Voldemort was hesitant. Should he drag the other person back or lead him forward?

Two options, difficult to decide for a while.

There are many dangers in the Pyramid of Khufu, and he does not want to go alone.

It's not that I'm afraid of being alone, it's just that there are a lot of magics that I have to fight against with my life.

That's why he brought Bella here.

People like Lucius, Old Nott, and even Daenerys.

They may not sacrifice their lives for themselves at the critical moment.

Only Bella, Voldemort was convinced that she could do it, so he took her into the pyramid.

But Bella's frightening memory just now made him unbearable.

After a moment of hesitation, Voldemort's eyes became firm.

He stepped forward, pushing Bella forward in the dark corridor.

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