Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 332 Fantasy and Perplexity

"Bang, bang, bang..."

When Voldemort pushed Bella out of the Memory Corridor, the torches on both sides of the corridor lit up one after another.

"Master, woo woo, master..."

Bella woke up from her memory, turned around and hugged Voldemort tightly.

Voldemort patted her back gently to comfort her while looking towards the hall not far away.

This is the second major level in the pyramid. It has been explored by the Silent Man, but Voldemort does not think he can easily pass it.

The biggest problem is that this magic puts people in an extremely real illusion.

And this illusion will be created based on the memory of the lost person.

Voldemort's memory is very complicated, and Lin Zuo and Riddle each have half of it.

If this magic finally chooses Riddle's memory, Voldemort doesn't think it's a big problem.

Whether it's Riddle's calmness or his carelessness, this magic can be broken.

But if the other party chooses to use Lin Zuo's memory, Voldemort thinks that he is likely to be addicted to it.

"Bella, you have to take this level seriously."

Voldemort slowly pushed Bella away, bent slightly to look at her levelly, and said seriously, "Don't succumb to fate, Bella, you can do it, right?"

He hoped that Bella would be useful in this level, after all, her memory was fixed.

And he was 100% sure.

Bellatrix Lestrange would never indulge in a life with Rodolphus Lestrange.

Her love for herself and her unwillingness to be ordinary are the magic weapons for her to get out of the fantasy world.

"I firmly believe, Master, that I will return to you, no matter how difficult it is."

Bella, with red eyes, said firmly.

The corners of Voldemort's mouth twitched, revealing a satisfied smile.

Bella never lets herself down.

"Then, let me pause the magic mechanism here first, Bella."

Voldemort turned around, took out his wand and put it close to the stone door frame, then uttered a difficult-to-pronounce curse.

As the spell was chanted, the spell began to work, and mist appeared on the tip of the wand.

The mist moved with the wand and evenly coated the entire door frame.


There was a violent noise in the fantasy room.

Those physical mechanisms, as well as magical mechanisms that could be closed, disappeared in the roar.

"Okay, let's go in."

Voldemort raised his wand and entered the room cautiously.

Bella walked into the room close behind him, almost right next to him.

But their vigilance was in vain, and they were not attacked in any way after entering the room.

"It reminds me of Dumbledore's Mirror of Erised."

Voldemort looked at the extraordinary mirror erected in the center of the room and couldn't help but speak.

"How do you like life at Hogwarts?" Bella asked curiously.


Voldemort walked cautiously towards the fantasy world and said softly, "No, Bella, I just like the days of studying magic with Dumbledore."

"You have to know that when your magical strength and knowledge reach a certain level, it will be difficult to find someone who can match you, and Dumbledore is just right."

As he spoke, he had come to the mirror and looked closely at the divine inscriptions on the frame.

"But he is your enemy." Bella came over and said.

Voldemort turned to look at her, showed a smile, and said: "I hope it is a close friend."

Bella was slightly stunned, but Voldemort had already put away his smile.

"Okay, Bella, calm down and be prepared to be pulled into the illusion at any time. We will discuss Dumbledore in the future."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he looked at the divine text again. He peeked out two words from above:

Life, destiny.

They are all words with big propositions, but they are very consistent with the setting of the fantasy mirror.

"Okay, Master, I will..."

In the middle of speaking, Bella suddenly froze on the spot.

Voldemort turned his head and saw her looking straight at himself in the mirror.

And the expression on her face began to slowly change.

"Tom, this is our baby."

She suddenly murmured and spoke, leaving Voldemort stunned in place.

Okay, Bella's memory has been directly tampered with, and it seems like she can't count on it.

Voldemort smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking at the mirror and looking at himself in the mirror.

In the next second, the world around him changed drastically.

Huaguo, Jincheng.

"It's going to rain."

Lin Zuo looked up at the sky and murmured.

"Come on, it's time for the pregnancy test."

The big-bellied woman next to him, his wife, said.

"Oh yeah, pick up the pace."

Lin Zuo said with a smile, while pulling out the folding umbrella that had been prepared there from the lower edge of the backpack at the back.


The folding umbrella is opened, and there is a cute cartoon snake on the black umbrella.

But what’s even more striking is that the umbrella surface of this umbrella is surprisingly large.

"It hasn't rained yet, fat man." The pregnant woman complained dissatisfiedly.

"Be prepared, fat man." Lin Zuo said with a smile, quickening his pace to catch up with his wife.

The two of them exchanged words all the way to the end of the road.

When they passed the third red street light, the rain began to fall, and Lin Zuo hurriedly held the umbrella behind the pregnant woman as if to express his gratitude.

The big umbrella was originally big enough to cover the two of them, but Lin Zuo held the umbrella close to the back of the pregnant woman's head, causing half of his body to fall outside the umbrella.

"When I wasn't pregnant, you didn't hold an umbrella for me like this." The pregnant woman complained.

"You never showed mercy when you were trying to grab an umbrella from me." Lin Zuo immediately replied.

"I'm doing that for your own good," said the pregnant woman, "Get some exposure to the rain to strengthen your physique."

"What are you doing to strengthen your physique? To defend the motherland?" Lin Zuodao said.

"No, defend me."

"You can even beat me, you don't need my protection."


"Ah, you kicked me."

"you deserve it."

The two of them walked around for more than ten minutes and entered the Maternity and Infant Hospital, playing around.

After a series of examinations, his wife and the child in her belly were both healthy. Lin Zuo was very satisfied with the results.

But it was raining harder and harder outside, so they had to take a taxi home.

But in such weather, taxis were in short supply. The two waited in front of the hospital foyer for a long time, but they didn't wait.

"Just drop one."

Lin Zuo said to his wife, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.

There are not as many online ride-hailing services in small cities as there are in big cities.

Coupled with being squeezed out by taxis, this industry has already declined before it flourished in Jincheng.


The wife, who had been playing with her cell phone for a while, turned around and said with a pout.

"My husband is struggling to make money this year, and I will buy you a car at all costs."

Lin Zuo said with a smile, but there was a bit of bitterness in his smile.

"Aren't you struggling to make money just to buy me a sister-in-law?"

His wife started making jokes again, but Lin Zuo smiled but didn't answer as usual.

A child is about to be born, and without a fixed job, his life burden is getting heavier and heavier.

The heavy pressure always made him fall into silence from time to time.

His wife leaned towards him understandingly, and the two of them looked at the streets outside through the rain.

Life is always a little bitter in peace, and the rare sweetness is just the mutual adjustment between husband and wife.

Inexplicably, Lin Zuo smelled the bitter smell in the rain.

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