Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 340 Don’t look directly

Colorful black, white and red green.

This is generally the color of the strange and obscure light that Voldemort saw.

Or to be more realistic, Voldemort couldn't tell the specific color of this light at all.

Its colors change from moment to moment, and there is no moment when its colors can be described.

In the deep pit beside him, all the glowing jellyfish sank to the bottom of the pit, and the light completely disappeared behind this space.

The dim light above is no longer as dim as before.

Voldemort even saw what was wrapped in the light, which was not very clear... a coffin?

He suddenly froze there, confirming the existence in the light and shadow again and again.

"It's true... it's a coffin." Voldemort couldn't help but murmured in surprise.

He had no idea that he had reached the end of the pyramid.

This journey can't be said to be smooth, but it is indeed much easier than he imagined.

It was even easy for him to think that everything in front of him was another carefully arranged illusion.


Voldemort tried waving his wand, but no magic appeared.

But he took this opportunity to feel the feeling of magic being swallowed up - it was roughly the same as before, just more intuitive.

The intuitive reason is that the core of absorbing magic is right above him.

Voldemort tried to look through the strange and obscure light to see the details of the coffin deep inside.

But when I looked at it in general, the coffin was right there.

Now when I look carefully, I find that the coffin seems to be real or imaginary, and it doesn't look real at all.

And the harder it was to see clearly, the more Voldemort's desire to see clearly arose in his heart.

His pair of dark eyes were locked on the coffin.

And he himself didn't notice this rebellious state of mind at all.

Time passed slowly, and Voldemort, who had been watching for an unknown amount of time, suddenly saw a different scene in his eyes.

Suddenly, a big tree replaced the coffin.

It floats in the endless void, flying slowly but really fast.

Voldemort's entire mind was immersed in this scene, and deep in his heart he felt the desire to become one with the tree.


With a soft sound, Voldemort's body slid to the ground like mercury, turning into liquid magic.

And his soul soared up, heading straight for the coffin wrapped in strange colors.


Seeing that his soul was about to touch the strange color, Voldemort's soul let out a scream and woke up from his obsession.

He suddenly stopped looking at the coffin and looked down at the magic liquid flowing on the stone slab.


The soul instantly shuttled back into the magic liquid and transformed into the image of Voldemort again.

"Thump, thump, thump..."

Voldemort's heart beat violently, and he lowered his head, resisting the desire to raise his head.

What he had just woken up was very unexpected, and he couldn't guarantee that it would happen again next time.

He looked at the long mist rope at his wrist. It had no effect just now.

"Could it be that Sir Gamp is lying to me?"

He had such a thought, but it was difficult to judge whether it was true or not.

After suppressing the desire in his heart, Voldemort tried to raise his head and quickly glanced at the coffin.

This time, he did not deliberately look at the coffin, but focused on the color. He only saw the general shape of the coffin.

It worked out well and he wasn't attracted again.

"Is it okay as long as you don't look directly at me?"

Voldemort guessed and looked at it again from a different angle.

As he guessed, he still didn't fall into it.

In this way, he began to move around the huge coffin above his head, trying to get a full view of it through quick peeks.

This inevitably resulted in him not being able to see the specific shape of the coffin, but the advantage was that he could peek into the overall information of the coffin.

You can't do nothing, just wait quietly.

After looking around like this, he really found something different.

At a corner of the coffin, among the magnificent colors, there was a ray of silver-white substance floating.

If you don't look at the material and just look at its shape, it looks very much like a piece of white cloth.

"The Veil of Faith?"

Voldemort couldn't help but murmur, but what arose in his heart at the same time was not joy, but surprise.

After the surprise, there was a hint of panic.

All this seems too coincidental.

He needs a piece of veil of faith, which is half exposed outside the coffin inside the Pyramid of Khufu.

Voldemort couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the almost lightless pit.

He also walked too smoothly on this so-called ideological ladder.

Reflect on the Blood Well, the Wall of Sighs, the Mirror of Fantasy and the Corridor of Memory from earlier times.

Although it cannot be said that it is smooth, but looking at it on the contrary, it seems that everything is full of too many coincidences.

What a coincidence...

His memory world completely overcomes the memory corridor, and Lin Zuo's memory can break through the illusion on its own.

The Wall of Sighs was dealt with by the Sighing Bell given by Rajdev I, and he happened to bring the disciple Bela at the Blood Well.

As for the ideological ladder that followed, it did not cause any harm to him.

The only thing that made him feel a little fatal was the attraction of the coffin to his soul just now.

But that was interrupted due to unknown reasons.

Even now, outside the coffin, half a shroud is simply placed naked.

Isn't this arrangement too clever?

Voldemort closed his left eye, and his open right eye began to slowly glow red.

He wanted to peek into the fate of the being in the coffin and see who was playing tricks on him.

But when he raised his head and tried to look directly at the coffin with the eyes of a prophet, the coffin disappeared inexplicably.

Only the weird colors are still floating there, and at the same time, there is also the veil of faith slowly floating down from the colors.

Voldemort froze on the spot, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently several times.

No, aren't you covering it up now?

After spending so much effort to get here, he finally got something at his fingertips?

In this case, why let him expend such energy.

For that unknown existence, wouldn't it be simpler to just find a British airlifter and mail the veil of faith to him?

With such suspicion, Voldemort slowly removed the Prophet's Eye.

And the moment the prophet's eye disappeared, the coffin actually appeared again.

If it weren't for the fact that magic couldn't be used here, Voldemort would have given the opponent a big melon even if he died.

It didn't matter whether he could kill the opponent or not. It was the result that he couldn't bear.

Catching the veil of faith that was about to fall to the ground with some humiliation, Voldemort looked up at the coffin again.

After the color, it still seems real and virtual.

And when Voldemort stared at it, the feeling that his soul was about to be pulled away came again.

Averting his eyes decisively, Voldemort refused to fight.

He didn't even have the intention to leave a few cruel words, and just came to the pit with the veil of faith.

Then, the jellyfish that had sunk to the bottom of the pit slowly floated upward again, forming a staircase again.

Sure enough, this damn pyramid was ready to send him away.

Looking back at the coffin floating in the air again, Voldemort snorted and turned away.

"Damn Death, we have become enemies!"

The cautious Voldemort thought so.

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