Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 341 Showing Power

The journey home went surprisingly smoothly, with no further setbacks.

The only thing that made Voldemort a little strange was that Rajdev II who greeted him looked a little strange, but Voldemort was in no mood to pay attention to him.

"He doesn't look like Rajdev II, Master, but looks like Rajdev I."

After using the portkey to return to Malfoy Manor, Bella immediately told Voldemort.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment. He thought of the golden snake belly decoration rising from the neck of Rajdev II.

Indeed, earlier, Rajdev II did not have such ornaments.

The first time Voldemort saw this ornament was on Rajdev I.


Voldemort responded and stopped thinking about the Rajdev family.

He didn't think he would have any interactions with the other party, and he didn't bother to care about their affairs.

"The noble Dark Lord, you are back."

Stepping into the manor, Lucius, who was walking with Narcissa, immediately greeted him, "Is everything going well, Dark Lord?"


Voldemort nodded to Lucius and glanced at Narcissa suspiciously.

Her demeanor seemed to have changed, and she seemed to be much gentler than before she left.

"Narcissa is pregnant, Dark Lord, I may have a second child." Lucius said quickly.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said congratulations.

But deep down in his heart, he had the idea that his destiny had quietly changed.

At least in Lin Zuo's memory, Draco had no siblings.

"What you have done is worthy of encouragement, Lucius. Pure-blood wizards need more fresh little lives." Voldemort praised.

Lucius expressed his gratitude, and then he asked his wife to leave and began to report to Voldemort the changes in the British wizarding world in the past few days.

The most eye-catching thing was that Fudge, who was supported by the purebloods, and Crouch, who was supported by the people, started fighting in the newspaper.

Fudge insisted that the escape of three Death Eaters from Azkaban did not mean that the Dark Lord had returned.

Crouch believes that regardless of whether the Dark Lord returns or not, the wizarding world should be prepared for his return.

At the same time, he believed that the Death Eaters represented by Antonin Dolohov were "an ideal wave".

They were nothing like the three escapees, or the "cowards among the bad" who had escaped prison.

"We should understand their thoughts instead of extreme denial. Absorbing and dividing Death Eaters is an effective blow to mysterious people."

His remarks would naturally cause an uproar in the wizarding world.

Just like Ron's mother, some relatives died at the hands of Death Eaters.

Especially those who died at the hands of Death Eaters such as Antonin Dolohov who were considered capable of absorbing differentiation.

They were extremely dissatisfied with Crouch's remarks.

There are even extreme people who write letters to the Ministry of Magic and newspapers, hoping to give them the Kiss of the Soul Eater.

But more people have completely different attitudes from them. Most of these people have been oppressed, but have never had their relatives murdered.

They think Crouch's idea is very good, dividing and absorbing the enemy is better than killing them directly.

After all, wizards are always related to each other, why should they kill each other because of the mysterious man?

What's more, if these people betray the mysterious man, they can in turn protect the wizarding world.

In short, the British wizarding world was in a mess caused by these two people.

"Pureblood support for Fudge is still weak."

Walking by the fountain, Voldemort stretched out his hand to stir ripples in the pool and said, "More purebloods should stand up and speak out against Crouch and support Fudge."

Lucius nodded, but then frowned and said, "They all know that supporting Fudge is temporary, so they don't want to make any effort in this matter."

Voldemort's hand paused in the pool for a moment, then took it out and shook it, turning to look at Lucius.

"I think the reason is more than that?" Voldemort asked in a deep voice.

"Yes...yes, Dark Lord."

Lucius took a step back in fright, lowered his head and said, "Part of the reason is that Crouch has the general support of the wizarding people, so... they don't want their family to stand on the opposite side of the wizarding people in this matter. ."


Voldemort scolded angrily, making Lucius tremble.

But Voldemort added something dissatisfied.


Lucius just lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

Voldemort glanced at Lucius, who was as frightened as a chicken. He was silent for a moment and let out a breath.

"We are not good people, and we have not done anything good. If we want to clear our names, the road will be long and difficult."

Voldemort, who exhaled turbid air, said in a deep voice and slowly.

"During this process, there are still some people who hold the idea of ​​​​a small group or small family, and are unwilling to sacrifice for the collective interests and to take the lead for victory."

Voldemort looked back at Lucius and waved for him to follow his pace.

“These people are the cancer in the organization, the people who are holding us back.

"What do you think we should do?"

Voldemort walked to sit down on a bench not far away, raised his head slightly and looked at Lucius and asked.


Lucius made a long sound, and looked at Voldemort secretly, only to see him staring at him deeply.

This really scared him.

He immediately lowered his head lower and his body began to tremble.

Voldemort looked at Lucius, who was trembling like a chicken, and sighed helplessly.

"We have done all of this to present facts and reason, Lucius, but there is one thing that we have never done until now. Do you know what it is?"

Voldemort adjusted his state and asked Wen Yan.

"Please show me, Dark Lord." Lucius knelt down and said.

"Show us your power, Lucius."

Voldemort slowly raised his head, looked at the white clouds dotting the blue sky and murmured, "It's time, it's time."

Lucius raised his head in confusion and looked at Voldemort.

"Tell them that I will meet with them after a while and let them prepare."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he stood up and started to walk towards the backyard, but suddenly stopped.

“Don’t give a specific amount of time and let them struggle with their fear for a while.

"Tell them this is their assessment."

With the last words left, Voldemort shook his wizard robe and left without saying a word.

Behind him, Lucius's eyes were already shining with excitement.

"As you command, Dark Lord."

Lucius shouted loudly, his words full of confidence.

Narcissa, who was standing far away chatting with Bella, looked at her husband in confusion.

She suddenly discovered that her husband, who was exhausted from being tortured by the purebloods these days, suddenly became energetic.

Why is the problem solved once the Dark Lord returns?

She thought about it and looked at Voldemort who was walking towards the backyard in a hurry, but she saw the other person's eyes sweeping towards him.

The two looked at each other, and Narcissa was so frightened that she quickly knelt down and saluted.

"The Dark Lord with no emotion in his eyes is really scary."

Narcissa thought so.

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