Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 372 Voldemort’s speculation

"Of course, it's an incredible talent."

Grindelwald stood up, shook off the wrinkles on the sheets, came to Voldemort and leaned down and said, "Do you think you chose pure blood?"

Voldemort frowned slightly, leaned back, and looked at the other party without answering.

"No, it's your talent."

Grindelwald turned sharply and looked at the skylight of the prison.

There, a ray of light hit his face, making his blond hair colorful.

He stood in the light and spoke in a murmuring voice, as if talking to himself.

"Your talent saw their downfall and dilemma, the gap between their incompetence and desire, and you..."

Grindelwald turned around again, looking at Voldemort with burning eyes.

"You find that you are the one who has the ability to fill this gap, so you rush in without hesitation, arouse their emotions, provoke their relationship, and profit from it."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a sinister smile broke out on his face.

"We are exactly the same in this, Voldemort, we both know where the heart is.

“See it, choose it, manipulate it, and finally, own it.”

Voldemort swallowed, his frown unfurled, and there was an unkind expression on his face.

"What do you want to say, Mr. Grindelwald?" he asked quietly.

"No, Voldemort, that's not what I meant to say."

Grindelwald walked out of the ray of light, returned to the bed, waved the sheets and sat cross-legged on it, "It's what you want, Voldemort. Isn't this why you brought Dumbledore here?"

Voldemort's brows twitched.

"Why don't you be honest, Voldemort, you and I are not good people, so there is no need to guess riddles like mediocrity." Grindelwald said.

"Then let me tell you straight, Mr. Grindelwald, I want your political legacy." Voldemort said.

Judging from Grindelwald's expression, he was not surprised by this.

Obviously, he anticipated Voldemort's needs.

"It's not difficult to guess, Voldemort, because I only have so few chips in hand when I get off the gambling table."

Grindelwald smiled strangely and said, "But what makes me curious is, why do you think I will give it to you."

"Because the enemy may be more powerful than we think."

As Voldemort spoke, he took out the Elder Wand and conjured a square table in front of him.

Then he took out the pensieve from his pocket and began to continuously import the memories related to the observer into it.

Grindelwald watched quietly and did not interrupt Voldemort's movements.

During this time, Antonio emerged from nowhere and tried to get close to Voldemort - he seemed to be taking advantage of the opportunity to get close to the Phoenix - but was eventually caught by Grindelwald and thrown out again.

"After reading this memory, and then analyzing it with the perspective you mentioned, Mr. Grindelwald, I think you will know my confidence." Voldemort said and took a few steps back.

Grindelwald nodded, stepped forward with a sheet on his back, and lowered his face to the pensieve.

There were many memories in it. Voldemort stood aside and stared for a long time before Grindelwald pulled his head up from it.

"A very interesting group of people. In fact, I met them before the final battle."

Grindelwald's eyes became deep, and as he spoke, he sat back on the bed again.

"If I had noticed them earlier - which is obviously impossible, because except for that time, they have never shown their signs - I think my final ending may not be like this."

"You mean, they were involved in your last battle?" Voldemort said in surprise.

"I am not a reckless person who leaves no room for retreat, Voldemort. I have heard your remarks at the gambling table, and they are consistent with my philosophy."

Grindelwald saw the surprise in Voldemort's eyes, but he obviously did not explain the thoughts of his sources.

"But I failed in the end. As you can see, it looked like a complete failure. This result is very surprising, isn't it?"

Voldemort frowned and thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

Indeed, looking at Grindelwald's life, it was not smooth sailing.

He experienced failures in the United States and did not go well in France, but none of them resulted in a complete defeat.

Only after that battle, he was imprisoned and never came back.

"What did those people do?" Voldemort asked.

"I don't know, that's the scariest thing, isn't it?" Grindelwald asked.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

"But I know who they are." Grindelwald said.

"Who?" Voldemort asked immediately.

"Let me talk about your guess first. Voldemort, if you want to get something, you have to give something, right?" Grindelwald said, "Just treat this as a test."

Voldemort nodded slowly, thought for a moment and asked: "Are you sure that the people who assassinated you are the same people as the observers?"

"Of course." Grindelwald gave an affirmative answer.

"Then it's the Muggles," Voldemort said firmly.

"Muggles, not Muggle wizards, are you sure?" Grindelwald was not surprised by Voldemort's answer, but asked, grasping the details of the answer.

"To be more precise, it is the Muggle government organization. Only they have such powerful energy." Voldemort said.

"Can you give me some reasons for speculation?" Grindelwald asked curiously.

"You saw me fighting them, right?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes." Grindelwald nodded.

"That's not the fighting method of ordinary wizards. The pace is too fast. Do you understand what I mean?" Voldemort asked.

Grindelwald frowned, thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Well... the Muggle government will train some special combatants. Their records are all tempered, and they are more cruel than Aurors. Those kind of warriors are basically killing machines..."

"I see."

Grindelwald interrupted him, stood up and came to the pensieve again, "Allow me to look at it again."

Voldemort nodded patiently and allowed the other party to enter his memory again.

This time, Grindelwald quickly retreated.

"Indeed, their fighting methods are very... special. I noticed that one of them almost never pays attention to your position. He only attacks you based on the judgment of his companions." Grindelwald said.

"Because he uses powerful magic and has strong attacks but slow speed, he needs the cooperation of others, and the person he is paying attention to is somewhat similar to the sniper deputy next to a sniper." Voldemort explained.

"A team with tacit understanding. I don't know of any team in the wizarding world that can match it."

As soon as Grindelwald finished speaking, he suddenly showed an expression of realization.

"The battle mode you promoted at Hogwarts, with four to six people in a group, is it also..."

Voldemort shook his head, interrupting Grindelwald's speculation.

"At that time, I just thought it was better to train this way, and I didn't think too deeply about it."

"But it's good enough. Prepare for a rainy day." Grindelwald's words already had a tone of praise, "You have become even better, Voldemort."

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