Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 373 Grindelwald’s speculation

"Thank you, Mr. Grindelwald."

Voldemort smiled and tugged on his collar, feeling a little uncomfortable with the sudden compliment.

Since graduating from Hogwarts, no one seems to have spoken to him like an elder.

Grindelwald obviously noticed Voldemort's discomfort. He smiled and said no more on this issue.

"I think the reason for your speculation is not just this, right?" Grindelwald asked again.

"Yes, there is also Ms. Hiddleston. Her identity allows her to record most of the young wizards in England and discover many secrets through the communication between children." Voldemort said.

"Hiddleston... I remember this family, it is also an ancient family." Grindelwald sighed.

Voldemort smiled in response.

Unlike Grindelwald, a wizard who comes from a pure-blood wizard family, he does not have much personal understanding of the pure-blood family's defeat or betrayal.

"In addition to Ms. Hiddleston, there is also Gilderoy Lockhart," Voldemort said.

"Him? I have read his books. They are very good. Tell me your guesses about him." Grindelwald said.

"He has a very special identity as a best-selling author, but essentially he relies on the memories of real explorers to write the content."

Voldemort paused, came to the pensieve, and put his memory back.

"His behavior can reveal many secrets of the wizarding world. After all, every wizard who dares to explore has countless secrets."

Grindelwald smiled and nodded, took over Voldemort's words and said: "As for his identity as a spy, even if someone sees something strange, with such an evil endorsement, it can be ignored, right?"

Voldemort nodded, that was exactly what he thought.

"The reasons are very good and the problem is not big, but the most important thing is..." Grindelwald said seriously, "Do you think it is the Muggle government?"

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and nodded.

He really couldn't find any other direction, at least in his opinion, that was the clearest direction.

"I have another opinion, Voldemort."

Grindelwald said, but did not rush to give an answer.

He took his right hand out of the sheets and slowly patted the ground.

In an instant, a blue and green, undulating map shadow appeared there.

"If you know enough about the history of the country you are in - I'm talking about Muggle history - then you will find that this was originally a Celtic territory."

Grindelwald said, raising his hand upward, and instantly a red shadow began to invade the original blue and green shadow.

"The Romans had been here before, but not to their full extent. They were at odds with the Celts for a long time."

The map is almost divided into two, with blue, green and red facing each other, representing the forces of both sides.

"When the Western Romans collapsed and withdrew from the island, the Celts began to counterattack with the Picts. At this time, the local English residents introduced the Anglo-Saxons in order to protect themselves."

Voldemort frowned and nodded slowly. He knew this part of history, but he didn't know the meaning of Grindelwald's telling him.

"We all know that the Anglo-Saxons did not leave. They started the Hundred Years War of the Seven Kingdoms in the British Isles, massacred and expelled a large number of indigenous people, and named this place the Land of the Angles."

As Grindelwald spoke, the mottled colors on the shadow swallowed each other up.

That miserable history is just a simple color change on this virtual map.

"I think you've heard of the Battle of Stamford Bridge, right?" Grindelwald asked, staring at the jagged place on the map.

"Yes, the battle that ended the Viking Age, the battle that freed England from war." Voldemort said.

"Alfred, who defeated the Danes, also received the title of King of the Anglo-Saxons. He was considered the first king of England."

After Grindelwald finished speaking, he suddenly smiled weirdly at the map.

Voldemort also laughed.

Because the country that had just completed its unification was annexed by a duke on the other side of the strait.

Duke of Norband, known as William I in history.

"The Malfoy family is very familiar with them. Mr. Grindelwald, the ancestor of their family, came here following the footsteps of the conquerors." Voldemort said.

"Yes, but they still came late." Grindelwald said.

"What do you mean?" Voldemort asked.

"As early as King Alfred's time, a relatively complete wizarding world of its own has been established here."

Grindelwald waved his hand, and the map on the ground disappeared. He raised his head and looked at the demon.

"They supported Alfred and helped him obtain the title of Anglo-Saxon King. Although they were suppressed later due to the defeat of the Muggle King, they had already taken root in this territory."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed and he said: "You mean, they are the observers?"

Grindworth paused for a moment, shook his head and said: "I think it is not accurate to say this. More accurately, it is the king and nobles of England."

Voldemort was slightly stunned, not expecting such a group to be involved.

"Some of them do it to better study magic, but more for the long-term consideration of their family. They took refuge under the crown of King Alfred and signed a contract with the throne of this country." Grindelwald said slowly. vocal channel.

"With the throne instead of the king?" Voldemort was slightly surprised, "How could Alfred agree."

"He didn't agree, Voldemort, so he died of a strange disease." Grindelwald shrugged.

Um...well, thinking about Senior Abu, this is not a surprising result.

"His son accepted this condition. After all, he did not want to die from a strange disease, and the wizards got what they wanted - to be tied to the country, not a certain family." Grindelwald continued.

Voldemort nodded and said, "So those standing behind the observers are the king and the wizards who have become nobles. Do you think so?"

"Yes." Grindelwald said.

"Is there any concrete evidence?" Voldemort asked.


Grindelwald spread his hands and said rather ruthlessly.

Voldemort rubbed his staff and resisted the urge to take out the Elder Wand.

"Although there is no concrete evidence, some of my subordinates disappeared innocently, which indirectly supports my speculation."

Grindelwald frowned, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"I am not a person who is eager for success, but at that time, the battle in 1945 was actually not under my control."

"You mean you've lost control of your organization?"

Voldemort asked, unable to help but frown and think, as if he had also encountered such a thing.

"It's not completely out of control, but it's true that we can't refuse a decisive battle."

As Grindelwald spoke, he noticed something was wrong with Voldemort's expression, so he stopped and asked, "Did you discover anything?"

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