Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 386 On the train

The Hogwarts Express ran smoothly on the track as before.

The students in the train were not all as happy about the holidays as in previous years.

This wave of depressed people gathered at the back end of the train where compartment C is located.

"Hermione, you're going to find a place for us to practice magic, right?"

Denis Creevey, the brother of the dead Colin Creevey asked Hermione in a low voice.

His voice was low enough, but it still attracted everyone's attention in this silent workshop.

"It's not enough yet, but I will try to contact some more wizarding families to see if they can take in more. Of course, I will also continue to write to the Ministry of Magic." Hermione said with a frown.

She has been really busy this year.

She was busy with studies on one side and Qingzhu Club on the other.

And with the holiday coming, the club is faced with the problem of not being able to practice magic during the summer vacation.

If this had happened before, it wouldn't have mattered. Everyone was used to putting their wands back in their suitcases during holidays.

But things are different now.

Not to mention the desire to fight ignited at the Maple Leaf Training Ground, the competition between the three clubs also made these Muggle wizard apprentices not want to waste their summer vacation.

They even applied to the principal to stay in school, but unfortunately they were ruthlessly rejected.

"Perhaps we can go to Senior Percy. I heard that he has connections in the Ministry of Magic." A student suddenly said, making everyone excited.

They started discussing everything about the senior.

Excellent grades, ending his studies early, and various rumors from the Ministry of Magic.

The most discussed thing is that he actually came back to take part in this year's Ultimate Wizard Exam.

And despite being busy outside this year, I still got high scores.

"He is located around the B compartment in the middle section. I heard the Candle Holder people discuss it."

A student suddenly said loudly and looked at Hermione expectantly, "President, you have a very good relationship with him, don't you?"

Hermione forced a smile and said, "The relationship is good, but they need to arrange more people, don't they?"

Hermione's words made everyone feel sad again, but the problem was that she was telling the truth.

There are also many Muggle wizards in the Candle Holder, and they also need to stay with wizard families.

There are not many wizard families willing to contribute such opportunities. In fact, most wizards have weird personalities.

"If you don't mind, there are three more tents next to the Burrow."

Fred, or George, one of the two, jumped up and said.

"Fred...or George, we can't cause you any more trouble, Mrs. Weasley..."

"Hey Hermione, look what this is."

The other twin held up a letter and said in a cheerful voice, "A personal letter from the beautiful Lady Molly, who is willing to take care of more children and swears to treat them as her own children."


The students exclaimed and applauded enthusiastically.

The twin who spoke first put his hands down to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Dear members, please listen to me, you don't have to be so happy."

Everyone looked at him in confusion, but Hermione started to laugh.

She knew that there was absolutely nothing serious about this pair of living treasures.

Sure enough, the twins' next words clarified everything.

“My here, here, here, and here, plus George’s here, here, and here, are all the work of beautiful Lady Molly.”

"Yes, dear members, but you can rest assured that she will not use the Unforgivable Curse on you. After all, she has never joined the wizarding society."

"But be careful, she will make the broom fly up and hit you."

"Let the fire chase your ass."

"Let the gopher..."

During the passionate speech between the two, Hermione stood up and said something to Dennis Creevey before quietly leaving the carriage.

She moved forward and soon reached the middle of the train.

The people here are the most diverse, including purebloods and Muggle wizards, but the mainstream is still mixed-race.

But this is not surprising. After all, mixed-race wizards are the largest group of people, even in the entire wizarding world.

"Hey Hermione, are you here for help?"

Ron saw Hermione from a distance. He shouted loudly, attracting the attention of many people, "I can help you. Of course, the number of places is limited, but who makes us friends?"

His showy words only elicited an eye roll from Hermione.

"Hermione, are you looking for Senior Percy?" Harry walked through the crowd and asked.

His voice was low, and he didn't dare to look directly at Hermione.

In his heart, he felt that he had betrayed Hermione and the Muggle wizards.

Although he is a mixed-blood, in his heart, he really identifies himself more as a Muggle wizard.

"No Harry, I need to move forward a little further, that's it Harry."

Hermione hurriedly replied, then squeezed through the noisy crowd and continued forward.

After another section of the car, the atmosphere here became even more heated.

Percy was standing in the middle of the corridor, shouting something. There were people crowding around him, and there were also crowds further away.

"Are you looking for Percy the Saint?" Ginny saw Hermione, leaned over and shouted in her ear, "He doesn't have time now, haha, you see he is enjoying it."

Hermione forced a smile that seemed a little forced.

"What's wrong with you, Hermione?" Ginny asked concernedly in her ear.

"My club members need more homestays to practice magic, but I only have your two brothers there." Hermione said sadly.

"Oh, yes, I also wrote a letter to plead for you. My mother agreed to provide three more places, but there really can't be more. You know, my mother can't take care of so many children by herself." Ginny was helpless. said.

Hermione nodded. She was already very grateful to Mrs. Molly. This was the pureblood who gave her the greatest support.

"It's useless for you to ask Percy. We need more here, but I think you can ask Draco. The pure-blood families around him all have manors, and they will definitely be able to accommodate more people. ." Ginny gave her own thoughts.

"Yes, I'm looking for him, but it's too crowded here." Hermione helplessly pointed to the road ahead.

"I'll take you there. I still have this ability."

Ginny said happily, then pulled Hermione and started to walk through the crowd.

It wasn't easy, but Ginny had status here, so people made way for her.

And when they passed by Percy, Percy nodded to Hermione.

But he didn't have time to say more because many people were asking him various questions.

"You guys have such a nice atmosphere, Ginny, thank you, that's all."

Passing through the most crowded area, Hermione said to Ginny, and then left with Ginny's blessing.

Walking forward alone for several carriages, I finally came to the front of the train.

As soon as she entered a particularly quiet carriage, Hermione knew that she had reached her destination.

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