Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 387 God helps those who help themselves

A quiet carriage is not silent.

Most of the students chatted quietly or read alone.

In fact, as the three clubs divide the students, various differences emerge.

The Falcon Burners are the hardest, they always sigh.

no way.

Whether it is resources or capabilities, they are far different from the other two societies.

Hermione herself is rich in resources. She can ask Percy or Draco for help, or even directly ask Voldemort for help.

But none of the other Muggle wizard apprentices in the club have resources like hers.

The candle holders were the most numerous, the most arrogant and noisy.

Most of them are mixed-bloods, but there are also pure-bloods and Muggle wizards.

Orthodoxy, this is how they view themselves, and they promote it everywhere in the hope that the other two societies will perceive them this way.

But neither the Falcon Burners nor the Wizarding Council felt that way.

They just think Qingzhushe is noisy and nothing else.

As for the Wizards' Association, it is the most stable of the three societies.

They were neither pessimistic nor excited, and the whole community was enveloped in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Even Hermione was a little envious of this club.

If given a choice, maybe she would join the Witches' Guild.

Unfortunately, the lowest entry threshold for this society requires both parents to be wizards.

As for whether the parents are of mixed race, they have no requirement.

But even so, most wizards have lost their qualifications to enter.

In addition, its strict social regulations also deter many people.

But no matter what, everyone here is good enough, that's for sure.


Gemma Farley, who happened to get up and come to the corridor, shouted in surprise when she saw Hermione, "Why are you here? Don't you need to make arrangements with the Falconer?"

"Senior Farley, I'm looking for Draco." After Hermione finished speaking, she asked doubtfully, "Senior, why are you on the train? I heard that you have already gone to the Ministry of Magic."

Gemma adjusted her dark red leather trench coat and said proudly: "That gentleman hired me as a secretary, so now I have resigned from the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione opened her mouth in surprise: "That...is him?"

"Yes, Hermione." Gemma smiled and nodded, "I'm here to assist Draco with some things this time. I can't say the specific content."

Hermione put away the surprise on her face and nodded without asking any more questions.

"Draco is further inside, go in and find him yourself." Gemma said with a smile and walked to another private room. She did seem to be busy with something.

Hermione thought for a moment, then gave up the idea of ​​exploring these secrets and walked deeper into the carriage.

When he entered the last compartment - in fact it was already the prefects' compartment - he saw a group of people surrounding Draco, and they were discussing something.

On the other side, a strange yet familiar figure sat there.


The figure called out his name and revealed what was on her mind, "Coming to Draco for help?"

"Ah...yes, sir, you are?" Hermione asked doubtfully.

"I taught you Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year, Hermione, and you have let me down so much."

Crouch Jr. said with a smile, and under Hermione's surprised expression, he said, "Don't worry, Dumbledore knows about this, and it will be Lupine who teaches you next year."

"Oh, that gentleman sent you to be an undercover agent?" Hermione said, confused, "But how did the principal know your identity? Has it been revealed?"

"Things are a little complicated, Hermione. Aside from that, you are here to practice magic during the Falcon Burner Club members' vacation, right?" Little Crouch asked.


Hermione glanced at Draco, who was looking at her and nodded to her, but had no intention of coming over.

"You look familiar. Have I seen you somewhere?"

Crouch Jr. smiled. He picked up the newspaper on the table, pointed to a portrait on it and said, "This is my father, Barty Crouch. I think you know who I am, right?"

Hermione opened her mouth in surprise again.

In my memory, isn't this person dead?

"The Dark Lord has told me to cooperate with you if you need help." Little Crouch didn't care about Hermione's surprise. He had obviously faced such a situation many times.

"Black...can we talk about him here?" Hermione asked, glancing at the people gathered around Draco not far away.

"Of course, they are all Death Eater reserves. Although the Dark Lord does not want Draco to promote Death Eaters prematurely, obviously the little guy has his own ideas." Little Crouch glanced at Draco with a smile. said.

"Oh I got it."

Hermione nodded and stopped looking at Draco.

She still had some resistance to the Death Eaters, after all, these people had done some bad things to Muggles.

"How will you help me?" she asked Crouch Jr., then added, "Why didn't the teacher tell me these things?"

"God helps those who help themselves, Hermione. The Dark Lord will not offer help unless it is absolutely necessary."

Crouch Jr. waved his hand, signaling not to dwell on this issue.

"There are currently two ways to help you. The first is through the Ministry of Magic. My father will be directly involved in this matter, generally establishing some practice venues in the Muggle world for you Muggle wizards to use during the summer."

"That's great." Hermione said in surprise, "If that's the case, you don't have to board, it would be too much trouble."

After hearing this, Little Crouch immediately showed a wry smile and said: "This is the Dark Lord's proposal. He will provide a place, but this is a long-term plan. Hermione, Minister Fudge is objecting for the sake of opposition now. He will not agree to my father's proposal." of."

Hermione's smile froze on her face. She thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps we can use some power tactics, such as having a third party propose it, and then your father objects, and then..."

Little Crouch's wry smile became even thicker, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "There will be the Quidditch World Cup this summer, and my father is in charge of this matter. He is too busy to make such detailed operations.

"Also, the time is too short and I can't make it in time."

Hermione listened and nodded helplessly.

"Then the second plan can definitely solve the problem, right?" Hermione asked.

Little Crouch smiled and nodded. He liked this smart student.

"Of course, the Crouch family is willing to donate their castle as a temporary residence for the Falcon Burners during the summer vacation. Don't worry, it's big enough." Crouch Jr. said.


Hermione was so surprised that she almost jumped, but then she worried, "But so many people gathered there, you and Mr. Crouch..."

"My father is a workaholic and can sleep in the office. As for me..." Crouch Jr. shrugged, "A loyal Death Eater will stay with his master. This is my honor."

Looking at the proud little Crouch in front of her, although Hermione didn't like his identity as a Death Eater, she couldn't be cruel at this moment.

"Thank you so much, Professor, what you have done will be recorded in the history of the Falcon Burners." Hermione said sincerely.

"No need to thank me, Hermione." Little Crouch shook his head and said, "Everything is for the master, the glory of the Dark Lord comes first."

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