Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 488 I’m ready to die

Time moves forward to the moment Voldemort falls from the bridge.

The flying spell failed, and his body paused briefly in the air, and then fell sharply.

He was surprised, puzzled, and confused, but these all passed by in a flash. He had to make more preparations.


He never thought he would die, at least not when those Horcruxes existed.

So he looked at Dumbledore, hoping to give him some help before falling.

Then, he saw Dumbledore's eyes full of surprise, as well as the concern and anxiety in those eyes.

Is this... because of me?

He had never thought, never dared to think for a moment, that Dumbledore would be so concerned about his life and death.

"Voldemort is coming, Voldemort is coming..."

Before Voldemort could speak, Dumbledore waved his wand first.

But his anxious shouting did not change the fact that the curse was sealed. Voldemort was still falling, but there was a smile on his face.

"Catch that, Albus, I'll be back soon."

Voldemort yelled at him and threw the Elder Wand, then saw Bella.

The two met three to five meters apart, not very far away, and their bodies were at the same level at this moment.

Bella was standing on the bridge, not quite standing on the bridge, at least her feet were off the ground, and most of her body was hanging on the handrail of the wooden bridge.

Voldemort was sure that if the two held hands at this moment, Bella would be pulled into the abyss by him.

Fortunately, the distance between the two was not enough for him to make this slightly difficult decision.

"Bella, you seem younger."

The moment his body fell under the wooden bridge, Voldemort shouted and asked.

"I used the resurrection ritual. Master, I am a new me. Will you love me? Will you love me?"

Bella shouted on the bridge, tears falling, and one drop fell on Voldemort's stunned face.

He wanted to ask more, but it was too late. He fell into the abyss on his back until Bella became a small dot in the distance.

Resurrection ceremony...

I am already a new me...

Will you love me, will you love me...

Bella's voice seemed to reach into Voldemort's heart, causing his heart to twitch violently.

Suddenly, an emotion I had never felt before appeared.

He could understand what it was, but what made him wonder was how he could possibly feel such an emotion.

The self-doubt seemed to last for a long time, but in fact it was over in an instant.

He had to stay sane, he had to face reality.

If given a choice, he would not choose death.

Flying spell, flying spell.

In the process of falling, Voldemort kept activating this spell.

However, he seemed to have become a squib. Although he had magic power in his body, he could not use magic spells.

Just down, down, down.

Finally, cliffs began to appear around him. This was a sign that the cliffs were beginning to close, and it also indicated that he was not far from the bottom of the valley.


Voldemort took out his wand, the wand that had been with him the longest:

Yew, thirteen and a half inches long, phoenix feather core.

Holding the wand in his hand, the feeling of seeing each other again after a long absence arises spontaneously.

"Life or death in this life is still decided by you, old friend."

He whispered softly in his heart, and then slowly brought the wand close to the cliff next to him.


In just one stroke, a large section of the wand was worn away, but the speed of Voldemort's body's descent suddenly stalled.

"it works."

Voldemort thought with surprise in his heart, and then he brought the yew wand close to the cliff again, and struggled to output magic power, trying to grasp the cliff with magic power.

“Swish, swish, swish~~~”

Two consecutive brief contacts, the third time, it was a long-lasting friction.

After that, Voldemort's body hung steadily on the cliff, but half of the yew wand in his hand disappeared due to friction, and the phoenix feathers inside were also exposed.

"I was the one who killed you with my own hands."

Voldemort said softly to the phoenix feather.

At this moment, he suddenly felt regretful about killing Fox.

This was the first time in his past life that he had regretted it, and it was so real and so...complicated.

"I must have done a lot of things that others can't understand."

He murmured, grabbing a gap in the cliff with his left hand. At the same time, the wand held in his right hand left the cliff and moved upward.

"Killing that Riddle is what he deserves, but Lin Zuo doesn't seem to understand very well."

After another murmur, Voldemort exerted force with his right hand and hooked his left hand upward to reach a gap.

"By oppressing the wizarding world, I just want to gain rights, resources, and glory. Isn't this a world for the strong?"

He seemed to be asking himself, and also seemed to be reflecting, but this did not delay his upward climb.

In this way, he kept asking himself about the past and the future.

About whether what you did was right or not, about what the true meaning of life is.

In the end, he even asked himself whether he loved Daenerys or Bella.

This is not a multiple-choice question. When he asked this question, the answer was already determined.


After climbing for unknown lengths of time, Voldemort sat down in a groove on the cliff and took a short rest.

Here, he asked himself many times whether he wanted to go up.

It was a battle with no victory in sight, and the final outcome was likely to be the surrender of Hogwarts.

This was a shame for him, but there was no way he would choose to sacrifice in order not to surrender.

Of course, he can also choose to hide here until those termination machines stop functioning and he can leave.

However, as soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"But... I did this when I faced Dumbledore or the older children in the orphanage when I was young. I didn't feel any shame...

"No, it's not a feeling of shame, this time it's sadness, but what am I sad about?"

Faced with this question to himself, the first image that flashed in Voldemort's mind was Bella's face full of tears.

"Will you love me, will you love me..."

The call seemed to be ringing in his ears, making Voldemort shudder.

He was moved.

"This silly girl will never surrender, she will never surrender to the person who hurt me, so... she will die.

"She has a Horcrux, she is not afraid of death, I can definitely resurrect her.

"No, she has already undergone a resurrection ceremony, which is harmful to the soul...

"damn it."

With a roar, Voldemort punched the cliff. The pain caused a brief blank in his consciousness. Taking this opportunity, he cleared his mind and stopped thinking about Bella.

But the next thing that came to mind was Dumbledore.

"Damn it, this old guy wants to lose face. He will definitely not choose to surrender, but he will definitely not let Hogwarts be destroyed.

"So...he will die fighting before Hogwarts surrenders."

After coming to this result, Voldemort shook his head with a troubled expression, and shook the appearance of this bad old man from the depths of his memory.

"Damn it, if it hadn't been for his bad attitude back then, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Thinking about it this way, Dumbledore's gaze that moved him before was no longer so important.

"Who else but Bella and Albus... Crouch Jr.

"Oh, my little Crouch, my most loyal arm, you are smart and resourceful, but you will never bow to my enemies, damn it.

"And Luna, if we find her mist staff, she might be able to be resurrected, but the enemy will only use it for research, even at the risk of destroying her last hope of resurrection.

"Hermione, she will surrender, but Ginny...well, this girl can also weigh the pros and cons.

"Neville, damn it, this kid is stubborn, maybe he won't choose to give up.

"Draco, I don't have to worry about him at all, but old Nott, damn, shouldn't have let him come..."

Murmurs kept ringing in the grooves, and the broken words echoed slightly under the blessing of the grooves, making the already disturbed Voldemort even more upset.

"Go back, yes, go back."

Finally, he made a decision and stood up abruptly, hitting his head and it hurt like hell.

"Damn it, if you don't admit defeat when you go back, do you think I have to fight for my life?"

This question made Voldemort stunned for a moment.


This was something he had never thought about before.

Starting from Wu's orphanage, he struggled to survive in the mud.

Seeking survival was the theme at the beginning of his life.

He knew that his pursuit of immortality was often influenced by his childhood.

Of course it was impossible for him to fight tooth and nail, and even this thought had never occurred to him in his more than sixty years of life.

But at this moment, it suddenly appeared.

Moreover, Voldemort himself also stopped being moved.

"Dong dong~dong dong~dong dong~"

In the silent abyss, it seemed that there was only the sound of excited heartbeats.

That kind of determination, that kind of perseverance, that kind of indomitable spirit suddenly rose from my heart.

The unprecedented passion made his adrenaline soar, and his reason seemed to disappear at this moment.

But after all, he is Voldemort, and he is the most selfish one.

"It must be the energy potion I drank after being poisoned that made me go insane."

He murmured like this, suppressing the soaring adrenaline, and slowly sat down cross-legged.

Silence, silence.

Looking out from the groove, a faint light illuminated the fluttering snowflakes.

Pieces, pieces, scattered, fluttering, stirring Voldemort's heart.

"Dong dong~dong dong~dong dong~"

The heartbeat sounded again, and the suppressed adrenaline continued to surge.

The sound of crunching teeth sounded as Voldemort was restraining, enduring, and suppressing his desires and emotions.



He took a long breath and let out all his distracting thoughts.

“Give it a try, even if it’s only once, even if it’s only once in your life.

"I have a Horcrux. I won't die here. If I can make a comeback, I will definitely have a chance.

"I do it for myself, not for Bella, not for Crouch Jr., not for Neville, and not for damn Dumbledore."

With a murmur, Voldemort jumped out of the groove and climbed upwards with all his strength.

"I'm ready to die, I'm going to fight for myself."

"I'm ready to die and realize all my potential."

"I'm ready to die. I want everyone to tremble in front of me."

"I'm ready to die, I want to..."

Thoughts, thoughts, climbing never stops, words never stop.

Starting from the deepest part of the abyss, starting from the darkest place of darkness, Voldemort was determined to run towards the only visible ray of light.

He was ready to die, he was ready to die.

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