Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 489 Dumbledore’s Final Chapter

The cry of the white-feathered phoenix changed from the moment Voldemort's head poked out of the cliff.

Voldemort, who stuck his head out, only glanced at the blue eyes and recognized his identity.

"Hi, Albus, you don't seem to be in very good condition." The smile on Voldemort's face was a little more free and easy than before.

"Yours isn't very good either, Tom." Dumbledore, who looked like a white-feathered phoenix, said eloquently.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment. Dumbledore hadn't called this name for a long time.

"Are you going to die?"

After a brief silence, Voldemort frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"Isn't this what you expected?" Dumbledore did not deny it, but asked rhetorically.


Voldemort put his hands firmly on the edge of the cliff to support himself and rolled ashore.

He slumped down on the ground exhaustedly, holding his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky full of snowflakes.

"The year I taught here, students were having snowball fights at this time of year. It's a pity that you didn't die on a day like that."

White Feather Phoenix let out a gentle laugh, then turned his head and looked at the enemy approaching behind him.


The masked enemy stopped, glanced at Voldemort beside the white-feathered phoenix, and called out to the white-feathered phoenix again.

"It's Leonard." Baiyu Phoenix said with a smile in his voice, "I didn't expect you to also participate in this attack."

"It's my duty, sorry, principal." Leonard lowered his head slightly and did not say more, but he also did not launch an attack.

In fact, he had walked over earlier and heard the conversation between the two.

He was also very surprised and sad that Dumbledore was about to die.

"I have a question, Leonard, can I ask you?" Dumbledore asked.

"You said it, Principal." Leonard replied.

"Why are you attacking Hogwarts?" White Feather Phoenix asked.

"Because this is a place for teaching and educating people, principal. If this place is not destroyed, an endless stream of wizards will appear. They will not forget their history, and they will not stop resisting."

Leonard's voice was calm, calm and cruel.

Bai Yufenghuang nodded slightly, said, "That's the truth," and then collapsed on the ground.

It looked like he didn't have much time.

"Is there anything I need to arrange, principal?" Leonard asked.

"It's been arranged and I won't meet them again."

The wings of the white-feathered phoenix flapped slightly, seeming to signal Leonard to leave.

"Do you have anything to ask me, Tom?" Dumbledore turned to look at Voldemort.

Voldemort shook his head silently, then quickly stopped and nodded slowly.

"Then ask."

"I want to know why you..."

"Why are you so rough?"


"Grindelwald upset me, I'm sorry, Tom, it was my fault."

"only these?"

"I see a bit of him in you, you have to know, and that scares me."

Voldemort pursed his lips and said no more.

Dumbledore stopped talking. He spread out his body in silence, letting his white feathers scatter in the heavy snow.

Snowflakes are still floating, telling the world in silence that it has not stopped yet.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of crying was heard in the distance.

At first there were not many people and the sound was not loud.

But slowly, more and more people joined in, and even some enemies covered their faces with masks.

"I'm not dead yet."

Dumbledore's voice sounded, as thin as a gossamer, and only Voldemort, who was very close, could hear it.

"Crying morning and night is just crying, isn't it?" Voldemort replied.

"Will you cry?" Dumbledore asked.

"Not anymore, not after I walked out of that hungry night."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he removed his hands and let his body fall on the snow, then put his hands behind his head.

Staring at the snowflakes falling all over the sky, Voldemort boredly tried to count the snowflakes in his sight.

"What are you doing?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Waiting for you to die, no one seems to be in the mood to start a war right now." Voldemort replied angrily. He hated Dumbledore interrupting him from counting snowflakes.

"Tell me something, Tom, I'm afraid of the dark."

Voldemort turned his head in confusion and saw the white-feathered phoenix trying hard to open its eyelids, but it seemed very difficult.

"I don't know what to say, Albus, this is my first time experiencing this."

"This is your first time to say goodbye to an old friend?"


"I see Ariana."

"She died and didn't become a ghost, so all you see are memories."

"You are so cruel."

"Death is cruel."

"That's not the cruelest thing."

"Then what is the cruelest thing?"

"Before death, I didn't even have time to drink a sip of honey."



The white-feathered phoenix finally stopped struggling, and its eyelids slowly closed together, losing their last luster.

Voldemort let out a long breath, and the air flow blew a few snowflakes flying in front of his eyes. The trajectory was so graceful, very much like a person's destiny.

"Albus, Albus."

He called twice, but no one answered him.

"Dark Lord, is the principal... dead?" Leonard walked over again and asked.

"Well, he should be dead." Voldemort said without raising his head.

Leonard didn't ask anything else, just quietly retreated and told the news to both sides who had temporarily ceased fighting.

The crying became louder, which made Voldemort feel worse.

He turned to look at the white-feathered phoenix and found that the snowflakes had fallen on it and would no longer melt.

This man died so quickly and died so quickly.

Looking back, Voldemort sighed.

In a daze, he remembered his first encounter with Dumbledore, which was his first step into this world.

A middle-aged man wearing an old suit smelled of alcohol.

Haha, love.

At that time, he didn't know that what this person liked would be a man.

In the blink of an eye, more than 40 years of research have passed, and he is dead and alive again.

The person next to him is really dead and will never live again.

"Dark Lord, we will have a truce for an hour so that you can deal with Principal Dumbledore's funeral affairs." Leonard came over again and said.


Voldemort responded calmly, as if he was in no mood to do anything more.

"Then I'll tell the professors at Hogwarts the news." Leonard said again.


Still gave the same reply, still staring at Xuehua intently.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, all white, no difference.

A heavy snowfall makes the whole world become white, so clean.

Clean, those annoying cries can no longer be heard.

Voldemort just rested his hands on his hands, slowly falling asleep on the snowy battlefield.

I don't know if it's because of exhaustion or sadness.

It couldn't be the case, he really just wanted to sleep here.

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