Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 495 Current Situation

Time flies, and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

The situation in England finally reached a balance in three years.

The first is MI7. After wizarding gathering places such as Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, and Diagon Alley were closed down, it has become difficult for them to find substantial wizarding gathering places, so the plan to rule the wizarding world has been shelved indefinitely.

Next is the royal family and the government. After three years of negotiations, MI7 is finally no longer independent of government departments and will be supervised by the royal family and the government.

This has also made the voice of ruling the wizarding world by force begin to weaken. After all, neither British politicians nor the British people want such an internal conflict to occur.

The "Soul Eater Incident" three years ago was still vivid in our minds. While the terror of wizards made Muggles wary, they also wanted to avoid unification by force.

Finally, there is the wizarding world in England. Compared with MI7 and the British royal family and government, the situation of the wizarding world is still at a disadvantage.

Although with the intervention of the British government, MI7 began to be restrained, its evil intention to rule the wizarding world has still not died.

Over the years, they have worked hard to obtain more lists of wizards and secretly arrested wizards everywhere, leaving the wizarding world still in a state of turmoil.

Minister Barty Crouch resigned a year ago due to health reasons.

There was no way he could do it. He had been under too much pressure over the years. In addition, his son was imprisoned in his early years, his official career was not smooth, and his wife was imprisoned for his son. It had always tortured him, and finally broke out at this moment.

Although his life was not in danger, he was unable to take on the arduous and dangerous position of Minister of Magic.

In this case, the new candidate for the Minister of Magic also caused a headache for the wizarding world.

Part of the reason for this is that few people want to accept a Ministry of Magic in name only under these circumstances.

Another part of the reason is that the wizards who secretly defected to MI7 are trying to eliminate those die-hard elements.

In this case, Percy, who was strict and upright, was sent to the stage.

A large part of the reason for this stems from the support given to him by Qingzhu Society.

More specifically, it is Harry who represents the interests of Muggle wizards in the Candle Society. To a certain extent, he is already the agent of MI7 in the wizarding world.

Yes, this young man is the only wizard in the wizarding world who has disclosed his background in MI7.

In addition, Percy's close relationship with the Death Eaters is also one of the reasons why he can come to power.

Today's wizarding world is roughly divided into three factions.

The majority are centrists, and Percy is their representative.

They are willing to establish limited connections with the Muggle government and MI7, hoping that the integration of the two can be completed in a peaceful manner.

The second is the Muggle faction, represented by Harry, who believes that wizards should be ruled by the Muggle government, more specifically, by MI7.

Most of these people were of Muggle origin and had studied at Hogwarts.

Those among them who entered the wizarding society very early were full of resentment towards the wizards because they were excluded by the indigenous people of the wizarding world.

Therefore, their performance is relatively extreme.

As for the Falconer organization, which represents Muggle wizards, they are not favored by Muggle wizards because they adhere to the principle that "Muggle wizards are wizards, not Muggles."

Therefore, their development has not been smooth, and they have been squeezed out and have little influence.

The Wizards' Association, on the other hand, has kept an unusually low profile in recent years and has not expressed too many opinions on current affairs, making them less noticed.

The last faction in the wizarding world is the Death Eaters faction known for their stubbornness.

Today, the words Death Eater are completely different from those three years ago.

If these three words used to represent evil, cruelty, and servants of the Dark Lord.

So what it now represents is hope, the future, and unwavering wizardism.

All wizards who still hope to "let wizards manage wizards" gather under this banner, which further expands the size of the Death Eaters.

Unfortunately, because Voldemort was away, these new Death Eaters did not have the Dark Mark on their arms.

But this does not prevent them from joining the ritual dances held regularly within the Death Eaters. At such dances, the Dark Mark will still appear, which is the only proof that the Dark Lord is still alive.

But even so, more and more people within the Death Eaters have spoken out, hoping to choose one of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes to resurrect the Dark Lord.

Neville had cracked down on this so many times that he wouldn't even allow anyone to bring it up with him.

Naturally there was resistance during this period, and the Death Eater organization almost split at one point, but fortunately, the two sides eased relations in the end and maintained external unity.

But even so, Neville's dominance was still shaken.

Neville could understand the thoughts of this group of people.

Everyone knows that if an organization does not have a convincing leader, then the strength that the organization can show must be limited.

Although Neville had worked diligently in the past three years, he was still far behind Voldemort.

This also caused him to face a lot of pressure, and he even denied himself several times, and had the idea of ​​​​resigning this position and handing it to Crouch Jr. or Quirrell.

The former's ability and loyalty are recognized by everyone.

The latter followed Voldemort during a special period and now controls the Gaunt Library, which is naturally convincing.

But Neville's idea was never brought up in an internal Death Eater meeting because he couldn't pass Bella's test.

"You must take what the master gives you. Even if this position is rotten, you must sit here for me."

The strength shown by Bella, not to mention Neville, even the Malfoy family, which has great authority within the Death Eaters, can only choose to avoid her edge.

Speaking of the Malfoy family, they became increasingly quiet after Mr. Abu's death the year before last.

Even in Death Eater meetings, they rarely spoke and more often just listened quietly.

Even if Neville or others asked for their opinions, they would just hum and haha ​​and not give too specific opinions.

Many people speculated that they had secretly defected to MI7, and everyone believed that this speculation was true, but there was no clear evidence.

Faced with the turmoil within the Death Eaters, Neville was also very worried.

He was not a Death Eater himself, and he could get this position only because of Voldemort's words.

But as Voldemort disappeared for three years, this appointment began to be doubted.

"If His Majesty the Dark Lord knew that so many things would happen later, he would definitely not give power to Neville."

This is a saying that has been widely circulated among Death Eaters recently. It indirectly proves that Neville's rule is becoming increasingly weak.

At this time, MI7 also extended its black hand to the Death Eaters again.

After all, this is the stronghold of the resisters, and they have no reason to allow it to develop quietly.

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