Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 496 Successor

He was born into a distinguished family, and as soon as he came into the world, he had high hopes.

However, unfortunately, his magical talent for rolling quilts was not discovered. Instead, he was considered stupid because of his dull speech.

In addition, his parents were injured early, his grandmother was strict, and his uncle once threw him off a building to test his magic talent.

This left a serious psychological shadow on his young mind.

He even almost became a mute because of this, completely disappearing from the public.

Fortunately, underneath his cowardly appearance, there is a brave heart.

He came to Hogwarts, and he tried hard to catch up with his classmates.

He is still speechless, but he is upright, brave, strong, and never gives up.

However, this did not allow him to succeed immediately. He needed an opportunity to change his fate.

Fortunately, he met the noble person in his life.

His nobleman discovered his potential and tempted him with words and magic.

Hesitating, he wanted to give in, but he couldn't let go of the kindness in his heart and made a three-part agreement with her.

In this way, he completely walked out of the prison of his soul, and under the guidance of the noble man, he broke through and moved forward.

The magic swordsman, who has disappeared from the wizarding world for hundreds of years, is the future he and his nobles planned for themselves.

The road is long and difficult, and a good friend is hard to find.

In such a world, it really takes a lot of determination to abandon the magic wand and pick up the sword.

But fortunately, the hardships in his childhood have already given him perseverance, and he has overcome obstacles along the way and gained a lot.

But people don't recognize him, just because he still talks little and is slow in his words and deeds.

Until that day, when the troops arrived at Hogwarts.

He held a sword alone and killed more than a dozen enemies. He showed his fighting power and became famous in one battle.

It was also on that day that he took charge of the extremely powerful Death Eaters organization.

Flustering is inevitable, but if you walk through many twists and turns, you will no longer be afraid of how bumpy the road ahead will be.

In this way, he sat in this position for three years.

After three years of stumbling, I can't say he did well, but he didn't make any big mistakes.

Today, someone finally refuses to keep to himself and chooses to force the palace.

"You mean, the Dark Lord in Resurrection Crown?"

Neville asked calmly with no expression on his face.

In addition to him, there were also some more prominent figures among the Death Eaters in the study at Fort Gunter.

Bella, little Crouch, Lucius, Draco, and the protagonist, little Avery, who was forced to have an abortion.

The child who was asked by Avery Sr. to quit the Death Eaters returned to the Death Eaters organization a year after Voldemort disappeared.

That's because his grandfather died, and because he wanted to do more to help the Dark Lord.

In his opinion, resurrecting the Dark Lord is the most important thing now.

"Yes, Neville, there is nothing more important than this."

Little Avery raised his chest and raised his head, and said passionately, "We need real leaders, people who can lead us out of the quagmire.

"Besides, are Death Eaters still Death Eaters without the Dark Lord?"

Faced with Little Avery's questioning, everyone frowned.

Only Bella, he just stared at little Avery, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"You forgot the order the master left for you, right?" Bella suddenly asked.

Little Avery was slightly startled, then smiled and shook his head, saying: "That's exactly what I want Master to..."

"Shut up."

Neville suddenly roared, causing little Avery to stop talking and everyone to look at him in surprise.

loose the temper?

This is the first time everyone has seen Neville like this.

"The Dark Lord has a clear message and does not allow the resurrection of other Horcruxes, so what we have to do is wait for his return."

As soon as Neville finished speaking, little Avery was about to retort, but Neville took out his sword first and slapped it on the table with a "snap".

"If anyone has any objections to this, they should first ask my Zhanjian if he agrees."

He roared and looked around, finally landing on little Avery's face.

The two looked at each other from afar, engaging in a battle of wills.

The winner will have the upper hand in a short time.

Just as the two looked at each other and there was a brief stalemate, Phoenix not far away suddenly let out a "woo-woo" cry.

This attracted everyone's eyes to look at it, including the two people looking at each other.

"The Dark Lord is back?" Bella couldn't wait to run up to Phoenix and asked loudly.


Phoenix chirped twice more and waved and jumped twice.

Excitement also appeared in her eyes, but the excitement quickly turned into confusion.

"This...what is this?" Little Crouch asked doubtfully.

"It should have been a feeling, but the feeling disappeared again."

Bella couldn't hide her excitement, but she still gave her guess.


Phoenix seemed to confirm his guess, and then looked to the southwest.

"Southwest, where is it?" Bella said, standing up suddenly and saying, "I want to leave first and go to the southwest to check. If there is anything, you can discuss it among yourselves."

After she finished speaking, she was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and looked at little Avery.

"Suspend all your ignorant actions, damn it, and follow the Dark Lord's remaining orders."

This was a clear warning. After saying this, Bella didn't care about the other party's reaction and chose to leave directly.

After she left, there was a brief silence in the study, and then little Avery also left.

Obviously, he failed this time.

"It should mean a crown, right?" Neville looked at Crouch Jr. and asked.

Crouch Jr. nodded and said: "Their faction is often stationed in the Gaunt Library, so it is inevitable that they will have more interactions with the Crown."

Neville frowned, but didn't ask any more questions.

"The seventh hunt is about to begin." Lucius suddenly said, "Maybe we can use this opportunity to let that series..."


Neville interrupted Lucius and said, "Although we have different ideas, they believe in and support the Dark Lord. To consume them is to weaken the Dark Lord's power. This is not the best choice."

His words caused Little Crouch to look at him with admiration.

Indeed, they could use their enemies to clear out the members of Little Avery's faction, but that would definitely strain the Death Eaters' muscles and bones, and might even cause internal conflicts.

In essence, this is not a good choice.

However, from Neville's perspective, it is indeed an opportunity for him to further consolidate his power.

That he could give up under such temptation really impressed Crouch Jr.

"Perhaps, this is why the master chose him in the first place."

While Crouch was thinking, he saw that Neville had put away the sword on the table.

"Let's discuss how to face this encirclement and suppression."

Neville spoke, sighing in between, "I hope this is another tentative encirclement and suppression."

These words sounded a little discouraging, but they were Neville's truest thoughts.

The living space of Death Eaters has become smaller and smaller.

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