Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 526 His Enemies

"Now you understand what the wizard is after, right?"

"Dumbledore" led Voldemort to sit on a lounge chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, both of them looking at the Niagara Falls outside.

"Yes, and what next?" Voldemort asked.

"Then it's time to embark on this path. I assume you've already walked it once, right?"

"Dumbledore" said, turning to look at him, "I asked Nick to let you come over after he helped you resurrect. That's the situation, right?"

"Yes, I participated in the promotion of the [International Statute of Secrecy] and the establishment of the Ministry of Magic." Voldemort nodded and said without any concealment, and then asked doubtfully, "Did you help me do this?"

"No, this is an arrangement made by the God of Death."

"Dumbledore's" words shocked Voldemort, and he looked at him in confusion.

"My future self, help my current self go back to the past and prepare a way to be resurrected... This sounds strange." Voldemort said with a frown.

"As weird as it is for you to go back in time and suppress a group of pure-blood families, Tom, the growth of high-dimensional creatures may not be what you imagined."

"Dumbledore" looked at the waterfall outside again and said with a leisurely expression, "You know, human growth is usually an irreversible process that starts from scratch."

Voldemort nodded, thinking about "Dumbledore's" words in his mind, while looking at the surging Niagara Falls.

"But this is not the case for higher-dimensional life. Generally speaking, their growth process is weird."

The voice of "Dumbledore" suddenly paused, causing Voldemort to look at him.

"Time does not exist. It is just a manifestation of the movement of objects. Can you understand this?"

After a pause, "Dumbledore" also turned his head, looked at Voldemort and asked.

Voldemort nodded, he knew this.

"Beings in higher dimensions will often jump in this kind of 'expression' during their growth process. Time is like the road under their feet, allowing them to move forward or backward. Is this understandable?" Dumbledore asked again road.

Voldemort thought for a moment and asked: "You mean, I am already a higher-dimensional life?"

"Dumbledore" nodded.

"But where is the starting point of all this?" Voldemort frowned and said, "It can't be that death, right? If I hadn't had the key given to me by Death, wouldn't my life have made a leap in 'performance'?"

"In general, it won't jump." "Dumbledore" affirmed.

"Then how did the God of Death do it..."

Voldemort's words made "Dumbledore" puzzled in his eyes, and he quickly added and explained, "I mean, how did he experience the first jump?"

"The jump you experienced is also His first jump." "Dumbledore" said.

Voldemort's frown deepened. After a brief moment of silence, he shook his head and said, "I can't understand that even if he is me in the future, before he helps me, his growth trajectory must be different, right?"


"Dumbledore" chuckled, "You still fail to understand how higher-dimensional life grows."

Voldemort spread his hands, indicating that "Dumbledore" could continue to explain.

"Normal human life starts from conception to birth, growth, old age, and death, right?"


"But this is not the case for high-dimensional life. Once they embark on the path of evolution and cross the threshold of three-dimensional life, their fate has already changed."

Voldemort nodded, indicating that this was acceptable, but still did not explain the problem he was talking about.

"Let's take the period between last year and this year as an example. The growth of high-level beings is not like that of ordinary humans, from last year to this year, but at this time last year, countless changes were derived and various choices were made. These choices, That’s how he was raised.”

After "Dumbledore" explained, his eyes were still on Voldemort, obviously making sure he understood.

"Countless choices last year...you mean, I will experience last year many times?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes." "Dumbledore" nodded.

"Does that mean that the growth of high-dimensional life is based on life and death as the timeline, and on the length of this timeline, it continues to increase in thickness and change its own destiny in order to grow?" Voldemort continued to ask.

"You understand quickly, Tom, that's what you say."

"Dumbledore" took his eyes away from Voldemort and looked at the waterfall in front of him again.

"Then if that's the case, I must have another destiny..."

Voldemort's words suddenly stopped because he thought of his other self.

In Lin Zuo's memory, he died at the hands of Harry Potter, which was indeed another fate.

"Have you also become a higher-dimensional life?" Voldemort, who woke up, suddenly asked "Dumbledore".

"Of course, otherwise how would I go to your universe and contact Nick." "Dumbledore" said matter-of-factly.

"In the same way as me? Who gave you the body?" Voldemort asked.

"God of Death, He has prepared a body for me. He has planned this for a long time in the pyramids of North America." "Dumbledore" said.

It was his future self again, and this feeling made Voldemort very uncomfortable.

If everything was planned by him, then what's the use of himself?

"He is in pain." "Dumbledore" said suddenly.

"Pain?" Voldemort wondered.

"Yes, that's what He told me."

"Dumbledore" nodded slightly and stared at the waterfall with his eyes intently, "According to what he said, everyone around him died in the battle, including Bella, Crouch Jr., Neville, Percy, and even Hermione. All died several times.”

"How many times?" Voldemort asked in confusion, "They also used Horcruxes?"

"No, Tom, Horcruxes can't withstand that kind of torture. They are really dead."

"Then how can you die so many times?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

"He brought them back from different parallel universes, and that's it."

"Dumbledore's" voice was calm, but Voldemort felt the cruelty in his words.

Pull the dead from other parallel universes to your own universe, become your subordinates again, participate in battles again, and die again...

It's really cruel to repeat it like this.

"Who is his enemy?" Voldemort asked in confusion.

He did have his reasons for confusion.

According to "Dumbledore"'s description, his future self can already be called him.

Such a person, who can lay plans from ancient times, actually has to endure the consequences of people around him dying one after another. How strong must his enemies be.

"His enemy, you have seen him today."

"Dumbledore"'s tone remained relaxed, but Voldemort's eyes widened.

"Grindelwald?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's Grindelwald." Dumbledore said with complicated emotions.

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