Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 527 All things strive for glory

"It's Grindelwald from other parallel dimensions, right?"

After thinking about the Grindelwald he had just met, Voldemort found it difficult to associate him with his enemy.

At least, Grindelwald, who is fighting with his future self in many worlds, shouldn't be surprised that he made one less cheese.

"It's not him, it's the other one."

"Dumbledore" also gave an affirmative answer, "I kidnapped this from a quiet parallel world."

If he hadn't added the following sentence, Voldemort would never have rolled his eyes at him.

The "Dumbledore" in front of him was really far from the one he was familiar with.

"So, what is the reason for the fight between us?" Voldemort asked, "It can't be a turf war. After all, entering other parallel worlds is not a comfortable experience."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but twist his body.

This body was obviously obtained through transformation. It was easy to manipulate, but it felt a little uncomfortable after a long time.

"There was no fight at the beginning. Tom, me, Gellert, and you, we used to coexist in a friendly manner, until we explored the situation of higher-order life more deeply, and then a threshold appeared."

"Dumbledore's" eyes became a little lost again, and there was a long pause between words.

Although this person looks younger than Dumbledore, who died in his own world, he seems to have experienced more.

It only took more than half a day to chat with him, but the person in front of me had already been lost in thought many times.

"What threshold?"

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Voldemort couldn't help but ask.

"A guess, maybe there can only be one high-level life in this universe."

"Dumbledore" said the answer slowly, making Voldemort stunned again.

If the reality is really like this, then the situation between the three people fighting will be normal.

After all, there is great terror in front of life and death, and no one is willing to give up becoming the supreme being - maybe the dead Dumbledore is willing, but the one in front of him is obviously not willing.

"Wait a minute."

Voldemort, who had just made a guess, couldn't help but stop, but Dumbledore looked at him in confusion.

Voldemort ignored his doubts and directly asked the doubts in his heart: "Since there can only be one, why are we two fighting and you didn't participate in it?"

Faced with this problem, "Dumbledore" performed extremely blandly.

"The other me convinced me that life is ultimately meaningless, Tom. I think you can understand this better after experiencing time travel." "Dumbledore" said.

"I don't understand." Voldemort shook his head.

"Friends, family, life, and even soul will all be abandoned when you travel through time, Tom. Only memory will last forever, but what is that?"

"Dumbledore" said, slowly raising his hand, magic wave appeared in his hand, and soon a book appeared, "This is the magic book where all my memories are gathered, but is he me?"

Voldemort frowned and shook his head slowly.

"Yes, it is not me, but it is everything I have. If I delete all my memories on my own initiative, will I no longer be a higher-dimensional being?"

Faced with such a question, Voldemort had no answer.

But he was certain of one thing, the man in front of him was a madman.

Philosophy must be of guiding significance to life, but if one lets his mind fall into a strange circle of philosophy, in Voldemort's view, this person is either crazy or stupid.

He was unwilling to delve deeper into this issue, and he had no intention of knowing who convinced him.

There are still many unsolved mysteries, and he feels that is more important.

"Is parallel space finite or infinite?" Voldemort asked.

"I don't know, at least we haven't explored to the end." Dumbledore said.

"Do all parallel worlds have Hogwarts?" Voldemort asked again.

"That's impossible. There are many parallel worlds that split earlier, and there were even elves in the world."

"Dumbledore's" words reminded Voldemort of those books he saw in the Department of Mysteries, which indeed recorded many strange worlds.

"The Department of Mysteries was founded by Death?" Voldemort asked again.

"Yes, including the magic web." "Dumbledore" replied.

"Then where are you and Grindelwald's power?" Voldemort continued to ask.

"I founded Hogwarts, and most of the four giants were under my guidance. As for Grindelwald, his power has always been hidden in the Muggle world. He thinks that is the right choice." "Dumbledore" knows everything Said eloquently.

"As far as you know, who are the people under Grindelwald?"

Voldemort began to detect the enemy's movements and stared at "Dumbledore" to make sure that the other party was not lying.

"Merlin, this is the most famous. I haven't paid much attention to the others. Tom, I quit the war between you very early."

"Dumbledore" looked like he didn't want to continue talking about this matter, but Voldemort was still full of doubts.

At the same time, he was also testing the person in front of him.

The three of them fought. "Dumbledore" said he quit, but Voldemort found it hard to believe it.

At least, if it were him, he would never quit - in fact, he did not quit. The God of Death, as his future self, has been taking action.

But "Dumbledore" looked very honest, as if he was really quitting, which made him confused, wondering whether he should completely trust the person in front of him.

If "Dumbledore" talks nonsense all day long, he is really not afraid. What he is afraid of is that when the other person lies, nine truths and one lie.

Lying on the most critical point is the most terrible thing.

And the Dumbledore of his world was good at this, so I guess the person in front of me was no different.

"How did you guess that only one high-dimensional life can be born in a universe?" Voldemort continued to ask.


"Dumbledore" let out a long breath, as if suppressing the helplessness in his heart, he looked at Voldemort and said, "Yggdrasil told me that all life forms that have the opportunity to advance to advanced life will pursue the one and only. "

"He has also evolved into a higher-order life?" Voldemort asked slightly surprised.

"Yes." "Dumbledore" nodded.

"Then why did he tell you this?" Voldemort asked confused.

"Because Grindelwald has an idea for you." "Dumbledore" said.

"What's your idea?" This time it was not a test, but pure curiosity.

"Bring him to your main world, plant a world tree, and cultivate it into your own base. You two have this idea." "Dumbledore" curled his lips, obviously he was a little bit dissatisfied with what the two of them were doing. Disdainful.

"Two peaches kill three soldiers." Voldemort muttered with a frown.

He was sorting out his thoughts, not trying to express anything to "Dumbledore".

Unexpectedly, the other party understood his Chinese sentence and said: "The God of Death also said so."

This news shocked Voldemort again. He suddenly raised his head and looked at "Dumbledore", repeatedly confirming whether the other party was lying.

"You wouldn't think..."

"Dumbledore" looked at him with strange eyes, but he didn't show any surprise, "We don't know about Lin Zuo's existence."

These words really calmed Voldemort.

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